SHS Weekly Newsletter
August 10th, 2023
Important Upcoming Dates
- 8/28 - Open House 12:00pm-8:00pm
- 8/30 - First day for 9th grade
- 8/31 - First day for 10th, 11th, & 12th
Message From Mr. Mitchell
We are so excited to welcome all of our students, families, and community to the 2023-2024 school year in a few weeks! Before we officially start into the year, and begin sending our weekly newsletters (sent to parent/guardian emails that are registered with our students starting on Aug. 25th), we would like to share some pertinent information for schedules, open house, and parking permits.
We are looking forward to a wonderful school year! Go Bowmen!
Adam Mitchell
Principal, SHS
Schedule Release and Schedule Change Requests
Student schedules will be released at approximately 4pm on Friday, August 25th, 2023. Student schedules can be viewed by logging into ParentVue or StudentVue. If you prefer, you can still link directly to ParentVue and StudentVue via the Sherwood High School main page.
There will be very little room for movement or changes. Schedules are subject to change by counselors until the first day of school. Students who wish to request a schedule change must complete a schedule change request form. These are available at the school beginning Monday, August 28th.
In order to preserve the integrity of the schedule, schedule changes will only be allowed for the following reasons:
Incomplete schedule
Inappropriate placement (such as Geometry if a student hasn’t completed Algebra)
Errors such as an A and B section during the same trimester or the B section before the A section
Schedule changes will not be made for any of the following reasons:
Teacher changes
Switching class periods
Requesting a different lunch
Requests based on involvement in athletics
We will begin accepting Schedule Change Requests forms (available at the school) beginning Monday, August 28th, but will not be addressed until after classes begin. Schedule changes cannot be requested by phone or email. Please note that very few schedule change requests will be granted and, if granted, replacement courses must come from the courses selected in Spring 2023. Counselors will not be available to meet with students about their schedules until the first week of school. The last day to change your schedule without a Withdrawal/F is Thursday, September 8th, 2023.
Open House
There will be an optional open house at Sherwood High School on Monday, August 28th from 12:00pm-8:00pm. This will be a time when students and their families can come to the school and walk their schedules, find their lockers, pay fees (cash or check only), drop off medications and forms, and tour the building. This is an optional event, and students will be able to do all of these activities on their first days of school as well.
Parking Permits
The parking permit application is only accessible from a Sherwood School District student Google account. The easiest way to access the application is to have the student applying access the application on their District issued Chromebook. The Parking Permit application for Juniors and Seniors is currently available, and contains further information about the permitting process. Sophomores may begin applying on Monday, September 11th.
Athletic Registration
If you have/or are an athlete that will be participating in fall sports (this includes soccer, volleyball, football and cross country) and have not registered yet, the deadline for registration is Friday, August 11th. Athletes cannot participate if they are not registered, and they must have a current physical on file; physicals must be on the OSAA form.
Link to registration:
Link to physical form (English):
Link to physical form (Spanish):
Physicals can be scanned and emailed to me at
Fees cannot be paid and will not be added to the athlete's accounts until the week of August 21st.
If you have any questions, please email