Sunday, November 26, 2023
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Greetings, Dunning Community!
Good Evening Dunning Families,
We hope everyone enjoyed the break! We feel rested and rejuvenated, this will take us into our four weeks until winter break! We know we are certainly thankful for the love and care our Dunning staff members show our students daily.
As we approach December, we are excited to introduce the Dunning 5th grade Student Council. This will be a rotating group of 5th graders taking on different leadership roles throughout the school. We hope you hear from your students that they saw our Dunning leaders helping our with recycling, in PE classes, with community meetings, and so much more!
Please also take a moment to read the final finished newspaper published by Mrs. Berkman and the 4th grade newspaper club. Enjoy!
Kathie and Kate
Kathie Lasky, Principal klasky@framingham.k12.ma.us
Kate O'Leary, Assistant Principal koleary52@framingham.k12.ma.us
Dates to Remember
Please check this calendar each week as new dates may be added.
Care and Share: Pancake Mix
Monday, Dec 4
- School Council 4:15-5:15pm
Wednesday, Dec 6
- PTO Meeting 5:45-7:00 pm
Thursday, Dec 7
- Early Release: PD Day, Dismissal 1:05, Lunch Served
Thursday, Dec 21
- Annual Dunning Read A-Thon
Monday Dec. 25 - Monday Jan 1
- No School: Winter Recess
Newspaper Club
Mrs. Berkman met weekly with a group of dedicated fourth grade journalists to hone in on their writing skills. The group had a blast and enjoyed their time meeting with our Literacy Coach before school. Here is the final product. Enjoy!
Care and Share Schedule 2023-2024
December: Pancake Mix
January: Canned Fruit
February: Rice
March: Crackers
April: Spaghetti
May: Juice Boxes
June: Tuna
Annual Dunning Read A-Thon
The C.A. Dunning Read-a-Thon to support the Jimmy Fund is coming! We look forward to snuggling up with a book in our most comfy PJs to raise money for the Jimmy Fund. Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for more information.
Save-the-Date: The Annual Dunning Read-A-Thon to Support the Jimmy Fund
When: Thursday, December 21, 2023
For More Info: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Health Screenings 12/14/23 & 12/15/23
Current & Working Phone Numbers
- It is very important that we have current & working phone numbers.
- If you have changed your phone number since the beginning of the year, please let us know, ASAP.
Volunteers for Composting Lunch Time
Dunning is PILOTING a COMPOSTING program and our students need your help. If you are able to assist our young learners in the cafeteria, on how to separate trash and compost, and you care about the future of our planet, please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
CarpooltoSchool, powered by GoTogether
In case you missed the District’s announcement (https://www.smore.com/xt9fj), CarpooltoSchool powered by Go Together is live! If you need help in getting your student(s) to and from school OR you have the ability to offer ride support to fellow FPS families, please read the details to get started.
If you have completed a CORI form within the last 3 years, you can complete this google form. We will share your basic information with CarpooltoSchool and they will send you a welcome email with instructions.
If you do NOT currently have an active CORI approval, please complete the process outlined on the Human Resources website. The Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) forms are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. For approval inquiries, you can contact myhr@framingham.k12.ma.us. Once your CORI is approved, we will share your basic information with CarpooltoSchool and they will send you a welcome email with instructions.
Room Ambassador Sign Ups
Dismissal Reminders
Gentle Reminder...
Student Pick Up Procedure
If you arrive earlier before the dismissal bell rings, please wait on the sidewalk and not on the playground area. No one other than staff and students should be on the playground area during the school hours.Dismissal Changes:
If you need to make a change to the dismissal plan during the school day or if you are going to be late to pick up, please call (not email) the school office. They will get the message to the teachers/staff.
Dunning Dismissal Policy
For students going home by bus or van:
At dismissal time, students riding a bus or van will be called to line up at their designated bus/van location. Once lined up, students will be lined up while they await their bus to be called for loading. Each bus location will have staff members to take attendance of students riding the bus on that day and escort them to the bus.
