Beginning of the Year at Potranco
All students (new and returning) need to be registered.
For new students:
Visit the Registration Website to schedule an appointment at https://www.mvisd.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=2209046&type=d&pREC_ID=2243791
For returning students:
Please know that it is important for you to complete your child's online registration in Skyward, these documents/forms are now ready for you to complete. This information is critical for staff to have in regards to your child.
To update forms, log in to Skyward and click 2022-2023 New School Year Forms
If you have log in issues or questions, contact registration at 830-931-2243 Ext: 3500 or mvregistration@mvisd.org.
In the event that you plan on withdrawing your child, please send the principal an email at sandy.bermea@mvisd.org with your child's first and last name and indicate whether you are moving out of the district or plan to homeschool.
Car Tags
We utilize a car tag system. Each child will be issued two car tags.
If you were not able to get your tags at Meet the Teacher, we will have them available for pick up all day Monday and Tuesday morning at drop off. The rest will be sent home on the first day of school.
You will need to display your car tag on the first day of school in order to pick up your child.
First Week of School
- For the first few days of school at drop off, students will be lined up by grade level.
- A teacher from that grade level will escort the line into the building and to their grade level hallway.
- Teachers will be on duty in the hallway to ensure students get to the correct classroom.
As you drop off your child, you can tell a staff member your child's name and grade level. You are also welcome to place a label on your child's shirt with their name and grade level.
- Students will be tagged with a bus number label as they exit the bus.
- Students will be directed to the cafeteria if they need to eat breakfast or to their grade level hallway.
All students will have a backpack tag by the end of the first day.
Beginning of the day
We will not mark tardies the first week of school.
Drop off
- Students will be left with staff in the drop off loop. Parents will not be permitted to come in the building.
- Parents need to drive through the pick up/drop off lane to drop off their children.
- Students should not be dropped off in the parking lot.
- Staff will be on duty to assist with greeting students as they get out of the vehicle.
- Staff cannot open every door, so please have your child exit your vehicle. Please do not wait for a staff member to open the door. This will move the car line through in a timely manner.
Students are permitted to ride their bikes. Parents need to email the principal at sandy.bermea@mvisd.org granting permission and approval for their children to ride their bike.
- Students must enter the building on their own.
- Parents will not be permitted to come in the building.
- Parents are permitted to walk up the ramp to drop off their children.
Bus Riders:
- Students will have assigned seats.
- Students will be expected to follow the transportation rules and procedures. Violation of the rules and procedures can result in suspension from the bus.
Recess and Specials
- Students will have a daily structured recess with their homeroom class.
- Students will attend PE, Music, Art, Library and Computer class on a rotating schedule.
- Students need to wear tennis shoes for PE.
School meals are no longer free for all students.
Use the following link to complete the Free and Reduced Meals Application.
A new form must be completed each school year. One application per household.
- Students can bring a packed lunch from home.
- Outside food deliveries will not be allowed.
- Parents and visitors will not be permitted to eat lunch on campus.
- Custodians will be on duty to clean and disinfect between lunches.
Car pick up:
- We will not have a pick up door.
- All parents need to drive through the pick up lane to pick up their children.
- Parents need to remain in their vehicle.
- The fire lane may not be blocked at any time.
- Parents can begin lining up in their vehicles at 2:50 pm at the 381 South pick up lane entrance.
- We will continue the car tag system. Teachers will provide a car tag to you. Only school issued car tags will be accepted.
- If you do not have a car tag when picking up your child, you will be asked for an ID. You will also be asked to move your vehicle to the side parking lot while your ID is verified. Your child will then be released once the pick up line is complete or shortened.
- Students will be walked to the light at Potranco and 381 South.
- Parents that are meeting their children to walk and/or bike home will need to have their car tag and wait in the shaded area by the library or the parking lot.
- A teacher will bring the line down the ramp.
Please be Patient and Kind
- The present information may change.
- Detailed grade level information was sent out in the previous smore.
- All the processes and procedures are put in place for the safety of your child.
- Expect longer wait times the first two weeks of school. Students are learning their numbers and many parents prefer to drop off and pick up their children the first two weeks.
- I highly recommend that you send your child on the bus to alleviate the lines and wait time.
- The lines and times will get shorter the 3rd week of school.
With your partnership, we will provide the best educational experience for our Potranco Panthers.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.