Psychic Medium Ed
Welcome August
An August Midnight
A shaded lamp and a waving blind,
And the beat of a clock from a distant floor:
On this scene enter—winged, horned, and spined—
A longlegs, a moth, and a dumbledore;
While ‘mid my page there idly stands
A sleepy fly, that rubs its hands…
Thus meet we five, in this still place,
At this point of time, at this point in space.
—My guests besmear my new-penned line,
Or bang at the lamp and fall supine.
“God’s humblest, they!” I muse. Yet why?
They know Earth-secrets that know not I.
~Thomas Hardy (1840–1928)
"That moment at 3am when you whisper, 'I need to stop,' as you turn the page."
Blue Moon
A Blue Moon will occur on August 30th this year. There are two different definitions for a Blue Moon. A seasonal Blue Moon is the third Full Moon of an astronomical season that has four Full Moons. A monthly Blue Moonis the second Full Moon in a calendar month with two Full Moons.
The spiritual cricket is one of good luck, fortune, and prosperity. Crickets are seen as positive symbols that protect your home from bad vibrations and misfortune and bring good cheer and happiness. Crickets also create a strong connection between your intuition, dreams, and psychic abilities. Additionally, crickets can help guide you back to your path if you are feeling lost or confused and symbolize courage and strength.
"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under
trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water,
or watching the clouds float across the sky,
is by no means a waste of time."
~John Lubbock
August is often called the dog days of summer. The weather is gloriously warm, the gardens are lush with vegetables ready to pick, and the parks and beaches are packed with people enjoying the last few weeks of summer vacation. Fishing in the nearby streams picks up, and it rewards patience. August is sitting in the cool of the family room watching a cub’s game or binge-watching Netflix staying cool in the air conditioning. August is such a blissful month. A time to relax, recharge and await the impending fall season. We are not quite ready to drink pumpkin-spiced lattes in August, so we will stick to our iced tea and coffee for now. August is also considered the transitional month in the seasonal calendar. Toward the end of August, we begin to wind down our summer travels and vacations and prepare for back to school, fall festivals, harvest time, etc.
As harvest approaches the beautiful month of August brings us stone fruits such as
apricots, mangoes, nectarines, peaches, and plums. Slice and serve the unadorned
or toss them on the grill to caramelize their natural sugars or showcase in crisps,
pies, compotes, salsas or salads. Savor the last of the strawberries and stock up
on raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Incorporate into jams, tarts, pies or cakes,
or freeze to enjoy a sweet-tart taste of late summer any time. We are entering the end
of cantaloupe and watermelon season, so celebrate with melon salads, smoothies,
chilled soups, and cocktails featuring these versatile August fruits. Snag some
Cucurbit vegetables such as cucumbers and summer squash to feature in spiralized
vegetable recipes, salads, side dishes, and beyond. Grasses and nightshade vegetables such as
corn, peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes are still in fine form. Mix any of the above into salads,
soups, salsas, pasta sauces, or casseroles. Finally, don’t forget the leafy greens and
legumes. Greens like bok choy, lettuce, and Swiss chard, as well as green beans, are all
popping in August. They are delicious in soups, salads, stir-fries, wraps and sandwiches.
August is a time to wander the wilderness. Walking is good for you but not all walks are created equal. Cruising the urban streets doesn’t provide the same mental boost as hiking a local trail or feeling the sandy beach between your toes. You don’t have to have a specific destination in mind. Your goal is simply to immerse yourself in the natural world around you. The Japanese call this “forest bathing” and it can rejuvenate a weary mind.
As we enter the month of August it seems the past seven months have passed quickly. July’s weather was a reminder that change seems here to stay. With the extreme heat, in the western and southern states and wildfires in Canada that brought its effects to much of the northeastern states reminds me that we need to take care of this fragile world.
" Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think.
It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world."
~L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Summer always brings special memories to our family. It was during this time sixteen years ago that our son was placed in our arms. It seems like yesterday that this bundle of joy brought tears to our eyes as we held him for the first time. It has been an amazing journey watching him grow and mold into the young man he is today. July brought indifferent weather in the form of of rain and cooler temperatures to our area. Cooler temperatures are something we simply are not used to in the middle of the summer. It has been refreshing waking up to 58 degree temperatures and sitting in the dining room watching the deer and rabbits wander through our yard. We have finally settled into our new home. It took some time getting everything moved from one city to another and then unpacked and put in just the right spot. We love to place something where we think is the perfect place and two days later we decide to move it again....Oh the fun of moving. We have an acre and a half that Patrick has spent most of the summer sprucing and manicuring. It was over grown with lots of critters that I do not want to know. My sister in law and daughter came for a visit the early part of the month. It is always so good to see them and we had such a good time showing them around.
