Blevins Bulletin
November 3rd , 2023
Principal's Message
Please take a few moments to look through this newsletter. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or 970-488-4004.
Please Click Here for my November 3rd video.
Joe Zappa
Let's Go, Bruins!
Important Dates
Monday, November 6th- Friday, November 17th: Blevins Canned Food Drive
Tuesday, November 7th: Blevins PTO Meeting 5:30
Thursday, November 9th: Silver & Burgundy Singers @ RMHS 7:00pm
Friday, November 10th: NO SCHOOL (Office Closed)
Thursday, November 16th: Drop off FROZEN turkeys, hams & chickens 7:00am-8:00am to Blevins
Thursday, November 16th: 7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Performance @ RMHS 7:00pm
Friday, November 17th: Last Day for Blevins Canned Food Drive
Saturday, November 18th: Lego Robotics Team Tournament @ PHS
Monday, November 20th- Friday, November 24th: NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 27th: Drama Performance Rehearsal 3:00-4:30
Tuesday, November 28th: Drama Performance Rehearsal 3:00-4:30
Wednesday, November 29th: Drama Performance Rehearsal 3:00-4:30
Thursday, November 30th: Drama Performance(Gravestone Manor) 7:00pm (Actors arrive 5:00pm)
SAVE THE DATE: 5th Grade and Blevins Family Open House Thursday December 7th 5:30-7:30 (See Information Below)
A Look at Learning & Halloween Fun
Give Next
6th, 7th, and 8th graders who are a part of our Give Next group went to CSU for the Give Next Kickoff Day. They got to mingle with students from other schools, learn about local non-profits, and hear from some guest speakers. These kids were awesome representatives of Blevins and we’re so proud of all their hard work!
Students of the Month
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen as our October Students-of-the-Month. Students will get to enjoy a lunch with Mr. Zappa.
6th Grade Polar Den: Simon Lok
6th Grade Panda Den: Iyla Arnesen
7th Grade Kodiak Den: Sam Nye
7th Grade Grizzly Den: River Hodgson
8th Grade Bearcat: Ali Talheen
8th Grade UNC Bears: Zac Tarnowski
The Blevins PAWS Newspaper
October Blevins PAWS Newspaper
Bruin Boys Basketball
Game Schedule
11/6 Varsity/JV @ Timnath MHS
11/8 Varsity/JV vs. Lesher @ Blevins 3:30
11/13 Varsity/JV @ Kinard 3:30
11/15 Varsity/JV vs. Boltz @ Blevins 3:30
11/6 C1 & C2 vs. Timnath @ Blevins 3:30
11/8 C1 & C2 @ Lesher 3:30
11/13 C1 & C2 vs. Kinard @ Blevins 3:30
11/15 C1 & C2 @ Bolts 3:30
A Message from the Blevins PTO
Happy World Jellyfish Day from the Blevins PTO! This is Eric Bowman, your PTO President! Fun fact, jellyfish are not fish since they are invertebrates that don’t have any bones. They are also not made of jelly, but are delicious with peanut butter.
Thank you to everyone who ate at MOD Pizza last night for our fundraiser! Thank you to Erin Forster for setting up these fun dining nights!
Our next PTO meeting on Tuesday, November 7th! Which is also NEXT Tuesday! We got kicked out of the library for something much more important, Bruin Club, so we’ll meet at 5:30pm in the Collaboration Cafe, Room 221.
We hope to see you there!
Thank you,
Eric Bowman,
Bruins GIVE
Donate FROZEN turkeys, hams & chickens
Blevins Family Open House
5th Grade Family Open House
Holiday Assistance
Holiday Assistance Available: If you or your family are in need of any holiday assistance (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.) please reach out to Erin McCain at 970-488-4009 (please leave a voicemail with your number) or
Important Information for 8th Grade Parents
Hello 8th grade Blevins families,
PSD's School Choice program allows families to select the school that best meets their child's educational needs based on space availability and eligibility requirements. A school choice application is required to attend a school that is not a student’s neighborhood school or to attend a choice only school.
Please use this link to check which school is your student’s Neighborhood high school (9th grade): Which school do I attend. Your student will be automatically enrolled in the neighborhood high school for 2024-2025 school year.
If the neighborhood high school does not meet your student’s educational needs, please complete the School Choice Application to attend the school which is not your neighborhood high school.
School Choice applications for the 2024-2025 school year
The first round application period is scheduled to open 8 a.m., Wednesday, Nov. 1, and close at 12 p.m. (noon), Friday, Dec. 15.
The first-round lottery will be run on Jan.9, 2024 and seat offers will be made that afternoon.
Please feel free to reach out to the Registrar Hao Liang if you have any questions. Email: Office Phone: 970-488-4008
Bruin Gear Holiday Sale
Warm Bruin Gear SALE at our Bruin Store Clicking Here
Bruin Club
Even if your student does not need homework help, we encourage them to attend this drop-in program to meet other students, engage in fun activities, or to have a safe space to hang out after school. Please see the list of additional fun programs that are offered along with Homework Help.
