Middle Level Minute
Indiana Middle Level Education Association, November
In advance of our summer event, MidCon, we will have four webinars highlighting ourstanding middle school speakers, including at least two who will be presenting next summer. Sign up here for updates, including registration information, requests to present or exhibit, and more! The event will take place in central Indiana and will be open to all educators!
All attendees who register for #MidCon24 by the early bird deadline will receive a free tshirt; we'd like your help designing it! We want something that teachers will proudly wear after the conference too. Just as middle school students are a special group, so are the teachers and staff members! Post your ideas and tag #midcon24shirt
12 Activities for Thanksgiving You Can Try Today!
Thanks to Karly Moura of DitchThatTextbook for these great ideas! This includes a digital escape room, gratitude poems, mapping the meal, and even Thanksgiving Bingo.
While the site links to many paid resources, there are still additional free activities on other topics as well.
Resources for Native American Heritage Month from Teachers First
TeachersFirst has created this collection of resources that can be used during November, Native American Heritage Month, or for that matter, anytime. These resources are carefully curated by staff members, and educators have the opportunity to indicate which resources they find useful.
Middle Schools Invited to Join Study of "Skills for Secondary School Success"
Johns Hopkins is looking for schools with grades 7 and/or 8 to evaluate a research-based curriculum in 2024-25 that would be ideal for advisory. Studies so far have shown a significant impact on students' goal orientation and positive effects on other non-cognitive skills. At least one teacher in a school must agree to pilot the 40-unit module and undergo 6-8 hours of PD, with a $1000 honorarium; more than one can participate. To learn more and see the topics of the lessons, visit the 4S website.
Free Graduate Credit Course via The Teaching Channel
The Teaching Channel (formerly Learners Edge) is offering one free graduate level credit through American College of Education; you must have a bachelors degree and apply by November 30. Complete this form to receive a promo code to register. There are 12+ courses to choose from.
TeachersFirst is offering a book study on Personalized Learning: Digital Strategies and Tools to Support All Learners by Michelle Haiken. There are two live webinars, at the beginning and end, with the rest of the interactions asynchronous. Those who complete the study will be reimbursed for the book and receive up to 33 PGPs. The study will include ways to:
- Explore pedagogical approaches made possible through the use of technology.
- Identify, explore, evaluate, and curate digital resources and tools.
- Design authentic learning activities that facilitate active, deep learning.
- Learn about alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency.
Register and learn more here; deadline to apply is December 15.
National Geographic Grosvenor Fellowship Applications Now Open
Several Indiana teachers have taken advantage of the National Geographic Explorer Fellowship, selecting exemplary educators to host aboard Lindblad Expeditions’ voyages for a life-changing, field-based experience. Grosvenor Teacher Fellows transfer their onboard experience into transformative ways to teach students, engage colleagues, and bring new geographic awareness into their learning environments and communities. Read more about it and apply here; deadline is January 7.
Amazing Opportunity for 5-8 STEAM Teachers!
The National Air and Space Museum's Teacher Innovator Institute (TII) will welcome up to 30 teachers from across the United States in Summer 2024. Teachers will remain with the program for two summers, returning to Washington, DC in year two to reconnect, develop their practice, and mentor the newest class of Teacher Innovators. And, it's all expenses paid! Read more and apply here; deadline January 15.
How Much Does Social Media Control Students?
PBS Learning Media has a collection called "Above the Noise" with student activities dealing with many aspects of digital/media literacy. You can find a complete lesson dealing with algorithms controling what one sees here; many other lessons 7 videos here. While aimed at students, many adults will be surprised as well.
Hilarious TED Talks for the Classroom
These TED Talks were compiled by a secondary English teacher (who wishes to remain anonymous). Besides being funny & appropriate for classroom use, they include ways to teach students about delayed gratification, not procrastinating, and overcoming rejection. Check out the comments for some more suggestions, but you don't have to check out the referenced TpT store.
November 17-19-Make Math Moments Virtual Summit (Peter Liljedahl Keynoting)
November 21- Data-Driven Design & Differentiation, Dr. Catlin Tucker, 4 pm
November 29- IDOE Supporting Literacy in the Secondary Space, 4 pm
November 30- CS Ed Week Facilitator Workshop, 5:45
November 30- Deadline to Sign up for Free One-Credit Course from the Teacher Channel
December 4- Nextech: Impact of AI, 4 pm
December 4-10 Computer Science Education/Hour of Code Week
December 5- Dr. Catlin Tucker: Instructional Delivery across Learning Environments, 4 pm
December 12- NSTA Webinar: Every Rock Has a Story, 7 pm
January 7-Applications Due for National Geographic Grosvenor Fellows
January 15-Applications due for Smithsonian Teacher Innovator Institute
IN Learning Partnership (Includes Wednesday PD with IDOE)
Indiana Learning Lab Workshops (Requires Sign in for Registration)
Teachers First OK2Ask Online Workshops; (Past on-demand sessions)
Keep Indiana Learning (KINL); Live Events (some $) Past Recordings/Digital Content
edWeb.net Webinars (if sponsored, "commercials" are at the end)
PATINS Trainings for Accessibility for All
AMLE Events (some free, some paid)
Please note: Webinars and events mentioned in this space are not an endorsement of commercial products; on the contrary, we try to avoid listing events that appear to be commercial in nature. Every effort is made to strip social media/tracking data from provided URLs. In many cases, you can register and receive a recording later.
The only organization in Indiana devoted to promoting, improving, and supporting middle level education. We are the Indiana affiliate of the national organization AMLE, and administer the Schools to Watch program for the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform.
Join us! Membership Benefits and Application
Susie Highley, Executive Director
Shirley Wright, Schools to Watch Consultant
11025 E. 25th Street, Indianapolis, IN. 46229 (Inside IASP)
Horace Mann is a long-time IMLEA corporate supporter. Please visit us at horacemann.com or contact your local agent if we can be of service.
Horace Mann Service Corporation and certain of its affiliates (Horace Mann) enter into agreements with educational associations where Horace Mann pays the association to familiarize association members with the Horace Mann brand, products or services. Contact association.relations@horacemann.com for more information.
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