Patriot News
November BCCHS Parent & Family Newsletter
Dear Birmingham Families,
As we move on from election night and allow the counting process to complete, we continue to monitor the health and wellbeing of all stakeholders.
The website that we've shared with teachers as a resource to discuss election related topics from Facing History and Ourselves. The link can be found below.
Regarding return to campus, the infection rate and daily number of infections has increase since my last update. At this point, the Department of Public Health has indicated that Los Angeles County will not be able to move into the less restrictive tear until December at the earliest. As a result of the data and announcement from the County, we can now inform that we will not be able to have students return to on campus instruction this semester.
We will continue to provide and expand opportunity for English learners and students with disabilities to receive on campus support. We will also continue to provide and expand opportunity for athletes to participate in team organized conditioning on campus.
Finals School Policy: The policy is for all to attend and participate in school finals through the last day of the semester.
- Finals will take place the week of December 14th.
- Leaving the country or going on a family vacation is not an excuse.
- Please help your student earn the best possible grade by scheduling any travel after the semester ends on December 18th.
Resiliency Check-In Survey: Please be advised that we will be sending out an optional mental health survey to students on Thursday, November 12th.
- Our goal is to collect survey answers for all student before Thanksgiving Break, so we can provide mental health support to every student that needs it before the holiday break.
- We understand that the holidays can be very stressful for all of us, especially in the time of COVID, so the need for us to collect the data is critical to our ability to support our students.
- Survey participation is voluntary.
- If a parent does not want their student to participate, please let Principal Bennett know through a message on Parent Square or email (a.bennett@birminghamcharter.com).
Thank you for all you do every day as a parent and as a partner to the BCCHS community. November is a great time to consider all that we are thankful for, and I'm greatly appreciative of the partnership we have with our parents and guardians.
All the best from BCCHS,
Ari Bennett, BCCHS Principal
Dear 9th Grade Families,
We are proud of how well so many of our students have adjusted to our "new normal." We have made it through 13 weeks of virtual schooling and are now in the final stretch of the fall semester.
We cannot stress enough the importance of maintaining your attendance and progress in your classes. Now is the time when students must give it their all to ensure that they complete their first semester of high school STRONG.
Please reach out to your teachers and counselors if you need support. Our number one goal is to help you succeed, both academically and emotionally. We believe in you, and we know that you can do this if you set your mind to it.
We know that this current situation is not ideal, but rather than focus on what we do not have, let's count our blessings and remember to appreciate all that we do have right now -- a beautiful school community made up of determined and compassionate faculty members and caring and wonderful families like yours.
Wishing you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving Holiday. We are grateful and honored to be some of the guiding adults on your child's path.
With love and gratitude,
Mr. Navarro, Mrs. Wydra, and the Entire 9th Grade Team
Dear 10th Grade Parents & Guardians:
As we come to the tail end of the semester, it is good to reflect after this long period of distance learning. When we consider that we have never met many of our students face-to-face, it is remarkable how highly the majority of our students are performing. It is proof of their hard work and persistence in these difficult times. Virtual learning has been challenging for both teachers and students – but it has also been an opportunity to grow and learn new skills.
Here are a few items we wish to share:
- After Thanksgiving break there are only three weeks of school left – including finals week. We encourage parents to monitor their child’s grades on Aeries, and to follow their child’s assignments and deadlines on Google Classroom.
- The second report card was mailed out on November 6th. Please bear in mind that it is meant as a guide to how the student is doing at week 12 of the 18 week semester. The only grade that ultimately counts is the one posted at the end of the semester after finals. Those students with passing grades should push to continue to excel. Those students who are failing one or more classes should push to pass – it is not too late.
- We recently had a pair of school-wide catch-up days. These were Zoom-free days, where students had an opportunity to turn in missing assignments or do make-up work in order to raise their grade. Look out for more catch-up days in the future.
- Under distance learning, finals will look different than they usually do – students should be on the lookout for instructions from their teachers.
- It is inevitable for everyone to be experiencing some Zoom-fatigue at this time. The three-week winter break will be a chance to get away from the computer-screen, to prioritize wellness and to connect with those directly around us. School will restart on January 12th.
11th grade Families,
Congratulations on all the hard work you have put forth this semester. We are SO PROUD of the work you have done over the last months, and it shows how many of you are passing your classes!!! There are only a few weeks until school is over for the semester, do everything you can to get those final grades up!
Over the last few weeks, Ms. Hinojosa and Ms. Fuentes have been meeting with you individually to review your transcript and plan moving forward. There are so many of you who have bright futures ahead! As a reminder, there are study skills workshops starting for those of you who need some extra guidance. A copy of the flyer is included. See you there!