Bruin Club Information
Fall Session Dates: 9/18/23 – 12/14/23 | Winter/Spring Session Dates: 1/9/24 – 4/25/24
*Please note, programs do not run on holidays, school out days, or when PSD has early dismissals or cancellations*
Daily Schedule Monday - Thursday 2:45pm-5:45pm Students meet and sign-in, Blevins Library
Student Check- In (Library 2:45)
Homework Help 2:45-3:15
Program of Choice 3:15-4:45 (See List of Daily Programs below)
Homework Help/Community Building (Library) 4:45-5:45
Daily Programs Offered 3:15-4:45 (Student Picks 1)
-Dungeons & Dragons with Mrs. Burris
-E Sports with Mr. Sachtleben
-Improv- Starts 10/30
-E Sports with Mr. Breeden
-American Sign Language with Ms. McDonough
-No Place for Hate with Mrs. McCain & Mrs. Boschert (Starts 10/2)
(Engaging students and staff in dialogue and active learning on the topics of bias, bullying, inclusion and allyship that matter most to our community.
-Entrepreneurial Skills/Cooking with Mrs. Clarke
-Art Club (Starts 10/25)
-E Sports with Mr. Sachtleben
-Chess Club with Mr. Schulz
-E Sports with Mr. Breeden
-GSA with Ms. Lee
Information: If your family will need transportation or you have questions about Bruin Club please email Erin McCain
Bruin Club # after 3:00pm- 970-488-4014 or 970-566-6218
Support Blevins
2023-2024 Yearbook
“Students are back at school making new memories with their friends! Be sure to order the one book that captures the activities, spirit, and unique qualities of your child’s school. Visit to order the 2024 Yearbook now so your student does not miss out!
¡Los estudiantes están de regreso en la escuela creando nuevos recuerdos con sus amigos! Asegúrese de pedir el libro que capture las actividades, el espíritu y las cualidades únicas de la escuela de su hijo. ¡Visite para pedir el Anuario 2024 ahora para que su estudiante no se lo pierda!”
Thank You Blevins Sponsor
Thank you to Ed Carroll Motor Company for Sponsoring our Lego Robotics Team.
We appreciate your support!
Who To Contact
Joe Zappa, Principal
Dusti Sanger, Assistant Principal
Scott Schreiner, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Michele Trujillo, Office Manager
Anna Burris, 7th Grade Counselor & 6th Grade Panda Den Counselor
Meg Stump, 8th Grade Counselor & 6th Grade Polar Den Counselor
Erin McCain, Academic Dean* & School Counselor
*Guidance for academic supports for Blevins students
2023-2024 Calendars
Information from Poudre School District
Join PSD’s Efforts to Support Students Experiencing Homelessness.
We have currently identified 7% more students experiencing some form of homelessness or housing insecurity (McKinney-Vento) as compared to the same time last year. The student and family needs within this program continue to grow as well, and due to historical trends, we anticipate our McKinney numbers increasing by 10% by the end of this school year.
By the end of 2022-23 school year, Poudre School District had identified 1,438 students K-12, or almost 5% of our student population, who qualified for McKinney-Vento services.
McKinney-Vento is a federal law and PSD program designed to provide students experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity with resources and protections. The main focus is to remove the educational barriers that those students face, placing an emphasis on immediate enrollment, attendance, and success. McKinney-Vento services are available to all PSD children and youth, from birth to 21 years of age, who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Learn more about McKinney-Vento on PSD’s McKinney-Vento webpage.
What Can You Do to Help?
Raise Awareness - November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month, and National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is Nov. 11-18 ( Please share this information with your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues, and take the initiative to learn more about youth homelessness and its challenges.
Wear Green – Green is the official color of Homeless Youth Awareness Month. Our McKinney-Vento staff and site McKinney-Vento Contacts will be wearing green on Wednesdays throughout the month to help bring attention to the issue of homeless children, youth, and families in our community. Please feel free to join us in this show of solidarity.
Donate - PSD’s McKinney-Vento program accepts monetary donations which are used to purchase things like gas cards, grocery cards, school supplies, undergarments/socks, clothing, coats, hygiene and household supplies, food, concurrent enrollment supplies, and much more. Our goal is to provide services that remove barriers and create a welcoming and safe school environment so that students can come to school, engage in learning, and succeed.
To Make a Donation:
- Make check out to Poudre School District and write McKinney-Vento in the memo line. OR
- Use School Pay to donate- Use Emergency Support fund in School Pay to donate to students experiencing homelessness.
