Jaguar Band Newsletter
Your Place for JHS Jaguar Band News
Congratulations on All-State Band!
Travis Miller
January 17, 2021
A Message from Mr. Lucita
Important Dates
February Spirit Night
Band Sponsorships - Please Share!
Rookie Corner
Spirit Wear: Online and at Games
Chrome Car Emblems
Band Booster Membership and Committees
Formulario de Membresia e Interés del Comité
Remind 101 for 2020 - 21
VIPS REQUIRED District Volunteer Program
Sync Your Calendar
Dear Jaguar Band Families,
Here we go with another exciting week! What a great Hawaii meeting last week! During last week's virtual Band Booster Meeting we had over one-hundred people logged in and active as we discussed the 2022 Hawaii trip!
This week we continue to prepare for Solo & Ensemble! All Jaguar Band students are preparing solos and will perform either in the UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest at Hays High School on February 20th or will perform in our local Solo & Ensemble held during that same month. Please help us ensure that your student is regularly working on their solo. Don’t procrastinate!!
There is important update for Winter Guard practice this week. The guard will have practice Monday from 1 - 6 p.m. and Thursday from 5 - 8 p.m.
And, finally, we want to celebrate student success! This weekend we sent five of our Jaguar Band students to the TMEA Area Auditions. All of our students performed wonderfully, and we are extremely proud of their accomplishments! There is one student that placed first chair in his room and earned a seat in the Texas All State Band!!! That student is trombonist Travis Miller!! CONGRATULATIONS Travis on a job well done!! I can think of no better way to end this week's letter than to celebrate what our students are doing within our band program. Our band is just two years old, and in each of those years we have had an All State Student. Last year it was Parker Taylor on Tuba, and this year it is Travis Miller on Trombone!! That is an incredible accomplishment which is magnified by the fact that we do not even have seniors yet!! The future looks extremely bright for our Jaguar Band!!
Have a great week!
Mr. Lucita
January 18, 2021
Winter Guard Practice
1 - 6 p.m.
January 21, 2021
Winter Guard Practice
5 - 8 p.m.
February 11, 2021
Spirit Night @ Mod Pizza in Kyle
10:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
February 20, 2021
Solo & Ensemble Contest @ Hays High School
March 2021
UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Contest
Spirit Night: Thursday, February 11th, 10:30am-10pm, @ MOD Kyle
sign up to join the Winter Guard for the Spring semester!
- Perform year-round in a varsity sport that enables you to meet your PE credit. The sport ties together dance, theater/acting, athletics, and the beauty of using equipment to visually portray music.
- Gain lifelong friends
- Have academic support via UIL Eligibility.
- Get the opportunity to travel on exciting trips!
- Have a team of directors that believe you can achieve anything!
Help us spread the word about this wonderful program.
Interested? Email or speak with Mr. Duffy!
Band Sponsorships and opportunity to put Student names on trailer!
The Johnson Jaguar Band depends in large part on the fundraising efforts of the Band Boosters. Sponsorships are a very important part of fundraising. Our Sponsorship levels have been updated, and we have a lot of exciting options for businesses AND families! We ask that every family please share this brochure with anyone you know that has a business. We are eager to help promote businesses in our community that support the Jaguar Band! If you would like color copies of our Sponsorship Brochure, we are happy to provide them.
Melissa Frensley
Carmen Sifuentes
A new addition to our Sponsorship options is the Friends and Family Level. This level offers various options for businesses as well as an option for band families: For $200, you can have your child’s name and graduation year on our band trailer indefinitely with the option to simultaneously add sibling name for an additional $100.
Thank you for your support of the Johnson Jaguar Band!
Rookie Corner
Committee sign-ups to come end of January !
Please let us know if you have any particular interests by filling out our Committee Interest Form!
End of "semester" and change of schedule for percussion
Since this school year started late, the semester doesn't technically end until the end of January. After this grading period, percussion no longer have a separate percussion class but rather start attending their full band class. Please direct any questions to Mr. Lunsford.
Winter Guard
Did you know that Color Guard is year round!? In the "Spring" color guards enter competitive "winter guard" circuits. Check out last year's Jaguar Winter Guard performance on their web page located HERE. If you know of someone that might be interested in joining the winter guard for the Spring Semester, have them get in contact with Mr. Duffy! It's not too late!
The band directors and boosters primarily rely on Charms to communicate information. Make sure your information is up to date in Charms. Reminder that the Jaguar Band school code is: JohnsonJaguarBand
Check out pictures of the Jaguar band on our website!
If you have experience taking quality photos, will be attending games or other events, and are willing to take pictures for the band, please contact Greta Von Paumgarten at
Have fun!
Other Things You Want to Know!
- Check out the new Johnson Band Spirit Gear! JB Band Merchandise is now in stock! Check out our online store for performance style caps, hoodies, long sleeve t-shirts and short-sleeved t-shirts. Both long and shirt sleeve t-shirts are available in a large JB logo and small JB logo style and have "Buda, TX" down the back.
- The show shirts (JOHNSON: This is Us!) Some sizes are still available! Get yours while supplies last!
- Johnson: This is Us! Christmas Ornament Thought you missed out on purchasing your Jaguar Band memory ornament? They are still available for purchase on our online store! Get yours while you can! Deliveries will be scheduled at a later date.
Spirit Wear: online and at football games!
The new hats and spirit gear are now available for order via our website.
We have a soft-style and trucker style hat available along with two new t-shirt designs and an ultra-comfortable long sleeve hoodie shirt. Items are in stock and will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis with additional items being ordered at regular intervals. Orders will be available for pick up at JHS on Mondays and this information will be communicated via email.
How can you help?
¿Cómo puedes ayudar?
Update your CHARMS information to include BIRTHDAYS!
Log in at: the school code is: JohnsonJaguarBand
After logging in, click RETURNING students. The password is your child’s Hays CISD Student ID#. It will ask you to create a new password at that point. Please feel free to use a password of your choice.
Include birth dates so we can celebrate student birthdays!!
Find helpful documents regarding Charms on our website:
Visit our website to find the correct Remind 101 codes for you and your student.
Text that code to 81010, and you're ready to go!
Questions or feedback?
Contact Juliette Kroeger
Visit the Johnson Band Website ( and click on the Calendar tab at the top for instructions.
Location: 4260 FM 967, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: 512.268.5172
Twitter: @JHS_JaguarBand