Important Things to Remember:
The semester is ending soon. Please do everything you can to get those final grades up!
Continue your college search. There are many websites, but this is one you can use: https://collegematch.prephero.com/
Don't forget about community college classes! You can sometimes get high school and college credit at the same time. Pierce, LAVC and Mission are offering online classes in the spring. You must be maintaining above a 2.5 GPA to enroll in college classes. Contact Mrs. Zook for more information at a.zook@tch.birminghamcharter.com . Courses are free.
Courses include:
* Broadcasting 1
* Psychology 41
* Child Development 11
* Basic Medical Terminology
* Allied Health 100
As we move into this very usual holiday season, be sure to take time with your families and appreciate what you do have. This year has been hard for everyone and sometimes it can be hard. We are also attaching a Happiness Calendar from the Greater Good Science Center. Consider looking at this every day during November and taking a moment to value and appreciate what you do have in your life.
Dear Class of 2021,
We just wanted to send out congratulations for finishing up the 2nd grading period so strong. We had 238 students with a GPA of 4.0 or higher. We also had 116 seniors with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Still, with all that great news, 213 seniors' grades improved from the 1st grading period to the 2nd grading period.
All seniors, please remember to check your 12th-grade class announcements in google classroom. There is important information being posted by all of your counselors regarding your college applications, financial aid seminars, and grade checks for graduation.
Thanksgiving break is coming up. Remember we have the whole week off. November 23rd-November 27th. Please enjoy this time off, you all deserve it. Finals will be starting on Dec. 15th.
Aeries Login Instructions for Students
To log into Aeries Student Portal, from your Chromebook open Chrome and go to bcchs.aeries.net/student to sign in. Enter your BCCHS Gmail address, click Next, then click Sign in with Google. You do not need to enter your Google password if you use your Chromebook.
We have all increased our time on our computers and other digital devices since at home learning has started. This increase has led to complaints of the feeling that our eyes are burning, itching, or our vision is blurry. Eyestrain is a common problem and the following methods may help relieve symptoms.
Take breaks from looking at your screen. The 20-20-20 rule states every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. If you cannot measure 20 feet try looking out a window or at the farthest point away that you can.
As it gets colder, we use heat and that dries out the air and thus your eyes. Avoid dry eyes by blinking more often, using eye drops or artificial tears, or using a humidifier to add moisture to the air.
There are three simple ways to adjust your monitor that will help with eyestrain. 1) Think about how bright your screen is: Try to keep enough lighting that there is contrast in the materials you are looking at. Consider how much glare overhead and natural lighting is causing--squinting is a clear sign that lighting is too bright; 2) Tilt the monitor to adjust glare; and 3) Adjust your text size so reading is comfortable.
Finally, if you feel your eyesight has changed or diminished it is time to get your eyes examined. If you do not have insurance that covers eye exams/glasses please reach out to a.casarez@birminghamcharter.com for a referral to a free or reduced cost clinic.
School Site Council (SSC)
SSC determines how to best allocate the $1.2 million in Title 1 federal funds that Birmingham receives annually. The council is comprised of an equal number of Parents and Students (50%) and School Staff (50%). SSC meets monthly on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm virtually via a ZOOM link that is announced in ParentSquare 72 hours before the meeting. All meetings are open to the public. Students and parents are encouraged to attend. Spanish translation is available during the meeting. The council will meet on the following dates:
· December 15, 2020
· January 19, 2021
· February 16, 2021
· March 16, 2021
· April 20, 2021
· May 18, 2021
If you have any questions, please contact: Wendy Bader, Coordinator at w.bader@birminghamcharter.com or 818-452-5236.
Dear Parents,
From the bottom of our hearts , we want to thank you for being you. The Special Education department wouldn't be the same without you. We value your input and thank you for trusting us with your child's education. Please remember, that you are not alone. The Special Education department is here and we want to help. We know that there is no perfect solution right now but there is help available. As parents we need to be flexible with our children and know that we are all doing the best we can. This will pass and hopefully our children will not just remember the challenges they had but the support of their teachers and parents. BCCHS continues to provide ongoing tutoring for our special education students. Below is our current special education zoom link. We have tutoring available Monday-Friday from 2-3.
Topic: Tutoring
Time: 2-3 Monday-Friday
Zoom Meeting address:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 788 4068 9702
Passcode: vtg12V
If you have any particular issue with your child , please contact their case carriers. They are here to help you. Thank you again, for everything you bring to our school.