EYFS and Primary Newsletter
November 2020
Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
I am sure that you will all join me in thanking all our staff for a fantastic start to the academic year. I am also very proud of the students efforts and achievements this term. It has not been an easy start to the school year but as a community we have all worked hard to keep our families safe and our children on track with their academic studies. We are super proud of all of our families and staff members who managed to raise 2373AED for Red Crescent for 'Pink Day' An excellent team effort from parents and teachers – thank you for your huge support!
Best wishes,
Miss Barbara
Key Dates & Reminders
- 16th November- Group A- Odd Socks Day
- 18th November- Parent E-Safety Workshop
- 19th November- Group B & C- Odd Socks Day
- WB 22nd November- Arabic Assessment Week
- 25th November- Parent Safeguarding Workshop
- 7th December- Parent Teacher Consultation Meetings (School Closed)
- 10th December- Last day at school before Winter holiday
We have started to develop our letter sound knowledge and enjoyed looking for objects at school and in our homes that begin with the letter sound 's' and 'a'. We were scientists for World Science Day, conducting experiments and sharing our findings with our friends. We would like to thank our distance learners for their contributions via video and during our live sessions.
What a great start to the year we have had in FS2! We began the year learning all about ourselves, then became scientists and enjoyed investigating bones, learning all about light/dark and why we have day and night using one of our favourite books ‘Funny Bones’ as an inspiration.
This half term we are becoming explorers and have started the term on a falcon hunt in the desert. We have been learning all about desert animals, desert climates including the difference between hot and cold deserts. We are looking forward to learning all about the UAE in the lead up to National Day celebrations. We have enjoyed looking at buildings of importance to the UAE and have become outstanding builders in the construction area.
We are extremely proud of our FS2 learners and are excited for the year ahead!
Year 1
All our Year 1 children have settled very well into this term. It is wonderful to see so many children back in school and our e-learners have been producing fantastic work online.
This term we are learning all about materials in Science and we loved testing which material was best for Little Red Riding Hood's umbrella. We chose plastic!
We have loved creating actions. retelling and reinventing stories using our programme 'Talk for Writing'. Our writing has really improved.
Year 2
We have been practising our times-tables on a weekly basis and even got to dress up as rockstars for Times Tables Rockstar Day. All of the teachers in Year 2 are so proud of the huge efforts the children in Group A, B and C have made over the past few weeks, keep up the great work everyone.
Year 3
For 'Flag Day', we dressed up in traditional dress and the UAE flag colours to sing our National Anthem with pride, whilst waving flags to celebrate.
We also had Timestables Rockstars Day, where we dressed up in rockstar outfits. It was so much fun! Congratulations to Saif Alshamsi in 3 Red who won best dressed rockstar competition, and to Layan Al Kabani, also in 3 Red, who was our Times-tables champion when we went 'head to head' in the class!
Amna Aldhanhani in 3 Blue has been our Problem Solver of the Week for figuring out Miss Jenny’s Maths problem. Congratulations everyone, keep up the great work!
Year 4
Students have learnt what similes and expanded noun phrases are, and are beginning to use these in their writing. In Maths, students have been learning to add up to 4-digit numbers using the column method and have been working really hard on understanding decimal numbers. They also enjoyed our Times Table Rock Star themed day where they dressed like a rock star for the day!
Year 5
This term in Topic, Year 5 have been learning about 'South America'. Students have thoroughly enjoyed using an atlas to locate all 14 countries and territories and can now name at least three different types of climate zone.
Year 5 distance learners have been super dedicated to their online learning. They welcome and share new ideas, positively praise each other and it has been a pleasure to be a part of their learning journey so far in Year 5.
We were so lucky to have a virtual-visit from Manchester City footballers who taught us about water conservation and shared some top tips on how to become a global citizen.
Year 6
TTRS Day was also a huge hit with our children; best dressed going to Abdulla (Y6 Blue) and Ayesha (Y6 Red). We cannot wait to see the progress our children make in times tables this year.
Finally, SCIENCE DAY! Do it at home experiments followed by oxidation in the classroom. What a way to kick off our new half term!!
