Washington Intermediate Newsletter
December 2023
Third Grade College Sweatshirts
Part of being a Kids at Hope school we believe is letting our students time travel and plan for their future. Planning for their future means we share different experiences such as different college and careers. All children are capable of success, NO EXCEPTIONS!
The Adventures of Elf Cherry
See y'all next year!!
Below are some pictures from the month of December. Thank you to everyone for all the donations and time to make this last week before break so special for all of our students!! We are beyond blessed with all of your support!! Every student got to take home a free book of their choice (thank you to our title funds and Mrs. Wade/Mrs. Stuckey). Elf Cherry and Elf Mr. C also made a visit to each classroom to serve hot chocolate. Some grades enjoy a movie and snack in their classrooms which other got to enjoy Raindeer Games in the gym thanks to our amazing PTO. It was a fun, but extremely busy couple of weeks. Hope you child came home and shared something special they got to participate in! We love having your child(ren) in our building and can't wait to keep the fun going when we return in January.
School will resume on Wednesday, January 3rd!
Hope you have a wonderful and safe winter break.
Important Dates for January:
Wednesday, January 3, 2024- Return to school
Tuesday, January 9, 2024- Play Partners during recess
Monday, January 14, 2024- PTO @6:30PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2024- Title Night-BINGO for Books (3rd grade only)
Thursday, January 25, 2024- Student Council until 4PM
Washington Intermediate
Email: cnewkirk@wcs.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.washingtoncommunityschools.org/4/home
Phone: 812-254-8366