The Connection Week 7 Term 4
Huapai District School 1st December 2022
If you can see her, you can be her!
This is one of the tag lines from NZ women’s rugby. The focus of the campaign is to bring female rugby players into the mainstream media, to raise the profile of women in sport and to inspire young players with positive role models.
The Black Ferns have become household names in NZ and across the world. 1 in 5 rugby players in NZ are female. This wasn’t the case, 10 or even 5 years ago. While children do have the ability to dream big, it’s always helpful if they can see a role model.
We aim to do the same here at Huapai by offering a range of curriculum and wider opportunities throughout the year. We believe that if children can interact with a wide range of inspirational adults, their worlds expand and new possibilities keep growing. In 2023 we are excited to continue growing our community connections, surrounding our students with real life experiences and role models. If you have a talent or passion that you are keen to share, please let your child’s teacher know. We know that we have a plethora of inspirational role models in our school community.
Who knows, we might just be currently educating a future Nobel Peace Prize recipient, a world renowned author, a groundbreaking creative architecture genius or the next David Attenborough.
Let’s continue to surround our children with wonderful role models.
If you can see her, you can be her!
Maree Lloyd
Deputy Principal
Upcoming Events
- Friday 2nd December - Choose Your Charity Mufti Day
- Thursday 15th December - End Of Term Assembly
- Friday 16th December - Year 8 Assembly
- Friday 16th December - Last Day Of School (School will finish at the end of Year 8 Assembly, approx 12:30pm)
Choose Your Charity Mufti Day - Tomorrow
This Friday 02 December we have a Choose Your Charity Mufti Day in support of three amazing charities; Breast Cancer Foundation, Junior Surf Lifesaving and Gumboot Day.
YOU get to choose which of these charities you would like to support on the day. Just come dressed in your favourite or colour-themed clothes to show your support and bring along a gold coin donation to pop into our triple charity box. It’ll be great!
Last Day Of School
School will end at approximately 12:30pm, at the conclusion of the Year 8 Assembly.
Lockdown Update
I think we have used that word ‘unprecedented’ a few times over these last few years.
For all the training and preparation we put in place for incidents and issues, to actually experience the recent real time lockdowns is unprecedented.
Thank you for the way you have supported and understood as we have put in measures to ensure your children’s safety. It is good to have the Police so supportive, directive and involved in situations like this.
We take direction from Police and only release children when we have their assurances all is safe.
We appreciate this can be an anxious time for parents waiting “on the outside” or having this impact your plans, timeframes and urgent priorities. I do believe children's safety trumps all other issues, tasks and priorities we all face.
I do believe we have proven our ability to manage such situations and would ask in the future parents do not to feel compelled to rush to the school or the scene of the incident. We have got good processes, skilled staff and good communications systems in place to alert staff, support children and inform parents.
Thank you for the manner you approached yesterday's lockdown which involved two dogs aggressively attacking people within our school proximity.
John Petrie
Yummy Sports Gear Rewards
Carols On The Court
We would love to invite you and your family to our school carols evening. This is a lovely way to round out the year together. Bring a picnic dinner and join us for an evening of entertainment not only by your children singing, but also the secret staff item and the ukelele group from the Country Club. There will be several class market stalls selling Christmas items. It’s a great night!
Girls' Cricket
We are fortunate to have two vouchers for a season of girls’ cricket to give away to one of our families. FREE FEES. Please use the following link to find out more information and to register your interest.
Blues Bus Christmas 2022
The Blues believe every child deserves a present under their Christmas Tree. So, this festive season they’ve partnered with The Salvation Army to bring back ‘Fill the Blues Bus’ Christmas appeal this year.
They are aiming to collect 43,000 gifts - a present for every seat at Eden Park!
THE EASTGATE BOYS – Lucas and Benji, want to get behind this amazing campaign. So if you are in the position to give this Christmas, please see the details below on how you can contribute.
Please drop off your unwrapped presents to:
- Room 2 or Studio 8
Monday 14th November through until Thursday 8th December 2022.
Gift Ideas
Donations of new, unwrapped gifts for children and teenagers (under 16yrs) are hugely appreciated.
Please avoid clothes as it is difficult to allocate sizes.
Below are a few popular gift ideas to help you.
2023 Stationery Lists Are Now Available Through OfficeMax
Back to school stationery – order now!
We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make your back to school shop super easy. And if you order in December, you’ll go in the draw to WIN 1 of 5 $1000 cash prizes — plus, you’ll get a FREE A4 Magnetic Whiteboard Family Organiser*.
