It's Fall Y'all!
October 2017
Table of Contents
- Fall Open House
- Important Upcoming Dates
- Western Student Education Association Teacher Panel
- FAFSA Information
- Drop In Registration Help
- Camp Eberhart
- Tutoring
- K Metro Transit Field Trip
- TRiO FESP Abroad- A Message from Briana Klug
Fall Open House was a Success!
Thank you to everyone who attended!
TRiO FESP would like to extend a special thanks to Luna Z. and Kylie T. for providing their artwork to display this year! Keep up the great work ladies!
Upcoming Dates
- October 1st - FAFSA Becomes Available
- October 3rd - Priority Registration Requirements are Due
- October 3rd - WSEA Teacher Panel
- October 10th - Priority Registration Begins at 8:00 a.m.
- October 10th - Drop In Registration Assistance
- October 13th - Camp Eberhart Outing
- October 20th- K Metro Transit Field Trip
- October 23rd- Graduate and Professional School Fair 3-6 p.m. in Bernhard Center's
- October 25th - Last Day to Receive 25% Refund for a Complete Withdrawal
Western Student Association Teacher Panel
Tuesday, Oct 3, 2017, 06:00 PM
Brown Hall, Room 3025
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Find the FAFSA here:
Looking for helpful tips and tricks? Check this site out:
Need help? Let us know!
Drop-In Registration Help
If you're having problems registering for Spring 2018 classes, please feel free to stop by TRiO FESP Central (computer lab) between 8 am - 11:30 am and 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm on October 10th for assistance. We are here to help!
Please note that drop-ins will not be accepted between the hours of 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m.
Can't make it to the lab? Email your questions to Make sure to include your WIN and the CRN of the class in your email!
TRiO FESP Camp Outing
When: October 13th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Camp Eberhart, Three Rivers
What: Team building, low ropes, high ropes, canoeing (weather permitting), and archery!
Get in touch with Harmony ( if you haven't reserved your seat!
Need a Tutor? Let us know!
Stop into the TRiO FESP office to complete a tutoring request form in order to be matched with a fellow TRiO FESP student who can help you with your class.
Times and location are flexible; TRiO FESP tutors will work with you to determine the best tutor schedule for you.
If you have questions or concerns about note-taking strategies, how to study, time management, or overall classroom success, please reach out to a FESP Advisor so they can guide you in the right direction!
K Metro Transit Field Trip
The TRiO FESP staff has been receiving requests to learn how to ride the city bus in the Kalamazoo area. We want to make sure that each student has the option of taking advantage of the experiential opportunities in the community. We do not want transportation to be an issue when these opportunities arise.
Many of you may not have a vehicle on campus, so we want to extend our offer to see if you would like to learn to ride the city bus on Friday October 20th with a FESP staff member.
The time is to be determined as it depends on how many request(s) we receive, and the route we would like to travel.
If you are interested in learning how to ride the city bus, please RSVP to Harmony at by Friday October 13th!