Henry Hawk News
Summer Edition 2: July 12, 2021
A Message From The Principal
Dear Henry Families,
We had a smooth transition for our summer school sessions last week. We want to remind everyone to please remember to complete the screener before coming to the summer school sessions.
As you may have heard on the news, the CDC has stated new guidelines regarding mask wearing for the fall. We are waiting for further guidance from Chicago Public Schools regarding these changes. For this summer, we are still abiding by the guidelines of mask wearing, screeners (cps.edu/healthscreener) and temperature checks. When coming to the school and on school grounds, everyone must were a mask. Thank you for your cooperation and the safety of all of our students.
Friendly Reminders:
- Inclement Weather please enter Door #1 (Auditorium), which is located on St. Louis Ave.
- If your child is will be absent, please contact your child's summer school teacher and call the main office at 773-534-5060.
- If you have any concerns regarding the social emotional wellbeing of your child, please contact our summer school counselor, Ms. Barks, at amzinck@cps.edu.
- If you need to talk to an administrator regarding any concerns, please reach out to Ms. Reynolds (Assistant Principal at Henry School and Summer School Administrator in Charge) at mamunozmaciel@cps.edu or call the main office at 773-534-5060.
Remember that our summer programs end on July 29th (CSI, OLCE, Summer Gains) and July 30th (Summer Bridge+ and KOTK). Also don't forget that the new school year will begin earlier this upcoming year on August 30th which is BEFORE Labor Day.
Check out some of the information below for additional updates and review from previous Summer Edition.
Have a great week!
Juan Gutierrez, Principal
Mary Ann Reynolds, Assistant Principal
Lora Abraham, Assistant Principal
What's New?
Art of Reading Art Kits (NEW)
Summer School Programs and Schedule
Summer Safety Protocols
Summer Meal Distribution Site
Yoga For Parents
Virtual Academy to Serve Eligible Students in Fall 2021
School Fee and Uniform Update
2021-2022 School Supply List Update
Henry Parent Survey for Fall 2021
Art of Reading Art Kits
The Art of Reading Book Club is open to all CPS children in Pre-K - 2nd grade. More information can be found here: cps.edu/artofreading Distribution sites are below:
VOLTA - 4950 N Avers Ave, Chicago, IL 60625
BRENNEMANN - 4251 N Clarendon Ave, Chicago, IL 60613
HAY - 1018 N Laramie Ave, Chicago, IL 60651
MOZART - 2200 N Hamlin Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
JENSEN - 3030 W Harrison St, Chicago, IL 60612
CAMERON - 1234 N Monticello Ave, Chicago, IL 60651
SMYTH - 1059 W 13th St, Chicago, IL 60608
LITTLE VILLAGE - 2620 S Lawndale Ave, Chicago, IL 60623
BRIGHTON PARK - 3825 S Washtenaw Ave., Chicago, IL 60632
BEASLEY - 5255 S State St, Chicago, IL 60609
EBERHART - 3400 W 65th Pl, Chicago, IL 60629
BOND - 7050 S May St, Chicago, IL 60621
RANDOLPH - 7316 S Hoyne Ave, Chicago, IL 60636
WASHINGTON H ES - 9130 S University Ave, Chicago, IL 60619
HALEY - 11411 S Eggleston Ave, Chicago, IL 60628
Summer School Programs and Schedule
Summer Safety Protocols
Face Coverings
Each child must wear a cloth face covering everyday.
Health Screener
https://chicagopsprod.service-now.com/health OR patrickhenryes.cps.edu
All students are required to complete a Health Screener each morning. Before sending your child to school each day, you should complete the Health Screener from home for your child.
The Health Screener asks about COVID-19 symptoms your child may be experiencing, as well as any recent travel or potential exposure to COVID-19. The screener will become available at 4:30am and must be completed each morning before arrival. Filling out the screener the evening before arrival will NOT clear your child to attend school that day, as it is possible for symptoms to develop overnight. Please note that if your child does not have a completed health screener for that day, they may be sent home.
Accessing the health screener:
Online form: You can access the health screener online at https://chicagopsprod.service-now.com/health or patrickhenryes.cps.edu. Please note that if you are completing the health screener on this website, you will be asked to provide your child’s student ID number or CPS email address along with their date of birth.
Temperature Check
Upon arrival at school, a staff member will check your child’s health screener status and take his/her temperature using a contactless forehead thermometer. If your child’s temperature is under 100.4 degrees, they will proceed into the building and classroom.If your child did not pass the health screener or their temperature is 100.4 degrees or greater, your child will be sent to the CARE Room and a parent/guardian will be called to pick up the child.
Summer Meal Distribution Site
Yoga For Parents
Virtual Academy to Serve Eligible Students in Fall 2021
To be eligible for the Virtual Academy, students must meet specific medical criteria that is documented by a healthcare provider.
The window to enroll in the CPS Virtual Academy (https://www.cps.edu/academics/virtual-academy) is June 18 - July 23. Families whose children meet the medical criteria for the Virtual Academy can provide the COVID-19 Health Eligibility Form to a licensed medical provider, who must submit the form via virtualenrollment@cps.edu, or fax it to (773) 553-6563, Attn: Virtual Enrollment.
All applications will be approved through the Office of Student Health & Wellness.
Henry School Fee and Uniform
During the last LSC Meeting that was held on Tuesday, June 8th, the 2021-2022 school fee has changed. The 2021-2022 uniform policy will remain the same.
Henry School Fee
$25 school fee for 1 child
$50 per family
Payments may be made on Henry EPAY, found on the school website at patrickhenryes.cps.edu
Henry Uniform Policy
Maroon top and dark bottoms
Henry 2021-2022 School Supply List Update
Attached below are the supply lists for the 2021-2022 school year.
Henry Parent Survey for Fall 2021
Patrick Henry School
Mr. Gutierrez, Ms. Reynolds, and Mrs. Abraham
Website: patrickhenryes.cps.edu
Location: 4250 N St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-534-5060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PatrickHenryHawks/
Twitter: @PatrickHenrySc1