Mom is doing well. We talk often, sometimes about anything whether it makes sense or not and other times things she remembers. She still remembers who we are and for that I am thankful. My mom and dad have been married for over fifty years and he takes care of her moment by moment living only in the present. I am thankful she has him to lean on through it all.
I think that's about all my news for this letter. Have a wonderful, safe and enjoyable August, my kindred spirit.
Did You Know
August 1, traditionally known as Lammas Day, was a festival to mark the annual wheat and corn harvest. Lammas also marked the mid-point between the summer solstice and autumn equinox and was a cross-quarter day.
August 1 is a Civic Holiday in many parts of Canada. Celebrations and names for this holiday vary across the country. For example, in Alberta, it’s celebrated as Heritage Day; in British Columbia, it’s known as British Columbia Day!
August 4 is National Coast Guard Day.
August 7 is Purple Heart Day which seeks to honor the individuals that were wounded or killed in action while serving in the military. The Purple Heart Medal is given to those who displayed not only instances of unusual gallantry in battle, but also extraordinary fidelity and essential service in any way.
August 9 is Book Lovers Day.
August 10 is St. Lawrence’s Day. “Fair weather on St. Lawrence’s Day presages a fair autumn.”
August 11 marks the end of the Dog Days of Summer, which began on July 3.
August 17 is when the Cat Nights begin, harking back to a rather obscure Irish legend concerning witches; this bit of folklore also led to the idea that a cat has nine lives.
August 19 brings National Aviation Day, chosen for the birthday of Orville Wright who piloted the first recorded flight of a powered heavier-than-air machine in 1903.
August 19 is World Humanitarian Day.
August 21 is Poets Day
August 24 is St. Bartholomew Day. “At St. Bartholomew, there comes cold dew.”
August 26 is Women’s Equality Day, which celebrates the 1920 ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment and, with it, women’s right to vote in the United States.
Here are a few fun days that take place during the month of August:
Aug 1-7 International Clown Week; Aug 3 is National Watermelon Day; Aug 8 is National Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbors’ Porch Day; Aug 10 is National S’mores Day; Aug 12 is Vinyl Record Day; Aug 13 is International Left-Handers Day; Aug 20 is International Geocaching Day; Aug 20 is World Honeybee Day; Aug 25 is Kiss-and-Make-Up-Day.
August’s first full moon, the full Sturgeon Moon, reaches peak illumination on the night of Tuesday, August 1, at 2:32pm. August will also provide us with a second full moon known as a blue moon. This will take place on August 30 at 9:36pm.
August’s birth flowers are the gladiolus and the poppy.
The gladiolus symbolizes strength of character, sincerity, and generosity.
The poppy symbolizes eternal sleep, oblivion, and imagination.
August’s primary birthstone is peridot, which is said to symbolize strength and healing power, protecting its wearer from nightmares and evil, ensuring harmony and happiness. Babies born in August are lucky to be guarded by peridot’s good fortune.
This month’s zodiac signs are Leo and Virgo:
Leos are passionate, loyal, and infamously dramatic, Leo is represented by the lion and these spirited fire signs are the kings and queens of the celestial jungle. They're delighted to embrace their royal status: Vivacious, theatrical, and fiery, Leo’s love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate.
Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. Virgo is an earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgo's deep-rooted presence in the material world. This earth sign is a perfectionist at heart and isn’t afraid to improve skills through diligent and consistent practice.
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You can now order our books on Amazon.
Katelyn has published a journal to help you with your growth
Tarot of the Month
August can be a wonderful time for reflection. Our natural minds start with our childhood. Work with your inner child and have fun.
The three cards pulled are for the 31 days. The first card being the first ten days, the second card being the next ten days, and the last card being the remaining eleven days. (The Deviant Moon Tarot. Published by U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC. By Patrick Valenza)
1st Card: Ten of Wands:
An overburdened worker slowly makes his way home after a long day’s labor. Although he struggles, his abilities are sufficient to manage his heavy load. Divinatory Meanings: Oppression. Having a burden to bear, but being able to handle it. Overwhelming stress. Loss. Unable to maintain stability. Treacherous actions
2nd Card: The Magician:
Blessed with a great talent, the magician performs skillfully. Although he has only begun to learn his craft, he is already gifted. Divinatory meaning: Putting creativity to use. Exploring one’s potential abilities. Manual dexterity. Skilled hands. Emerging talent. Putting one’s gift to ill use. Lack of imagination. Confusion. Uncoordinated efforts. Unable to learn new skills.