For students who will be Parent Pick Up or Walking home:
There will be four dismissal locations for walkers or parent pick ups. At 3:30, we will begin calling students by their dismissal location one at a time. Parents should meet their child at that location at 3:30. Once students have been picked up, we ask that you leave school property promptly so that we can ensure proper social distancing, as well as keep the flow of dismissal moving quickly. Please note that all playground areas are closed during dismissal.
Kindergarten (Door #15) - Kindergarten and siblings Parent Pick Up
East Rear Door (Eastside Door #14) - Parents can park on Frost or in the front parking lot.
Walsh Door (Eastside Door #12) - Back east wing door (room 18) parents can park in the Walsh parking lot. There will be a staff member on duty to release students to parents or escort walkers to the walking path to Walsh.
Cornell Door(Westside Door# 7) - Back west wing door (room 33) parents can park at Cornell cul-de-sac. There will be a staff member on duty to release students to parents or escort walkers across the play area to the stairs leading to Cornell.
Early dismissal:
Signs at Dunning will inform family members picking children up early from school to pull up by the office, remain in their cars, and call the office. Ms. Pierson and Ms. Azevedo will answer your call and notify the homeroom teacher. Children will come out to you.
School Hours
Students are welcome to begin arriving at school at 9:00 am, when teachers will be present to greet them.
Early Release Days
- Students are dismissed at 1:05pm.
- Lunch IS served.
- If your child rides the bus, you can expect them to arrive at their stop approximately two and a half hours earlier than normal.
- Early Release Thursdays: 9/19/23, 10/5/23, 10/12/23, 10/19/23, 10/26/23, 11/7/23, 12/7/23, 3/14/24, 3/28/24, 4/4/24, 4/25/24, 5/9/24, 5/16/24
Half Day
- Students are dismissed at 12:30pm.
- Lunch IS NOT served.
- If your child rides the bus, you can expect them to arrive at their stop three hours earlier than normal.
- Half Day: Last day of school.
Join Dunning on Remind!
We are using a platform called Remind to help keep you informed! In addition to getting messages about our school, you may also be invited to join your child’s class for updates. Remind is a free service that allows you to get messages directly on your phone and to communicate easily with your child’s teacher(s) in almost any language.
Joining our school and your class on Remind is easy. You can choose whether you prefer text messages or smartphone notifications.
Signing up for text messages
Text our school code @dunningfps to the phone number 81010. (Be sure to include the ‘@’ symbol)
Reply to the text messages from Remind.
Signing up for smartphone notifications
Download the Remind app on your Android or iOS device. Click here for a link to the apps: rmd.me/a
Open the app and create an account (or log in if you already have one).
Tap the + by classes joined and enter our school code “@dunningfps”. (Be sure to include the ‘@’ symbol)
That's all you need to do to start receiving messages!
A few other things you might like to know:
Remind allows for two-way communication in your preferred language! If you create your account with the Remind App and choose your preferred language - you can send and receive messages in your preferred language - even if your teacher is communicating in English!
Our personal contact information (like cell phone numbers) will not be visible on Remind.
You will always hear from me or your teacher(s) at the same number so you can save that number in your phone.
All of our messages will be recorded in communication logs that you can access and download.
Here is a video demo to see how Remind works. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I'm looking forward to connecting with you!
Estamos empleando una plataforma llamada Remind para mantenerlos informados. Además de recibir mensajes sobre nuestra escuela, seguramente les invitarán a unirse a la clase de sus hijos para recibir noticias. Remind es un servicio gratuito que permite recibir mensajes directamente en el teléfono celular y comunicarse con los maestros de sus hijos en casi cualquier idioma.
Es muy sencillo unirse a nuestra escuela y a su clase a través Remind. Puede escoger si prefiere mensajes de texto o notificaciones en el teléfono inteligente.
