Andrews Elementary
August 2024
Welcome to Andrews
- Principal: Ms. Rudolf
- Counselor: Ms. Cunningham
- Kindergarten: Miss Bruckner, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Till
- First Grade: Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Jump
- Second Grade: Mrs. Bauer (formerly Miss Smart), Mrs. Buzzard and Mrs. Pearson
- Third Grade: Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Millis
- Fourth Grade: Mrs. Bitzer, Mr. Stevens and Mrs. Thieme
- Fifth Grade: Mrs. Hoghe and Miss Neal
- Art: Mrs. Geer
- Physical Education: Mr. Childs
- Music: Mrs. McElhaney
- Title 1: Mrs. Ganton
- Resource: Mrs. Birney and Mrs. Hale
- Preschool: Mrs. Booge
- Speech: Mrs. Landis
- Paraprofessionals: Mrs. Bales, Mrs. Clements, Mrs. Gerrard and Miss Johnson
- Preschool Paraprofessionals: Mrs. Gerbers and Mrs. Hissong
- Recess Paraprofessional: Miss Stevens and Mrs. VanLandingham
- Librarian Technician: Mrs. Frederick
- Secretary: Mrs. Cocklin
- Clinic Assistant: Mrs. Sparks
- Kitchen: Mrs. Reust, Mrs. Kirnberger, Mrs. Ness
- Food Service Cashier: Mrs. Forth
- Custodian: Mr. Allen and Mr. Phillips
Back to School Night
Upcoming Events:
- August 5: Back to School Night from 5:00-7:00 PM
- August 7: First student day (no delay start)
- August 12: School Board Meeting at 7:00 PM at HNHS and online
- August 12: First day of preschool
- August 24: Playground work day 8:00 AM to noon for anyone interested in helping spread mulch on both playgrounds. Adults only please.
- August 26: School Board Meeting at 7:00 PM at HNHS and online
- September 2: Labor Day- no school
Safety Reminders
- All visitors need to bring their driver's license when they come in the building. We scan your license and give you a visitor's badge to wear while you are in the building.
- We also will check your ID if you come to pick up a child during school hours or are new to carpool. Please don't be offended. It is a way to keep the students safe.
- Classroom doors will remain locked throughout the day. This includes the gym and cafeteria.
- Outside doors will remain locked at all times. If you need to come into the school, go to door 1 and ring the buzzer.
- We have over 35 cameras inside and outside our building for safety.
- We require background checks for any parent or guardian who wants to attend a field trip or help in the classroom.
- We will have monthly fire, tornado and/or ALICE drills. We will send home more information about ALICE drills in the September newsletter.
- Due to safety, we do not allow lunch or recess visitors. This is district wide at all HCCSC elementary schools.
- All birthday treats need to be from an "approved" kitchen such as Walmart or Kroger. We cannot take homemade treats.
- Please send water bottles for your child just as we have the past few years due to COVID. Please do not send anything other than water in the bottles. Red liquids stain furniture and carpet and are really sticky if they spill. Water is the healthiest and best choice.
- At carpool line at the end of the day, please stay in your car and let us bring your child to you. When we have parents enter the building, it can get confusing with all the students sitting in the foyer or in the hallways going to buses.
- Students can only have one designated bus stop each morning and after school. They cannot switch buses from day to day or for special occasions such as sleep overs or birthday parties. You can have a different one from morning and after school if for example, one time is home and the other is daycare or grandma's house.
- If you need to change your child's pick up routine, please call the school office before 2:30. Calling at the last minute opens the possibility of confusion or miscommunication with your child.
Thank you for your help keeping all of our students and staff safe each day. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Ms. Rudolf in the office at 260-786-3021.
Mrs. Bennett
Mrs. Bennett will join our third grade team. She grew up in Huntington and attended HCCSC schools! She graduated from Huntington University with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Teaching English Learners (TESOL). She completed student teaching and intern positions in 5th grade, second grade, and Boys and Girls Club. She volunteers for Special Olympics and at Life Church in Huntington.
Ms. Cunningham
Ms. Cunningham will join our staff as our new counselor. Ms. Cunningham grew up in Huntington and attended Huntington schools. She attended Cleveland State University in Ohio. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a minor in Psychology from Huntington University.She has worked as as a Social Service worker and a Family Case Manager. She has 23 years of experience.
From Ms. Cunningham: "I enjoy spending time with family and watching both of my girls play ball. Looking forward to meeting and working with new kids/families/staff."
Mrs. Pearson
Mrs. Pearson joins the Andrews second grade team. Mrs. Pearson has worked at several HCCSC schools such as Lincoln and Horace Mann. She has also served as a district and building literacy coach and a Reading/Writing Interventionist. She has 26 years teaching experience. She has taught kindergarten, Title1/1st grade and second grade and is excited to move back to second grade this year. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from Indiana University and a Master's Degree through Olivet. She has a certification in Reading Intervention from Wright State University.
From Mrs. Pearson: "I am excited to be back in 2nd grade! My mission as a teacher is to provide my students with the most effective learning environment that instills self-esteem, love of learning and belief in themselves to reach their highest potential."
Mrs. VanLandingham
Mrs. VanLandingham will join us as our new recess para. She has worked at Lincoln as a sub para, recess para and a resource para. She enjoys spending time with her two boys who are involved in sports and 4H. She describes herself as loving and funny. We are excited to have her join our Andrews team!
From Mrs. VanLandingham: "I'm so excited to get this opportunity to join the cardinals in this new journey with your students at recess this year. I hope to grow with them and learn from them this year. I look forward to seeing all the smiling faces first day of school, see you all soon."
Student breakfast will be free again this year. Elementary student lunches are $2.35. Milk is $.50. If you wish to fill out a Free/Reduced Form, click on the link below. You can also go to the HCCSC Website and look under "Departments" for "Food Service" and "Free and Reduced Form". Click on the links below for the lunch menus and other helpful information.
Click on the picture above or the link below for the 2024-2025 School Supply List
Parent Square App
Car Riders
Arrival and Dismissal Times
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings: doors open at 8:30 A.M.
- Wednesday morning: doors open at 9:00 A.M.
- Two hour weather delay mornings: doors open at 10:30 A.M.
- Dismissal for car riders begins at 3:30 P.M.
- Please send a note to your child's teacher and notify the office if you need to pick up your child early for an appointment.
Cross Country
Cross Country will begin soon for grades 4 and 5. Our coaches will be Mrs. Booge and Mrs. Elliott. In order to participate in any of the sport teams, your child must have a physical on file.
Here Comes the Bus
Parents can download the "Here Comes The Bus" app to track transportation for their child. You will be able to:
- View the real-time location of your child's bus.
- Access the app from your smartphone, tablet or computer.
- Receive push notifications or email alerts.
- Send your child to the bus stop at the right time, every time.
How to get started:
1. From a computer, visit
2. Click the Sign Up Today! button.
3. Enter school code 77459 and click "Next" followed by "Confirm".
4. Complete the "User Profile" box.
5. Under "My Students," click "Add." Enter your child's last name and student number. You can locate the student number in PowerSchool next to your student's name. You will need the whole 9 digit number.
6. Once you confirm your information, you're ready to begin using Here Comes the Bus!
If you need to contact HCTB support for any reason, please use the link below:
Andrews Elementary School
Location: 509 East Jefferson Street, Andrews, IN, USA
Phone: 260-786-3021
Twitter: @HCCSC_Andrews