Updating Your Charms Info
Students and Parents - we know that not everyone has ALL their email and phone numbers in Charms. We want to help solve this issue!
Please follow the instructions below to log into Charms so that you may update your student's contact information, including adding parent names, cell phones, and email addresses.
- Go to www.charmsoffice.com
- Select 'Parents/Students/Members'
- Type in 'LasaHSBand' (I wanted to change it to all caps for LASA, but Charms said that was already taken...)
- Then type in your password, which by default is set to your student ID (numbers only)
- You'll probably be prompted to change your password after initially logging in.
- If you have trouble logging in it may be because we don't have an accurate ID for you. Send me an email (ponder.east@austinisd.org) and I can update your student ID which should then allow you to log in.
- Once you make it through the logging in part, look for the "Update Info" button on your Profile page.
- Then, update/add emails, parent info, cell phone numbers, etc.
- Please make sure you include at least one parent on your Profile with their cell phone and email.
- Click the 'Add Parent' button to do this.
- We want to have multiple ways to get in touch with you, so the more emails and phone numbers you include in your Profile, the better.