Learn More About McKinney-Vento in PSD: Contact Whitney Reid, PSD’s Homeless Education Program
Specialist, at 970-490-3242, or via email at
Formen parte del esfuerzo que está llevando a cabo PSD para apoyar a los estudiantes sin vivienda
Actualmente hemos identificado un 7% más de estudiantes que experimentan algún tipo de falta de vivienda o inseguridad en la vivienda (McKinney-Vento) en comparación con el mismo período del año pasado. Las necesidades de los estudiantes y las familias dentro de este programa siguen creciendo también, y debido a las tendencias históricas, anticipamos que nuestros números McKinney aumentarán en un 10% a finales de este año escolar.
Al final del año escolar 2022-23, el Distrito Escolar Poudre había identificado a 1,438 estudiantes K-12, o casi el 5% de nuestra población estudiantil, que calificaban para los servicios de McKinney-Vento.
Durante el año escolar 2022-23, el Distrito Escolar Poudre (PSD, por sus siglas en inglés) identificó a 1,438 estudiantes entre kínder y
12.º grado, es decir casi 5% de nuestra población estudiantil, que experimentó algún tipo de falta de vivienda y calificó para los servicios de McKinney-Vento.
McKinney-Vento es una ley federal y un programa del PSD diseñado para proporcionar recursos y protección a los estudiantes que carezcan de vivienda, y a los que vivan en condiciones de inseguridad habitacional. El enfoque principal es eliminar las barreras educativas que enfrentan estos estudiantes, haciendo énfasis en la inscripción escolar, la asistencia a clases y el éxito escolar, de inmediato. Los servicios de McKinney-Vento están disponibles para todos los niños y jóvenes del PSD, desde su nacimiento hasta los 21 años, que carezcan de una residencia fija, regular y adecuada en la noche. Pueden encontrar más información en la página web de McKinney-Vento del PSD.
¿Qué pueden hacer para ayudar?
VIVIENDA ( Compartan esta información con sus familias, amigos, vecinos y colegas, y tomen la iniciativa de informarse más con respecto a la carencia de vivienda de la juventud, y los desafíos que enfrentan.
Vestirse de verde – El color oficial del MES DE CONCIENTIZACIÓN ACERCA DE LA JUVENTUD SIN VIVIENDA es el verde. Nuestro personal de McKinney-Vento, junto con las personas de contacto de McKinney-Vento en las escuelas, se vestirán de verde todos los miércoles, durante el mes de noviembre, para ayudar a crear conciencia sobre la problemática de los niños, jóvenes y familias sin vivienda en nuestra comunidad. Los invitamos a participar en esta demostración de solidaridad.
Donar – El programa McKinney-Vento del PSD acepta donaciones monetarias que se utilizan para comprar artículos como tarjetas para gasolina, tarjetas para comestibles, útiles escolares, ropa interior/calcetines, prendas de vestir, abrigos, artículos de higiene, artículos para el hogar, alimentos, material para la Inscripción Simultánea (Concurrent Enrollment) y mucho más. Nuestro objetivo es brindar servicios que eliminen barreras, y creen un ambiente escolar acogedor y seguro, con el propósito de que los estudiantes puedan asistir a la escuela, estén motivados para aprender y tengan éxito.
o Cómo hacer donaciones:
§ Mediante cheques: Escriban un cheque a nombre de Poudre School District, y anoten McKinney-Vento en la línea de notas. O
§ Por medio de School Pay: Utilicen el Fondo de Apoyo de Emergencia (Emergency Support fund), en School Pay, para hacer donaciones a estudiantes que carezcan de vivienda.
§ Informarse más sobre McKinney-Vento en el PSD – Comuníquense con Whitney Reid, Especialista del PSD del Programa de Educación para Estudiantes Sin Vivienda, llamando al teléfono 970-490-3242, o enviando un mensaje de correo electrónico a
RamEvents is holding the annual TEDxCSU Conference on November 4th, 2023, and we would love for you to join us! With the theme being endure, this TEDxCSU will be examining how we endure in our personal and professional lives, as well as how we practice endurance within our community.
TEDxCSU is a half-day event, with multiple speaker sessions and between those, an opportunity to check out innovative exhibitions, engage with speakers and discuss ideas worth spreading with hundreds of other TEDxCSU attendees. Admission to TEDxCSU includes access to the speaker sessions and entrance into the Exhibit Hall, with food and beverages and a chance to engage in conversation with almost 400 other participants.
General public: $15.00
Visit to get your tickets now!
Gary Bamford Pack Pantry is a community resource for anyone in Northern Colorado in need of: Clothing, Food or Toiletries
What to know about PSD’s biometric meal program
Getting food with the touch of a finger: What to know about PSD’s biometric meal program
Starting in the 2023-24 school year, students at all Poudre School District schools will check out of the cafeteria line with a quick tap of a finger. After a biometric scanning system reduced line wait times as part of a spring pilot program, PSD is installing the system in all schools. The system should be up and running first in all schools that participated in the spring pilot program (Dunn and Linton elementary schools, Kinard Middle School, and Rocky Mountain High School) and all elementary schools by about October. It will be installed in secondary schools thereafter. Families have the option to opt their student out of using this system. Visit the School Meals web page on the PSD website for more information.>>