Emmett School District Newsletter
Febuary 15th, 2022
February 15, 2022
No bond measure or levy planned; we are just starting to look at possibilities
A year ago we asked you to renew the supplemental levy that goes on the ballot every two years. And you passed that. Thank you!
We also proposed a 10-year Plant Facilities Levy and that failed. We came back in August with a bond measure for a new school and major improvements to existing buildings. Voters soundly rejected that proposal.
I told the Board of Trustees last Thursday night that the Emmett School District will need to develop a new plan to address our aging buildings. It will require a funding plan that will require voter approval. It will take some time, and we’ll keep you informed as we move forward. I don’t expect anything to be placed on the ballot this spring. With the earliest date possibly being August of 2022.
Meanwhile, if you have ideas, questions or want to be involved in the planning process, please email the District Office info@isd221.net.
22-23 district calendar should be ready in March; 4-day school week update
It’s really hard to believe that we are already more than halfway through the school year. If you’re counting, it’s less than 70 days.
The Class of 2022 graduates May 26 and it’s the last day of school.
Our Calendar Committee is working on the 2022-2023 calendar and the Board of Trustees should be approving that in March.
You may wonder what happened to the survey the District conducted last fall concerning a possible 4-day school week. As we had indicated, nothing was set in stone before the survey was conducted. There are so many factors to consider if you shorten the school week by a day.
The Calendar Committee decided, after reviewing the survey results, that the next best step is to create a subcommittee to learn more from a couple of districts that have already made the transition from five to four days a week. The committee wants to be able to answer some of the questions patrons asked in their survey responses.
This process will take some time. We’ll work on that over the next year. And ultimately, the decision will rest with this key point: What’s best for the students?
-Craig Woods
The community is invited to this special event; free food & door prizes
The community is invited to attend the Career & Community Resource Fair, scheduled for 3 to 7 pm Thursday, February 24th, at Emmett’s High School’s Gym. There will also be a free dinner between 5 and 6 pm and door prizes.
The event, organized by Emmett High School, The Payette River Regional Technical Academy (PR2TA) and the Emmett Independent School District, will feature both college and career representatives who will be available to provide information about a wide variety of colleges, technical schools, public safety, military, and other employment opportunities.
EHS College/Career Mentor Jeff Ulmer, pictured right, said the fair will also feature resources that the community could take advantage of. Adults can also explore careers and post secondary opportunities. Bilingual representatives have been invited.
“It’s really a one-stop shopping experience,” Ulmer said. “It’s been designed to cater to the students between 1 and 3 pm and open to the community between 3 and 7 pm.”
Ulmer said the goal is to make it easy for both students and adults who want to plan their next steps in pursuit of an education or career.
Also featured:
Emmett School District Community Coordinator Amy Burr will be able to speak about the unique program hosted at Carberry Elementary. The Community School concept is designed to serve all families in Gem County, not just students at Carberry.
Burr will also answer questions about the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education program that ensures all students have access to education.
Migrant Education Program Coordinator Elsa Johnson will be on hand to distribute information about the program.
Review a list of vendors. Please note, new vendors will be continuously added until the special event.
Here are some important dates to keep in mind as you plan ahead:
February 21: Presidents' Day (No School)
February 24: Community Resource & Community Fair (see more information below)
March 11: End of 3rd Quarter
March 16: P/T Conferences (No Kindergarten at Carberry and Shadow Butte)
March 17: P/T Conferences (No School K-5th)
March 18: (No School K-12th)
March 21: March 25 - Spring Break
April 12: Kindergarten Registration
April 22: No school
May 18: Last Collaboration Day
May 20: Seniors' Last Main Day
May 26: End of 4th Quarter/Semester
May 26: Last Day of School (Half Day)
May 27: Teacher Workday (No School)
May 30: Memorial Day
Everything you wanted to know about your School Board
A few ways to stay in touch
- Learn about the Board of Trustees.
- Review agendas and related documents and read minutes.
- Watch previous and future Board of Trustee meetings on You Tube.
- Regular board meetings are scheduled for 6 pm on the second Monday of each month and are held at the Butte View Complex, 400 S Pine St Suite 4, Emmett, ID 83617.
Have you seen the new look for your school newsletters?
If your child is enrolled in a school and you haven't received a newsletter (separate from this one) please contact your school office.
Special Note: Parents in Ola and Sweet should get their first newsletter, combined with Butte View, this week.