A Message from the Arabic Department
ها هو الفصل الدراسي الأول قد شارف على الانتهاء فقد كان فصلًا حافلاً بالتعلم الفعال وبالأحداث والفعاليات المشوقة والمتنوعة ، حيث نرغب بإطلاعكم على أهم الإنجازات التي قام بها طلابنا وطالباتنا في الأكاديمية والمرتبطة بمواد اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية والدراسات الاجتماعية . منصة ألف والحصص التفاعلية لطلاب السنة السادسة: نشكر جميع الطلاب من السنة السادسة الذين أبدوا تجاوباً وفاعلية في برنامج ألف، ونتمنى من جميع آبنائنا الطلاب التفاعل بشكل أكبر، حيث أن هذا ينصب في مصلحة الطالب. الرجاء الملاحظة بأن الدخول والمشاركة في منصة ألف إلزامي لجميع الطلاب ، وسيتم احتساب 60 علامة من المنصة في المجموع النهائي لعلامات كل فصل دراسي . منصة عصافير للطلاب : نشكر جميع الطلاب من السنة الأولى للسنة الخامسة والذين أبدوا تجاوباً وفاعلية في المشاركة في برنامج عصافير ، والذي يعزز مهارة القراءة لدى الطلاب ويثري من حصيلتهم اللغوية. ونتمنى من جميع آبنائنا الطلاب التفاعل بشكل أكبر ، حيث أن هذا ينصب في مصلحة الطالب. الاختبارات والتقييمات ضمن إجراءات التقييم المستمر لتحصيل الطلاب وآدائهم ، انتهى طلاب وطالبات المرحلة الابتدائية من اختبارمنصف الفصل الدراسي الأول ، كما أدى الطلاب من السنة الثانية وللسنة السادسة للمجموعات ( A/B ) الاختبار الخارجي " ABT" والذي يقيس قدرات الطلاب في مهارات اللغة العربية المختلفة. وسيتم تحديد موعد لاحقاً لطلاب المجموعة C الفعاليات والمناسبات الوطنية والدينية تم تنظيم بعض الأنشطة للاحتفال بالمناسبات الدينية والوظنية وذلك لتعزيز الهوية الوطنية ، مع إتخاذ كافة الإجراءات والاحترازات اللازمة للمحافظة على سلامة أبنائنا الطلاب. مثل اليوم الوطني السعودي ، ويوم العلم. تم تنظيم مسابقة بمناسبة والمولد النبوي الشريف عليه أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم، حيث تم توزيع الشهادات واالجوائز على الطلاب الفائزين والمشاركين . نجم الأسبوع والمتفاعل الرقمي يتم اختيار طالب في كل مرحلة دراسية من قبل معلمات اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية ليتم تكريمه خلال الإذاعة الأسبوعية المشتركة للمرحلة الابتدائية . ويتم تسلميه شهادة نجم الأسبوع للطلاب من المجموعة A/B وشهادة المتفاعل الرقمي للطلاب من المجموع C . ومع استمرار عملية التعلم عن بعد ، نتمنى لكم ولأبنائكم التوفيق ونشكركم على دعمكم وتعاونكم المستمر معنا. ونشكر بدورنا جميع الطلاب الذين أبدوا دافعية وتفعلاً إيجابياً مع معلميهم خلال الفترة الماضية مع بذلهم جهداً للقيام بالمهام المطلوبة وذلك في مواد اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية والدراسات الاجتماعية.
Good News!
To maximise the impact of teaching assistants across our school, we are delighted to share that ARA is participating in the UK accredited Best Practice with Teaching Assistant Award. This award provides a framework for the strategic management of teaching assistants. It develops transparent systems of induction, appraisal and professional development. This will help the teaching assistants and boosts their impact on positive pupil outcomes
لتعظيم تأثير مساعدي التدريس في مدرستنا ، يسعدنا أن نعلن عن مشاركة أكاديمية الربيع في أفضل الممارسات المعتمدة في المملكة المتحدة لجائزة مساعد التدريس. توفر هذه الجائزة إطارًا للإدارة الإستراتيجية لمساعدي التدريس.مما يطور أنظمة
شفافة للاستقراء والتقييم والتطوير المهني. سيساعد هذا مساعدي التدريس ويعزز تأثيرهم على النتائج الإيجابية للتلاميذ.
E-Safety Workshop
Worried about the amount of time your child is spending online? Which websites they use? How to keep them safe? We invite you to attend a parent workshop on E-Safety where members of the ICT department and leadership team will be discussing some of the challenges that our young people face growing up in the digital age. The 30 minute session will include an opportunity to ask questions and include links to useful websites to further help you support your child.
EYFS & Primary parents-3pm Wednesday 18th November 2020
Google Meet Link meet.google.com/xgk-dtaf-psg
Secondary parents-4pm Wednesday 18th November 2020
Google Meet Link meet.google.com/bdh-wfpb-cin
If you have any questions that you would like answering during the session, please send them to liz.hewitt@alrabeehacademy.ae
Wednesday, Nov 18, 2020, 03:00 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Parent Safeguarding Workshop
We are delighted to introduce you to our new safeguarding and child protection team at Al Rabeeh Academy and to share details of our upcoming Safeguarding Workshop for parents later this month. During the online webinar Miss Liz, our Head of Protection and Wellbeing, will introduce you to the team in person and deliver some of the key messages from our new safeguarding and child protection policy.
Safeguarding Workshop for Parents 3pm Wednesday 25th November 2020 Online
Google Meet Link meet.google.com/obd-tkmc-vr