Cómo registrarse para recibir mensajes de texto:
Envíe un texto con el código de nuestra escuela @dunningfps al número de teléfono 81010. (Asegúrese de incluir el símbolo @)
Conteste a los mensajes de texto del equipo de Remind.
Cómo registrarse para recibir notificaciones en un teléfono inteligente (smartphone):
Descargue la aplicación (app) de Remind en su dispositivo Android o iOS. Oprima aquí para un enlace a la aplicación: rmd.me/a
Abra la aplicación y cree una cuenta (o inicie su sesión si ya tiene una cuenta).
Toque el signo + al lado de «classes joined» (clases matriculadas) e introduzca el código de nuestra escuela @@dunningfps. (Asegúrese de incluir el símbolo @)
¡Eso es todo lo que tienen que hacer para comenzar a recibir mensajes!
Algunos datos más que les podrían interesar:
Remind permite comunicación en su idioma en ambas direcciones. Al crear su cuenta en la aplicación Remind, elija su idioma –así podrá enviar y recibir mensajes en su idioma, ¡incluso si el maestro solo habla inglés!
Nuestra información personal de contacto (como los números de teléfono celular) no estarán visibles en Remind.
Todos los mensajes y comunicaciones, mías o de los maestros, siempre llegarán desde el mismo número así que puede memorizarlo en tu teléfono.
Todos nuestros mensajes serán grabados en registros de comunicación que ustedes podrán acceder y descargar.
Aquí puede ver un video que muestra cómo funciona Remind. Si tienen cualquier pregunta, por favor, pónganse en contacto conmigo. ¡Espero conectarme con todos ustedes!
Estamos usando uma plataforma chamada “Remind” para nos ajudar a lhe manter informados! Além de receber mensagens sobre a nossa escola, você também pode ser convidado para junta-se à turma de seu filho(a) para receber atualizações. “Remind” é um serviço gratuito que lhe permite receber mensagens diretamente no seu telefone e se comunicar facilmente com o(a) professor(a) do seu filho(a) em quase todas as linguagens.
Juntar-se à nossa escola e à sua turma no Remind é fácil. Vocês podem escolher se preferem mensagens de texto ou notificações nos seus smartphones.
Registro para receber mensagens de texto
Mande uma mensagem de texto com o código da nossa escola @dunningfps para o número de telefone 81010. (Não se esqueça de incluir o símbolo ‘@’)
Responda às mensagens de texto da equipe do Remind.
Registro para receber notificações no seu smartphone
Baixe (Download) o aplicativo Remind no seu telefone Android ou iOS. Clique aqui para acessar o link do aplicativo: rmd.me/a
Abra o aplicativo e crie uma conta (ou faça o login se você já tiver uma conta).
Clique o símbolo de ‘+’ ao lado de “classes joined” (turmas a qual se juntou) e coloque o código da nossa escola “@@dunningfps”. (Não esqueça de incluir o símbolo ‘@’)
Isto é tudo o que você precisa para começar a receber mensagens!
Outras informações importantes:
O “Remind” permite a comunicação com outra pessoa na sua linguagem preferida! E se você criar a sua conta no aplicativo “Remind” e escolher a sua linguagem preferida – você pode mandar e receber mensagens na sua linguagem preferida – mesmo que o professor de seu filho(a) esteja se comunicando em inglês!
A nossa informação pessoal para contato (como números de telefones celulares) não será visível no Remind.
Você sempre receberá notícias minhas ou do seu(s) professor(es) do mesmo número, então você pode salvar aquele número no seu telefone.
Todas as nossas mensagens serão gravadas em registros de comunicação que vocês poderão acessar e baixar.
Aqui está um vídeo de demonstração para mostrar como o Remind funciona. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, por favor se sinta à vontade para entrar em contato comigo. Eu estarei aguardando para me conectar com vocês!
Visit the Dunning Website
Join the Dunning PTO FB Page
If you are not already a member, please join the PTO FB page. It is a great way to stay connected with the Dunning Community! www.facebook.com/groups/228212977304928/?ref=bookmarks