January School Safety Update
School Safety Funding Opportunities
- 2022-2024 Silent Panic Alert Technology (SPAT) Allocation Amounts by LEA
- Program Guidelines
- Program FAQs
- Grant Questions Program Contact: Nick Davis (737) 308-6086
Due January 31st.
2022-2025 School Safety Standards Formula Grant
- School Safety Formula Grant Allocation Funding
- School Safety Formula Grant Allowable Costs
- The grant application will be available on the TEA Grant Opportunities page.
- See the School Safety Related Grant Programs webpage here
- Must have expended all of the SB500 School Safety and Security Grant
- The Applicant Designation and Certification (ADC) form must be submitted before the grant application is available in eGrants
- Grant Questions Program Contact: Nick Davis (737) 308-6086
The grant will allow spending on a variety of security-related items identified by the needs of each LEA. The grant will allow for various costs associated with school safety and security; however, the grant will come with a requirement that money must first be spent on items necessary to comply with the school safety standard rule. You can view the rule here.
Due February 17, 2023.
School Safety Allotment Survey
FY 2022 school safety allotment data will be collected by mandatory survey beginning on Thursday, January 5, 2023, and concluding Wednesday, February 8, 2023. To successfully complete the survey, LEAs should review the survey preview and gather and collect information related to all expenditures from their school safety allotment for the 2022 fiscal year.
LEAs should complete the FY 2022 School Safety Allotment Survey by 11:59 p.m. CST, Wednesday, February 8, 2023.
2019-2021 School Safety and Security Grant Programmatic Report
LEAs who received grant funding through the 2019-2021 School Safety and Security grant program are required to complete a programmatic report on expended grant funds and campuses served.
How do I access the report?
To complete the 2019-2021 School Safety and Security Grant LEAs will follow this link to a SmartSheet form that contains additional instructions on how to report expenditures in appropriate activities.
- 12/14/2022: TEA releases 2019-2021 School Safety and Security Grant programmatic report via Smartsheet.
- 02/10/2023 at 5:00pm CST: Report closes for LEA submission, TEA staff will reach out to LEAs who did not submit to retrieve the data.
Contact Information
For additional guidance or clarification please reach out to or
School Safety Standards Cost Estimate Survey
TEA has designed a School Safety Standards Cost Estimates Collection Survey to ensure TEA has a complete understanding of the financial impact of the implementation of the proposed School Safety Standards rule. School systems should include work already done to implement the rule dating back to June 1, 2022.
To support districts in understanding the requirements and estimating the cost of each individual component for each campus, and ultimately the district, TEA has created the following optional tools.
School systems should complete the survey no later than February 10, 2023.
Human Trafficking Resources/Webinars
the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) invites you to join a two-part miniseries focused on the roles of families in human trafficking, including participation, prevention, and intervention.
Part 1: Supporting Students Who Have Experienced Familial Human Trafficking
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
3:00 – 4:30 pm EDT
Register here.
Part 2: Engaging Families in Preventing and Addressing Human Trafficking
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
3:00 – 4:30 pm EDT
Register here.
SAVE: Signs of Sex Trafficking
76% of transactions for sex with children occur online. Predators use many coercive tactics to groom, stalk, and exploit their targets. Education Specialist, Ernesto Reyes, will dive deep into the many signs of sex trafficking and how to identify if a loved one or child is in danger.
January 9 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
SCI: Cyber Safety and Human Trafficking
This presentation highlights the nexus between pornography, trafficking, and grooming techniques used by predators. Gain an understanding through examples of direct messages used to lure students away from their homes, and most importantly how to have the uneasy but necessary conversations with your student.
January 17 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Register here.
To report suspected human trafficking, contact iWatchTexas at 844-643-2251 or
Dial 911 in an emergency.
To obtain services for a human trafficking victim, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888 or text 233733.
General School Safety Resources/Webinars
You can view the dates and times here.
This seminar focuses first on a highly strategic approach to communicating during a wide variety of crisis situations, then discusses how school boards, attorneys, and other outside professionals can best work together, especially when confronted with issues that simultaneously impact student safety, student education, and legal imperatives, along with short and long-term reputational considerations.
Learning objectives include:
- Learn and understand the use of the “Damage Control Playbook,” which include practical and actionable activities designed to blunt, avoid and/or mitigate crisis situations.
- Know how to establish and maintain control of the message.
- Better understand how to balance legal, educational and reputational considerations – and why “no comment” should never be used
Webinar – From the Classroom to the Boardroom: Addressing the Increase in School Violence
Join us in a round table discussion where experts, parents, and school leaders share perspectives on school security and safety issues in our schools. Between fears of active shooters and bullying, budget concerns, building codes and local politics, these issues impact all of us.
You can view the webinar here.
Upcoming Training/Professional Development
School Based Law Enforcement Training- TCOLE 4604
This is a mandated training that is required for Campus Police, ISD Police and SRO’s. If your police officers have not taken this training before, they will need this training to meet the legal requirements.
Texas School Safety Center and Region 3 will host the SBLE Training on January 31st and February 1st, 2023 at Region 3.
See link below for registration details.
Restorative Practices
Region 3 in conjunction with Texas School Safety Center will be hosting a Restorative Practices for Educators training on February 1, 2023 at Region 3. Please see the link below for Registration details.
Behavioral Threat Assessment
Region 3 ESC will be offering this training on February 13, 2022, from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Register here
Retired Dallas ISD Chief of Police Craig Miller, will give a presentation on establishing relationships between school administrators and law enforcement and what protocols to establish before and after a crisis event. The rest of the day will include other national and state speakers on the topic of school safety.
When: March 9, 2023 (8:30AM -$3:30PM)
Where: University of Houston Victoria Multi-purpose room located at 3006 N. Ben Wilson
Register here.
- TEA Title IVA Program Guide
- Title IV, Part A Use of Funds One-Pager
- Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Website
- Title IV Frequently Asked Questions Document
- Title IV, Part A ESC School Safety State Initiative
- Behavioral Threat Assessment
- Commissioner’s Rules
- District Audit Report (DAR)
- District/Campus Improvement Plan Update
- Drill Guidance
- Emergency Operation Plans (EOP)
- Human Trafficking
- Mandatory Trainings
- Mental and Behavioral Health
- Suicide Prevention/Intervention/Postvention
- Trauma Informed Care (Trust Based Relational Intervention)
- Psychological First Aid
- YMHFA - (Youth Mental Health First Aid)
- MTSS (Multi-tiered Systems of Support)
- Safe and Supportive School Program Team (SSSP)
- Safety and Security Committee
- SEL (Social-Emotional Learning)
- Student Safety and Mental Training & Curriculum
- The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling
- Title IV Grant Management
- Compliance Report
- Use of Funds
- Traumatic Injury Response Protocol (Stop the Bleed)
School Safety Contact
Elias Moya
Region 3 ESCSchool Safety
Location: Region III Education Service Center, Leary Lane, Victoria, TX, USA
Phone: (361) 573-0731
Twitter: @R3ESC