Your child’s class list is already loaded. Just go to myschool.co.nz or click the link below. Simply add your details, check that you want everything on the list, then click and confirm — and OfficeMax will get your delivery underway with free delivery on orders over $60.
You can pay by internet banking, credit card or debit card. Laybuy is also available, so you can pay in 6 weekly, interest-free payments and still get your order right away. Plus you’ll be helping our school earn school rewards that we use to purchase much needed extra resources for our school.
We encourage you to order early to ensure your child has all their stationery requirements ready to go in plenty of time for the start of Term 1.
So go ahead and beat the back to school rush, order today and give them the best start possible.
Change To Senior (Year 7&8) Uniform
In 2023, there will be a change to the senior uniform. An optional item of a Year 7&8 hoodie will be introduced. This smart navy and red looking hoodie will replace the polar fleece and current senior jacket, which is neither waterproof, nor warm. The cost of the hoodie is $70 and will be able to be ordered through our uniform shop in the usual manner. Year 7&8 students are still able to wear the school polar fleece and school jacket for 2023 and 2024 should they wish, as the fleece and jacket are phased out for this age group. From 2025 the hoodie will be a compulsory uniform item for years 7&8.
There will be strict guidelines around the wearing of the hoodie to ensure that the students represent the school values. Sizing must be appropriate for the child and not oversized fashion items. Hoods must be down indoors.
More information to come.
Congratulations to all the students who were selected into North Harbour Touch Teams this season. Great to see HDS students and adults so widely involved in sport!
U14 Boys
Nehemiah Mohenoa
U12 Boys
Chase Hopping
Dom Keith-Pratt
Micah Mohenoa
Troy Peterson
Cooper De Villiers
COACH: Blair Hopping
U12 Girls
Elliot Chan Chui
Layla Wood
COACH: Tome Chan Chui
U10 Girls
Piper Chan Chui
Kassie Lean
Maia Peterson
Ephesian Mohenoa
COACH: Melissa Chan Chui
U10 Boys
Ingle Wood
Lucas McMillan
Tyler Hopping
Lucas Eastgate
Harrison Bristow
Kadyn Abe
COACH: Russell Wood
Summer Holiday Programme
Book in for the Huapai Plus Summer Holiday Programme now.
Our Huapai Plus programme is moving to a new booking system in the New Year. Please use Aimy Plus to book for any December Holiday Programme days and the new Enrolmy system for any days after the 1st of January 2023. Both have been linked below.
Aroha Skate School
Aroha Skate are running a holiday programme here at Huapai District School, 11am - 1pm, on the 19th and 26th January 2023. Book at the link below.
Music Lessons With MusiqHub
MusiqHub are looking forward to another awesome year of music in 2023 at Huapai School! They will have a bunch of slots available for Guitar, Drums, Piano and Ukulele lessons. If you're interested, be sure to get in touch to reserve your spot or ask any questions you may have. Contact details below:
Drums - paul.barry@musiqhub.co.nz
Guitar, Keyboard and Ukulele - scott.wotherspoon@musiqhub.co.nz
2023 Term Dates
These are the Term Dates for 2023:
Term 1: Thursday 2nd February - Thursday 6th April
Term 2: Monday 24th April - Friday 30th June
Term 3: Monday 17th July - Friday 22nd September
Term 4: Monday 9th October - Tuesday 19th December
There will be one Teacher only day and this will be held on Tuesday 6th June (King's Birthday weekend). This day will be for a combined schools teacher only day.
2022 Term Dates
Our 2022 Term dates are:
Term 1 - Thursday 3rd February - Thursday 14th April
Term 2 - Monday 2nd May - Friday 8th July
Term 3 - Monday 25th July - Friday 30th September
Term 4 - Monday 17th October - Friday 16th DecemberHERO Notifications
We use HERO to send classroom updates, to share regular learning posts and now for payment on all in-school costs. HERO sends push notifications or emails. You can now choose how you receive HERO notifications as well as manage devices that receive them.
To set your own notification preferences:
Click on your profile image
Scroll down to My Devices and select your preferences.
Or please see the full instructions linked below.
Contact Us
Email: office@hds.school.nz
Website: https://www.huapaidistrict.school.nz/
Location: Huapai District School 40 Station Rd, Kumeū, New Zealand
Phone: +64 09 412 5042
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/huapaidistrictschool