McCombs Memo
October 14, 2020
Making the Move to our Hybrid Model
We are excited to begin welcoming students to campus on October 26! We know that there are lots of questions from both students and staff about what the hybrid model looks like, and we'll answer those in this memo.
Students staying 100% Virtual: Not much is going to change for you. Your class times will change slightly, but your teachers will help you through that and adjust your meeting times on Teams.
Students coming in the Hybrid: There's information below that you will need to know. Just keep in mind that school is going to look and feel different than it has in the past as we work to keep everyone healthy and safe. We'll help you work through these expectations on the first few days of school.
Stay Healthy. Be Smart. For Everyone. We know that we're all in this together! The health and safety of each student and staff member at McCombs is our #1 priority.
Coming to School? Here's What You Need Each Day!
- Make sure you have your computer and charger cord. You will need to bring them to school each day.
- Bring your student ID. You will need this to check into the building each day and for lunch. If you need a new ID, please let us know.
- You can have a transparent water bottle with you if you'd like. Make sure it's filled with water only! Our drinking fountains are closed, so if you are going to need a drink throughout the day a water bottle is a must.
- All other food & drink is not allowed, unless it is part of your lunch. There can be no sharing of food and drink.
- If you don't feel well, stay at home. If you stay home you can still participate in class virtually that day. If you can't participate virtually, be sure to call your absence in to 242-8447.
Arriving on Campus Each Day
If your student rides a bus, you will receive that information next week. Our transportation department is finalizing those requests still.
There will be defined entrances for students to enter by grade level. Students will grab breakfast on their way into the building and head directly to their Period 1 class. They will wait in that room until school starts at 8:30 am.
Class Schedules & Times
Overall, student schedules won't change very much. Most students will have the same teachers they have had so far. There will be a few students whose schedule may change slightly, but we will communicate those to individual students and families.
If your student is in the Hybrid model, they will come to school every other Wednesday. A schedule is attached for you to know which Wednesday's your student will be coming.
Dismissal Routines
Students who ride the bus will need to get on the bus as soon as they exit the building. Students who walk will need to start walking and leave campus. Students need to maintain social distancing; there should be no gatherings of large groups of students.
All students need to be off of campus by 3:45 pm, unless they are staying with Boys & Girls Club.
Visitors to the Building
If you need to enter the building to meet with a staff member, you will be asked to check into the main office using your driver's license. You will then be issued a visitor's pass.
School Supplies
If you have a virtual student who is need of these supplies, please let us know and we can arrange for you to get them.
McCombs Middle School
Location: 201 East County Line Road, Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: 515-242-8447
Twitter: @McCombsEagles