Kirk Fenton News
7th October 2022
Please look on our website for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents / Carers,
We have had a very busy week in school this week with lots going on.
Thank you first of all to all the parents who came to the parent consultation meetings. It is always good to have the opportunity to share how your children are progressing with you and, as teachers, we learn so much from you about your children that helps us to support them in the classroom.
Thank you also for all the many tins and packets that were sent in for our Harvest Festival worship this week. The Year Six team captains did a wonderful job in leading the worship and we were joined by Rev'd. Paulie for a blessing and a visit from Cheryl from the Selby foodbank. Kirk Fenton families always rise to the challenge when we put out an appeal for food or resources and the foodbank is always so grateful for our donations that will go a long way to supporting local families in difficult circumstances this winter. Thank you.
Also on Wednesday, the Friends of Kirk Fenton held their AGM in the hall. A new committee was voted in and now that all covid restrictions in school have been lifted, they are already underway with plans for the Christmas fair amongst other things. If you would like to get involved with supporting the committee or have other fundraising ideas, please contact the school and we can pass on your details. The date for the Christmas fair will be after school on Friday 9th December.
On Thursday we celebrated National Poetry Day with each class performing a poem for the other classes in assembly. The children enjoyed the poems both as performers and audience and the teachers were very impressed with how well they did. Well done everyone!
Finally, a few notices for this week:
- Monday is World Mental Health Day. We will be marking it in school on FRIDAY 14th October with a non-uniform day with all donations going to Childline. Childline is one of the head pupils' chosen charities this year and they work closely and directly with children suffering any kind of harm. Suggested donations of £1 would be great.
- We have recently bought a whole new reading scheme of books which children have been keen to take home. Sadly, some of these have already been returned to school water damaged or torn so that we can no longer use them. Please take good care of school reading books as we may have to pass the cost of replacement on if they are returned to school damaged and unusable.
- Autumn and spring are head lice seasons and we have seen a rise in school in all classes over the last couple of weeks. Please ensure you check your child's hair regularly for lice and eggs and treat them as necessary so that they are not passed on. Thank you
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Karen Williams
Head Teacher
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Donaldson - Cecily and Darcie
Hughes - Jaxon and Jack
Coelho - Paul and Martha
Rosen - Jacob and Charlie
Milligan - Jacob and Clara M
Zephaniah - Samantha and Olivia
Shakespeare - Tamara and Sienna H
Angelou - Elliot and Olivia P
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Donaldson - Maisie
Hughes - Elin
Coelho - Min
Rosen - Evelyn
Milligan - Georgia
Zephaniah - Laurence
Shakespeare - James
Angelou - Grace
Winning Team
Message from Head Pupils
For the Harvest Festival pupils were asked to bring in food donations and we were very impressed at how much we received for Selby Food Bank. Student council led a worship about the importance of the event and all the students listened very well.
National Poetry Day was a great success as all the classes delivered a poem to the rest of the school.
This year the student council has picked two charities, Childline and Disasters Emergency Committee, that the school will focus on raising money for. We look forward to accomplishing our goals.
Head Pupil certificates went to Charlotte from Coelho and Logan from Milligan.
Niamh and Lillie
Usbourne Book Fair
Non-Uniform Day Friday 14th October
Lunch Hall
Friends Bears and Donut Sale
Tuesday 11th October,
Usbourne Book Fair
Thursday 13th October, 3pm in school
Non-Uniform Day
Friday 14th October
Raising money for Childline
Half Term
Monday 24th-Friday 28th October
Secondary School Place Applications
Submit your application by 31 October 2022
Training Day
Monday 31st October
Parents' Coffee Morning
Friday 4th November, 8.45am
Nasal Flu Vaccination
Wednesday 16th November
See email on how to give your consent.
Whole School Pantomime Visit, York Theatre Royal
Friday 9th December
Friends Christmas Fair
Friday 9th December, after school
Break Up
Friday 16th December, 3.20pm
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
We held a successful AGM this week, and are pleased to welcome some new committee members, in addition to some keen volunteers. It’s fantastic to have a teacher involved in the committee and we are looking to a successful year ahead.
The 2022/23 committee is:
Mark Gayton
Serena Lowes
Annie Ellis
Caroline Murray
Suzy Gillespie
Carly Armstrong
Mrs Cameron
Some important dates for your diary:
The bears and donut sale will take place after school on Tuesday 11th October
We are pleased to say we will be holding a Christmas Fair again this year, after school on Friday 9th December
Registered charity no: 1154660
The easiest ways to raise funds for us is to register with Easy Fundraising and raise money as you shop online at no cost to you and search online with Easy Search
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies:
Treetops Forest School Autumn Holiday Club.
3 Day camp held at Bishop Wood,
Wednesday 26 th Oct – Friday 28 th Oct 9am – 3pm.
Lots of free-play opportunities, rope swings, den building, fire
lighting, games, tool use, Halloween crafts and much more.
For more information visit or
book a place via www.bookwhen/treetopsforestschool. If you
have any questions, please contact Siobhan Bamforth