3rd Card: Nine of Swords:
Unable to fall asleep, an old woman sits up in her bed. Nine swords hang in her thoughts as she is tortured by worry and nightmares. Divination Meanings: Anxiety. Worry. Stress. Misery. Despair. Improved outlook. Better health
Questions and Counsel
Dear Katelyn,
How do I move through feeling stuck?
As humans we forgot our greatest power is the power to change. If there is something you don’t like, you feel bored with, has you feeling stuck and stagnate.. change it! Small changes, big changes, any change is change. We get to decide how our life is experienced. To have free will is the whole purpose we are here.
Love and death are the pillars of great change. Loving yourself is sometimes having to feel brave enough to experience a rebirth (death). Death (rebirth) is the practice of letting go to see you still exist.
So what is next?
Show yourself how good it can get.
Be sure to book your Psych-K® session with me in-person, at our office, and at its limited special pricing of $100.
You can schedule with me here.
~I’m at peace because my intentions are good and my heart is pure.
Small, everyday rituals can bring comfort, create better lifestyle habits, and set positive intentions while also to slowly uncover a deeper purpose.
These days, it seems like plenty of people throw around the word spirituality, especially when looking at younger generations. By now, who has not heard someone say, “I’m not religious, I’m spiritual.”
Indeed, it may demonstrate that millennials have less attachment to religion than their grandparents. Interestingly though, the younger generation feels just as strong a sense of spiritual peace, well-being, and gratitude.
What does spirituality really mean then? The dictionary defines it as “the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” Of course, spirituality will take on different meanings for each person. Perhaps spirituality can mean looking at the larger picture and asking the bigger questions in life: What is my purpose? How can I serve the greater good? How do I attain inner peace? How do I overcome negative emotion and obstacles?
One can look at spirituality like a mountain summit in which each person takes a different path to the top, but all arrive at the same destination. While millions of people still find answers to life’s most difficult questions through traditional religious law and prayer, others have taken new approaches, fusing ancient spiritual customs from different faiths into their modern lifestyles. As global communities interact more and more with each other, new practices emerge, giving birth to a beautiful blend of spirituality from around the world.
Finding answers to the big questions is no small task. Daily spiritual practices might not provide the explanations we want today, right now, or possibly ever in entirety. Still, daily spiritual practice has many positive benefits on health and well-being. Small, everyday rituals can bring comfort, create better lifestyle habits, and set positive intentions while also to slowly uncover a deeper purpose.
Start the day with a Short Meditation or Prayer. Many successful people begin their day by meditating or praying. Whether that means reciting a prayer, practicing a quiet moment of mindfulness, or listening to a guided meditation, setting aside a few minutes in the morning to connect with ourselves and set positive intentions will encourage a peaceful, grateful mindset for a successful day in line with your spiritual values.
Go for a walking meditation. Spiritual practice does not necessarily have to mean visiting a temple or performing a complex ritual. Walking in a purposeful and conscious way can also become a spiritual practice. It gives a chance to clear the mind and reflect. In fact, religions around the world practice walking meditation. You can use it as an opportunity to take a break from the hustle of bustle and reconnect with yourself.
Take short Spiritual breaks throughout the day. Regular breaks throughout the day help improve health, wellness, and performance in work. They also provide an opportunity to have a short, calming meditation or prayer. That can mean a simple yoga stretch with deep breathing, sitting outside of the office in the sunshine for five minutes, or simply mentally recounting a prayer.
Count Your Blessings. While a saying like “count your blessings” sounds cliche, it does send a powerful message. Many teachings prescribe gratitude as the antidote to negative emotions like greed, anger, and envy. Keeping a regular gratitude journal or simply reflecting on the good people or things going well in your life represents a simple daily spiritual practice that can help to harness the many benefits of gratitude.
Read books about Spirituality. Reading books introduces new spiritual practices and ways of thinking. Often monks, mediums, and other types of spiritual leaders write books sharing inspiring ideas. Reading before bedtime can teach new wisdom each day. It can also help get a better night’s rest.
