Anderson School News! 9/2/20
Digging "IN"to Learning!
PTO Meeting on Zoom Thursday Night at 7:00 PM
Hello Anderson Families,
You are all welcome to join us for our first PTO meeting of the year this Thursday night at 7:00 PM. Simply click on the link below and attend in the comfort of your own home. Click here to access the agenda for tonight's meeting.
Time: Sep 3, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 757 7872 3338
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,75778723338# US (Chicago)
Back to School Night (aka Curriculum Night) is Next Week!
We are excited to announce the dates and times for our Back to School Night Events.
This week each teacher has been working hard to build and record a slideshow presentation of all the information you need to know about your child's grade level and classroom. These videos will be shared with you on Monday 9/7/20. All teacher's presentations will be hosted on one easy to use website. A virtual "walk down the hallway" Back to School Night. You will be able to see every teacher's video organized in one place so you don't have to dig and find different links from different teachers. It will be a one-stop-shop for all things Back to School Night.
In addition to the recorded presentations, each teacher will have two live open house Zoom calls where you will be able to "meet" the teacher again and get any of your questions answered. Below are the dates and times for the various Zoom calls at Anderson.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember any of this, we will be sending out the Back to School Night Website that will have all the needed video presentations and Zoom call links.
Save the Date and Time so you can attend your child's meeting after you watch their teacher's presentation.
Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade: Parent Zoom Calls
Tuesday, September 8th,
6:00-6:20 PM.
6:30-6:50 PM.
3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade: Parent Zoom Calls
Thursday, September 10th,
6:00-6:20 PM.
6:30-6:50 PM.
The dates for curriculum nights for our remote learners are September 8 for K-2 and September 10 for 3-5. Your child’s remote learning teacher will send additional information regarding curriculum nights.
Attendance for both Remote Learning and In-Person Students
Hungry? Want Breakfast?
Device Advice (iPads and Chromebooks)
With students bringing devices back and forth for the first time, we wanted to take a moment to review expectations. Devices (either ipads for K-1 or Chromebook for 2) should be going home each night and coming back to school each day. A charger came home with your child's device. Chargers should stay at home and the device should be charged overnight and be fully charged when it comes in each day.
Please be sure that students do not put water bottles in their backpacks. Water spills are frequent and will destroy the devices. Please either put water bottles in an outside pocket of the backpack or have your child carry their water bottle. Families will be responsible for replacement fees of lost or damaged iPads. The replacement fees will be $250 for Chromebooks and $330 for iPads. Stolen devices will be $50 with a police report and full price without a police report.
If you are having trouble at home with your child's device, you can visit for support. This can also be found from the main page of the D303 website.
iReady! A great way for us to know our student's learning needs
Here is a very helpful page if you are interested in learning more about iReady.
Our In-Person Students at Anderson, we will take this assessment on 8/31-9/3.
Remote learning students will take this over the next few days/weeks. Your child's classroom teacher will give you directions and the link to get them started.
Picture Day was Awesome!
Picture Proofs will be delivered to Anderson School in approximately 5 weeks from today.
You can order your student's picture packages now (see steps below)
Wait until you recieve your student's proofs and order then. (Same steps below)
You are not satisfied with your child's picture, we have Picture Retake Day on Thursday, Oct. 15th.
Simply follow the steps listed below to order your pictures.
1. Click on this link:
2. Enter our School Order Code: 50670MA
3. Follow all the steps online. (Enter your child's information and select your picture package)
Note: You do not need to print the receipt and turn it in as prompted.
Remote Learning Student's Picture Day:
We just scheduled Thursday, October 15th as Picture Day for our Remote Learning Students. More detailed information will be coming later.
Here are the basics. We will be creating a sign-up system where you can pick a time for your student's picture. Families will drive through the bus lane, students will get out quickly, have their picture taken, then return to their parent's car. Again, more details will be coming out soon. Save the afternoon (2:00-4:30) of 10/15 for Remote Learning Picture Day!. Sign Up slots coming soon.
Social Emotional Learning Student Survey for 2nd-5th Grade
D303 Elementary Handbook
Anderson Elementary School
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300