Volunteering in Social Inclusion
“Abraham Project” Association offer full support to the migrants, minors and all persons at risk of social exclusion. Born in 1997, Association “Abraham Project” develop its actions in Region of Murcia, with the aim to foster the social action and the protection of the natural environment. From the beginning, “Abraham Project” Association helping all the persons with the status of migrant and/or the conditions of alcoholics, transient, unemployed, etc. People that are suffering serious social exclusion problems and that they suffer a lack of economical, personal and social resources to face their difficulties.
The objectives of the association are:
1. To disseminate the results of the activities carrying out by the association in the social, cultural, labour and educational areas;
2. To give speech and to do concrete action against racism, xenophobia and any action that can cause a human rights violation;
3. To promote the employment and the socio-cultural integration;
4. To enhance the encounter between different villages through the development of various cultural events;
5. To support the intercultural exchange, fostering the coexistence between different collective of people, as well as the recovery and the promotion of folk traditions, especially those that belong at the Region of Murcia, and the specific ones aspects of each nationalities that characterize the members of the association;
6. To centralize the re-collection of solid waste, clothing, shoes, toys, paper, scrap metal, furniture, appliances and all kinds of material that can be reused, recycled and/or recovered, with the subsequent sale in shops, markets or sending/selling to the Third World countries.
7. To fight against unemployment, social exclusion, xenophobia, racism and any other circumstances that override the dignity of the person and create process of marginalization.
8. To consolidate the multi-ethnic and intercultural group, formed by the members of the association, as a resource to promote the social integration.
9. To support transient and immigrants, promoting their social integration through the development of different activities.
The “Abraham Project” Association works with people excluded from the society or at risk of social exclusion. The Association develop its activities in the whole Region of Murcia, but the headquarter of the association, that host people at risk of social exclusion and one of the shops, is located in Puente Tocinos, a little town belonging to the City of Murcia. The infrastructures used to the separation of waste are located in Lorquí and in La Union. The Association has another store located in Caravaca de la Cruz. In addition, the Association carry out itinerant socio-occupational workshops in all the municipalities of the Region of Murcia.
The area where the volunteer will develop its activities will be between Puente Tocinos and Mula, where the association give educational support to the minors, members of the families with low economic income. However, the volunteers who participate in our project have the opportunity to know all the areas and the sectors in which the association works, take part in the general organization of the activities, always accompanied by one person who work in the association. The volunteer activities will be focused primarily on housing and school support of the people at risk of social exclusion. In this way, we believe that both the volunteer and the direct beneficiaries can contribute to the mutual learning.
The volunteer will develop the activities principally, in the host house (Puente Tocinos, Murcia) and in the city of Mula.
In Puente Tocinos there are the main offices principally directed to offer social services to the members of the Association. In this centre, we are facilitating some of our socio-occupational workshops and the accommodation of the people at risk of social exclusion. Also in the town of Puente Tocinos, there is a small shop and other offices where the internal and administrative works are carrying out.
In the town of Mula, the Association offer the school support to children aged between 10 and 15 years old.
Both areas present high concentration of families vulnerable to the social exclusion. People with low economic income and limited opportunities to guarantee its personal and collective development.
The volunteers will have the chance to know all the action developed in the “Abraham Project”. During the first phase of the volunteer period, the volunteer will observe how the association develop its activities, giving active support at the development of these activities. After that, he/she will focus his/her activities in the host house (Puente Tocino) and in the town of Mula, working in the children school support. Both case the volunteers will participate in the management and in the support of the activities carried out by the Association.
“Abraham Project Association” works in these different areas:
- Social-work support,
- Occupational workshops,
- Extracurricular activities with children (School support, draw, painting and games, etc.),
- Training of people at risk of social exclusion in order to improve their social and work integration process,
- Leisure and free time workshops,
- Social awareness activities,
- Social-values workshops,
- Environmental activities developed in educational centres, association and universities.
For what concern the pure terms of learning, the volunteers will have new opportunity of relationships that will foster their personal development. The volunteer will be in contact with people from others cultures, countries, religions, and costumes that will make them more tolerant and open minded. Through these relationships, the volunteers will understand the reality of our country, the community and the circumstances in which our directed beneficiaries are living. In this way, they will discover other realities, creating a new perspective about their own reality, giving more importance at their own life and finally acting in collective way.
We want to contribute at the improvement of their self-esteem for that sake of being volunteer and above of it, for belonging to another country and face an experience like this.
Volunteers will learn a new language, Spanish, that will be useful not only to get in relation with local people but also will allow them to improve their linguistic competence. In addition, the volunteer will have the opportunity to practice different languages with our beneficiaries, our and others volunteers or our own staff.
“Project Abraham” Association consider that due to the characteristic of our beneficiaries, the potential volunteer profile must have physical, moral and healthy conditions. We will value positively those candidates that possess solidary and generous spirit, with them-self and to the others people. That can respect and defend actively the dignity of the beneficiaries as well as to empower the integral development of the beneficiaries through empathy and patience.
It is important that the volunteer have some degree of maturity, emotional balance, capacity to stay with other people and the ability to adapt himself/herself to work in a team.
We will give a positive value to those people that are participative and communicative during the working meetings and during the development of the activities in general. People open to face new experiences and with attitude for self-initiative and creativity.
During the selection process, will be considered eligible for our EVS, any young person interested and motivated to participate in our Project, able to respect our beneficiaries and responsible to get involved in our Project. In this way, we are open to receive all kind of proposals from people interested in our activities and that they want to show us the required characteristics.
We are looking for a volunteer for a long-term project (11 months). In case of being approved, our project will start on September 1st, 2015 and it will finish on July 31st, 2016.
If you are interested of being our volunteer, please, send us your CV and Motivation letter at the email addresses euroaccioncoordinadora@gmail.com and urska.vezovnik@pina.si with the subject SVE PROYECTO ABRAHAM.