Schools reopen tomorrow, 10/29!
October 28, 2020
In this Edition
- Safety has been our top priority and we won’t let up!
- Our district's COVID-19 resources
- Health & Safety - what to expect before going to campus
Safety has been our top priority and we won’t let up!
Safety has been our top priority and we won’t let up! Each school has extensive safety measures in place to reopen.
We have MERV-13 Air Filters installed at all of our schools and facilities
We have PPE for all staff and students distributed to all school sites
Counter barriers are installed at key locations where there is public interaction
Desk barriers are installed at each school site
Our classrooms have been redesigned to optimize safety for you and your students
Each school has customized signage reminding students to social distance and be safe
We have washing stations at each school.
Everyone will wear masks when on campus
We have two testing sites should we have a staff member who’s symptomatic
We have a well thought out and detailed COVID-19 Symptoms/Exposure - TTUSD on-campus health protocol and notification process and three well-trained school nurses handling contact tracing.
We have a COVID-19 dashboard on our website (see
We have safety protocols before students enter campus and while they’re on campus
Please be sure to click here to read and download our "Safety Guide as we transition to hybrid." It's an updated guidebook for our families and staff. We want to keep our entire TTUSD community safe and will ask all of our students, parents, and staff members to follow all of our health and safety protocols whether you’re on-campus or off-campus.
Be sure to check out the short "healthy learning environment" videos our nurses have put together. These videos and more can be found on the home pages of all of our websites as well as under the COVID19 Resources dropdown menu (
Our district's COVID-19 resources on our website
We want to remind everyone of the extensive resources available on our website related to COVID-19 and reopening our schools.
They can all be found under the COVID19 Resources & Updates page at or by simply visiting
Our resources include:
Short TTUSD safety and informational videos
COVID-19 Dashboard
TTUSD’s Safety Guide to Reopening in Hybrid
Wellness Resources for you and your kids and more!
Screening at home before you come to school
Health & Safety - What to know before going to campus
The health and safety of our students, staff, and families are of the utmost importance and it’s guiding all we do in planning for an outstanding school year. When students are back on campus, school will look much different than in previous years due to the new health and safety measures. This plan to reopen schools is based on current guidance from the public health officials and state agencies and will be updated as the situation evolves.
Screening at home must take place each school day:
Make screening part of your morning routine! Families are required to conduct a health assessment each morning before leaving for school or getting on a school bus. Students and adults are recommended to self-screen for respiratory symptoms such as cough, congestion, or shortness of breath, as well as nausea, fever, chills, or body aches.
Students and adults experiencing those symptoms should not attend school.
Families are recommended to take temperatures daily before going to school. Anyone with a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher should not go to a school site. Personal illness, quarantine, and COVID-19 illness or symptom related absences will be excused.
Any adult accessing campus must conduct a self-assessment before coming to any school facility. If a person is experiencing symptoms, they should stay home and will not be admitted on campus.
As students return, it will look different.
Arriving at school:
Parents that are dropping off their children must remain in their car.
If you carpool, please make sure to mask up!
All students and staff members will be required to wear face coverings.
Parents and visitors will have very limited access to the school campus.
Each TTUSD school site will have designated routes for entry and exit in order to limit direct contact with others.
Each TTUSD school site will have signage throughout campus to remind students and staff about social distancing, hand washing, and spreading germs.
The District has secured additional safety equipment including but not limited to: mobile hand washing stations, no-touch thermometers, improved air filtration, student partitions, and hand sanitizer.