The Birchtree Branch
Mrs. Ouellette's Weekly Update 10/23/23
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless."
Hi everyone,
It's been a little while. Thank you for being patient as I figure out if this is going to be a weekly, monthly, or as-needed newsletter. I hope that we can transition into using Bloomz and phasing this out at some point during the year, but I still have a lot to learn about Bloomz before that happens.
I hope you've had a great October! It's crazy to think it'll be Halloween soon, and then the holiday season is off to a start. Many students in here are trying to start singing carols, but we have no plan to do that as a class until after Thanksgiving break :)
We are in the middle of our North American Geography block and it has been a lot of fun. Last week we covered landscapes, Native America Culture Regions, and the Northeast. We have been busy! This week we are studying the Southeast, the Midwest, and the Southwest. Last week we heard an Iroquois legend titled 'Kanonsistonties' written by Mrs. Prosser. It was a great one for sure!
I'm attaching a picture of Maddox and me on the top of the Butte. We climbed it on Saturday and it was my first attempt at hiking since having him. It had been way too long! I'm also attaching a picture of Maddox in a pumpkin because who doesn't love a baby in a pumpkin?!
Hope everyone is having a great week and is looking forward to conferences next week!
Mrs. Ouellette
What are we studying this week?
Main Lesson Block - North American Geography - SE, Midwest, SW
Math - Fraction Division
Grammar - Complex Sentences with a dependent and independent clause
Spelling - Final Schwa with l
Our class read aloud is Where the Red Fern Grows, and we just got to the part where he got his hound dogs. I know many of you read it when you were in fifth grade. So far we are really enjoying. We get through a chapter a day during lunch.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Classroom Needs
- Pole bracket for our American flag
- Volunteers to vacuum our classroom
- ***Please stay tuned as we will be needing supplies to get our hydroponics system up and running soon.
We Wish You a Happy Birthday!
9: Kennedy
1: Christina
4: Kabella
*Your student is welcome to bring in a treat to share with the class if they would like. We have one student who is gluten free. Thank you in advance!
Dates to Remember: There's A Lot!
- October 23 (Monday) - Parents Night hosted by BPG. See below.
- November 1 & 2 (Wednesday & Thursday) - Parent Conferences. No school. See below.
- November 3 (Friday) - Professional Development Day for staff. No school.
- November 8 (Wednesday) - Next Staff Appreciation Luncheon. See below.
- November 9 (Thursday) - Birchtree Community Bonfire. See below.
- November 10 (Friday) - Veteran's Day. No school.
- November 21 (Tuesday) - Next BPG Meeting
- December 2 (Saturday) - Birchtree Holiday Market. See below.
- December 11 (Monday) - Winter Concert for grades 3 - 5.
- December 18 (Monday) - Winter Concert for grades 6 - 8 and Advanced Orchestra.