Find a Spiritual Community. One of the reasons religion and spirituality can have so many positive effects is because it tends to bring together a community of people who support each other. This can prove especially powerful in an age of increasingly more isolation and disconnection. So how does this fall into a daily practice? It does not have to necessarily, but it can mean attending a yoga class once or twice a week, visiting a local temple or spiritual organization, or attending a spiritual festival every so often. You will likely make friends with like-minded people who share your values and feel more socially connected.
Incorporate Spirituality into your daily routine. Many religions teach people to find meaning and meditation in everyday life, whether it means working hard to support a family, helping others at home or work, or appreciating every meal. That can even mean finding joy in the mundane, like walking to the bus stop or cleaning the house. Celebrating even the smallest things can bring meaning to your life every day and help to live with a sense of vitality and connectedness.
Have patience and dedicate yourself to finding your path. Everyone has a busy schedule, but as the Zen saying goes, “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day, unless you are too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.” That may sound frustrating at first, but it does not have to be taken quite so literally. You could interpret that, instead, as to say: If something is easy for you, work on it a little. If it is hard for you, work on it a lot. Dedicating the time to spirituality may not feel easy at first, but staying dedicating can bring many benefits in living a joyful, meaningful life.
~The biggest lie I tell myself is “I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it”
Turning 58 is a time to celebrate the chapters written, embrace the milestones yet to come, and cherish the lessons learned along the way. Whether they are beloved family members, cherished friends, or esteemed colleagues, this moment calls for an outpouring of appreciation for the remarkable souls who continue to inspire and impact our lives.
I will be turning 58 this month and already am finding it to be an interesting age. I cannot really call myself “middle aged” unless I am under the delusion that I am going to live to be 116 years of age. That is a bit of a mind blower in and of itself. I find that I feel forced to watch more commercials on TV. This is due to the fact that I jerk my head to attention when I hear some voice barking from the TV set “for all of you listening who are 55 and older”. Of course, that has been true for a while now but suddenly I must listen. When I was 56 and 57, I could deny it because I could still round down. You know round down to 55. I wasn’t 55 and older. I was just 55. Now I am 55 and older. They are all depressing and I am learning to tune them out. If I fall, I can still get up thank you.
There are just things they do not tell you. About aging I mean. They do not tell you that you should buy stock in a reading glass company. That you will need a pair in every room because you can never find them anywhere or because you forgot where you put them or because you left the one pair that really is the correct strength at the office. The ones that are right for reading are not right for the computer. The ones that you thought looked good last year look not so good this year.
Then there is this shrinking thing. I am shrinking. I used to be all of 5’ 10” , now I am 5’ 9” maybe and a quarter. Restaurant menus challenge and the phone book type (not that anyone really uses it anymore) is miniscule. Which is when I need my reading glasses that I cannot find. And cell phones are a whole other matter. I have noticed that some in my generation have the font so huge that I can read it from halfway across the room. We are having to scroll constantly just to read the simplest of conversations. Hi need to pick (scroll) up Jaiden (scroll) today at (scroll) school early (scroll). Exhausting just to get through it.
Packaging is shrinking or at least getting so darn hard to open that it takes a rocket scientist to figure it out and sometimes trying to open a recent techno gadget brings me to tears. I usually end up banging it on the counter in utter frustration. The plastic is too hard to open; there are so many wires to cut I feel like I am engaging in a crime. Memory cards are tiny.
Things that are not shrinking? My feet. My ears and nose. Some would say my ego. My waistline. Definitely not my waistline....lol.
Everything in fun, I love the fact that I am turning 58. I have so much to teach and many stories to share. I have enjoyed the last many years. My mother used to tell me to savor every minute because it goes fast. I am fortunate to have found someone that is opposite me yet enjoys a little silliness, dry humor, a gray/white hairline (what little there is) for well over twenty years. I have a son that allows me to tell Dad jokes and while it is no longer a hefty laugh it is still a chuckle. I do not plan to change much. I will still wake up early, ready for work and yes while driving roll the windows down with the air conditioner on and radio blaring “Come Sail Away” by Styx.
Happy Birthday Me….and anyone else that has an August birthday.
Upcoming Events 2023
Ed (Psychic Medium Ed) will be in the office at Wise Wolf Wellness August 11, 21 and 22. He will also be available for 30 minute sessions only virtually throughout the month.
Katelyn will be in the office at Wise Wolf Wellness and virtually all month.
To schedule any appointments go directly to PsychicMediumEd.fullslate.com.