Work-Based Learning
Some thoughts for the starting school year

Here at Destinations Career Academy, we believe that getting hands-on work experience provides students the opportunity to be exposed to different careers and work environments, and ultimately supports them in their growth in employability skills.
By experiencing work-based learning, students are able to apply skills that they have learned in school to deepen their understanding within an area of interest. By doing so, they are better able to make choices about their post-secondary plans.
Whether students volunteer, find employment, or take on leadership work, it is important to reflect on these experiences to better support them in their future planning. Why not receive credit while doing so?
Participating in DCA’s work based learning program, provides the following benefits:
- Employability instruction and support.
- Opportunity to work towards State certified credentials.
- Additional mentorship from instructional staff and the counseling team.
- Targeted communication about opportunities that reflect student interest.
- Recognition on your high school transcript.
- Employability skills that today’s work force seeks.
Work-based learning opportunities
Grades: 9-12
- A minimum 90 work hours (paid or unpaid) which can include summer hours.
- The Wisconsin’s State Certified Youth Leadership Certificate Program recognizes a student’s mastery and demonstration of leadership skills valued by employers, communities, and organizations. The certificate is awarded by the State of Wisconsin.
- Student/employer must complete appropriate Registration Paperwork.
- Student/employer must complete a Program Portfolio checklist with a successful completion (proficiency rating and points) of the competencies outlined on the applicable student portfolio
By the end of your course, you will complete the Youth Leadership Portfolio check list. You AND your workplace mentor have specific areas of the Portfolio Checklist to complete. The checklist has competencies and hour requirements that your workplace mentor will verity you have met by the end of the course.
Grades: 9-12
- A minimum 90 work hours (paid) which can include summer hours.
- The Wisconsin's State Certified Employability Skills Certificate Program recognizes a student’s mastery of employability skills valued by employers in a variety of worksite settings while helping students explore career interests.
- Students must maintain a job throughout the semester.
- Student/employer must complete appropriate Registration Paperwork.
- Student/employer must complete a Program Portfolio checklist with a successful completion (proficiency rating and points) of the competencies outlined on the applicable portfolio.
By the end of your course, you will complete the Employability Skills Portfolio check list. You AND your workplace mentor have specific areas of the Portfolio Checklist to complete. The checklist has competencies and hour requirements that your workplace mentor will verity you have met by the end of the course.
You can do this certificate alone or in conjunction with other WBL Programs.
Grades: 11-12Prerequisite(s):
•You must have employment – if you need help finding a job, reach out to your counselor or CL Coordinator
•Two semesters of related classroom instruction integrating employability skills
•Paid work experience for a minimum of 480 hours total in a calendar year
The Wisconsin’s State-Certified Cooperative Education work-based learning options designed in partnership with business, industry and labor representatives, and educators around the integration of school-based and work-based learning and appropriate career development experiences. The program provides paid work experience for junior or senior high school students as part of their overall academic and career plan.
- Students must maintain a job throughout the semester.
- Student/employer must complete appropriate Education Training Agreement.
- Student/employer must complete a Program Portfolio checklist with a successful completion (proficiency rating and points) of the competencies outlined on the applicable portfolio.
Grades: 11-12Prerequisite(s):
- You must have employment The Department of Workforce Development Youth Apprenticeship integrates school-based and work-based learning to instruct students in employability and occupational skills defined by Wisconsin industries. Local programs provide training based on statewide youth apprenticeship curriculum guidelines, endorsed by business and industry.
- Students are instructed by qualified teachers and skilled worksite mentors. Students are simultaneously enrolled in academic classes to meet high school graduation requirements, in a youth apprenticeship related instruction class, and are employed by a participating employer under the supervision of a skilled mentor. Some higher education institutes give college credit for your successful completion of the YA Program.
Students must maintain a job throughout the semester.
Student/employer must complete appropriate Education Training Agreement.
Student/employer must complete a Program Portfolio checklist with a successful completion (proficiency rating and points) of the competencies outlined on the applicable portfolio. Portfolios are listed on the Department of Workforce Development Youth Apprenticeship website.
Level One:
Junior OR Senior year of High School
450 hours of work-based learning MINIMUM
2 semesters of related classroom instruction
Level Two:
Junior AND Senior year of High School
900 hours of work-based learning MINIMUM
4 semesters of related classroom instruction
Level One and Level Two apprenticeships may begin upon completion of a student's sophomore year if their age does not violate Employment of Minors legal restrictions for that occupation.
·Level One apprenticeships may begin as late as January of the senior year, and Level Two apprenticeships may begin as late as January of their junior year.
Complete By high school graduation By AUGUST 31 following high school graduation. Extensions beyond August 31st may be granted.
Cross reference job guide list for all Small Animal/Vet Assistant Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource Skill Standards Checklist FUTURE Architecture & Construction Skill Standards Checklist Graphic Design Art, A/V Technology & Communications Skill Standards Checklist Finance Skill Standards Checklist Resident Aid/Nursing Assistant Health Science Skill Standards Checklist Information Technology Skill Standards Checklist FUTURE Marketing Skill Standards Checklist
For additional information on the Youth Apprenticeship program, please visit the Department of Workforce Development website.
Destinations Career Academy partners with CESA 5 Career and College Readiness team to provide Youth Apprenticeship (YA) grant services necessary for DCA students to participate in YA and gain the skills necessary to continue their educational and work opportunities beyond high school.
DCA Credit Opportunities
During a student’s time at Destinations Career Academy, students can earn up to three (3) total WBL credits. Only 1.5 of these credits can count toward the Pathways credits required for Destinations graduation. Students can earn the following credits per year:
9th Grade - up to .5 credit - 90+ hours required
10th Grade - up to .5 credit - 90+ hours required
11th Grade - up to 1 credit - 180+ hours required
12th Grade - up to 1 credit - 180+ hours required
Youth Leadership Skills Certificate
Wisconsin’s State Certified Youth Leadership Certificate Program recognizes a student’s mastery and demonstration of leadership skills valued by employers, communities, and organizations. The certificate is awarded by the State of Wisconsin. These experiences can be paid or unpaid and requires 90 documented hours of experience.
Employability Skills Certificate
The Wisconsin's State Certified Employability Skills Certificate Program recognizes a student’s mastery of employability skills valued by employers in a variety of worksite settings while helping students explore career interests. These experiences must be paid and require 90 documented hours of experience.
Cooperative Skills Certificate
Wisconsin’s State-Certified Cooperative Education work-based learning options designed in partnership with business, industry and labor representatives, and educators around the integration of school-based and work-based learning and appropriate career development experiences. The program provides paid work experience for junior or senior high school students as part of their overall academic and career plan. This experience requires 480 documented hours of experience and can be done over the course of multiple years.
Youth Apprenticeship
Wisconsin’s Department of Workforce Development Youth Apprenticeship integrates school-based and work-based learning to instruct students in employability and occupational skills defined by Wisconsin industries. Local programs provide training based on statewide youth apprenticeship curriculum guidelines, endorsed by business and industry. Students are instructed by qualified teachers and skilled worksite mentors. Students are simultaneously enrolled in academic classes to meet high school graduation requirements, in a youth apprenticeship related instruction class, and are employed by a participating employer under the supervision of a skilled mentor. This experience requires 450 documented hours of experience and can be done over the course of multiple years.
Job Ready Tips
Helpful Websites for Job Searching
Stride Coaches are available to help with resume writing, interview tips/practice and much more.