CSD Weekly Staff Update: 5/26/23
Happy Friday Colonials!
It's been a great week in Colonial Nation and we hope you have an even greater weekend!
- The CSD Communications Department
Previous updates
See all previous staff updates at http://www.colonialschooldistrict.org/employees/your-employment/staffupdates/
Dates to know
- Monday 5/29/23: Memorial Day Observed
Friday 6/2/23: WPHS Graduation
WE got Jokes
Q. Where do sheep go on vacation?
A. The Baa-hamasWeekly Words of Wisdom
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King
Available Positions
Check out some of the newest opportunities to join the Power of We!
We Recruit!
Delaware State University is excited to offer MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) and ARTC (Alternative Route to Certification) programs in New Castle County starting Fall 2023. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing a career in education! Mark your calendars to join their virtual fair on June 1st or June 22nd @ 6pm. Be sure to register online at www.desu.edu/GraduateEvents.
Celebrating graduation
Have you recently graduated with a degree from a college or university while working here in CSD? We want to celebrate you! Please send your name, school, what degree you earned and the institution name along with your photo to gabriel.phillips@colonial.k12.de.us. We will share this out on social media for Colonial Nation to celebrate next week during graduation week.
Equity ERA - Engage-Reflect-Act
Colonial Nation,
Are you interested in a more personal and collaborative learning experience around Equity?
Want to dig deeper into your own Equity journey?
Want to be a part of a community of learners within and beyond Colonial?
If you answered ’yes’ to any of these Qs, then the Equity Practitioner Program (EPP) program might be good for you! ~We have about 8 slots for the fall cohort!
Check out this flier with dates and contact Crystal Lancour if you would like to join the spring EPP cohort. (crystal.lancour@colonial.k12.de.us)
DSC & PD Timesheets
Do you have any unsubmitted timesheets for PD? Login to DSC and click the “Timesheets” application. Then click the purple box that says “Submit Professional Development Timesheet”. You can scan th ePD sessions you have attended and see if there are any timesheets that need to be submitted before the end of the year!
Virtual end of year event
We are excited to see you all on June 12th at the virtual end of year event from 8:00-11:30 am. Look for details in the coming days on session options and registration.
In the meantime…. As we enter the 6th year of the STEP work we are looking to grow the team! Check out the Blast for more information.
Colonial Blast for 23-24 STEP Opportunity
Any questions please email stephanie.callaway@colonial.k12.de.us