Red Oak Reader
Red Oak Elementary School
Location: 7700 Old Carriage Court, Shakopee, MN, USA
Phone: 952-496-5952
Twitter: @RedOaksters
Dates to remember
January 13: 2 hour early release (students will be dismissed at 1:45)
January 16: NO SCHOOL (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
January 20: Student Council Dress Up Day: Tye-Dye (see below for more information)
January 24: Kindergarten Information Night: 5:30-7:30 (for incoming K students/families)
January 26: PTO Movie Night: 5:30-7:30
January 27: NO SCHOOL (Grading Day)
February 8: PTO Meeting at Red Oak (Cafeteria) 7pm
February 17: NO SCHOOL (District PD Day)
February 20: NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
Principal Updates
Greetings families and Happy New Year!
I hope this newsletter finds you well. We are all so glad to have our students back in the building. We certainly missed them over winter break. Some kids grew taller and others came back with missing teeth that the tooth fairy took! It has been great to see the kids jump right back into routines, both in the building and in their classrooms.
As we begin to wrap up the first half of the school year (semester 1 ends on Jan. 26) we are looking forward to continuing to work on deepening the academic rigor for each student.
January brings some new beginnings as we gear up for the second half of the year. I'd like to encourage you, parents and guardians, so ask your student what they want to work on or improve for the second half of the school year. I also want to encourage you to continue to check SeeSaw for progress pictures and updates of your student's academics and remain in communication and collaboration with your child's teachers. In March, we will have one more formal opportunity for you to meet with teachers during our spring conferences (more information to come). You don't have to wait until then to connect with us. We appreciate and enjoy partnering with you to help your child(ren) be as successful as they can with our work together.
Have a wonderful week!
Your partner in education,
Krysten Ellis, Principal
Winter Weather
If you are in need of warmer clothes or winter gear for your child(ren), please contact our social worker, Liz Ammerman: (952) 496- 5956 or email at
District Information/Winter Weather Guidelines and Information:
In the event of a weather-related school change, please look for communication from the YMCA on information related to delays and/or cancelations. Please see the outline below on general winter weather schedule adjustments for the 2022/23 school year.
Dress Up Days!
Time to dress up again!
On January 20th, Student Council invites all students to dress up in tye-dye shirts or socks!
Systems and Procedural Reminders
A few reminders worth noting to the beginning and end of the day structures and procedures:
- All doors open at 8:55 a.m. (walkers and bikers, door E unlocks at 8:55). Students should remain in their cars or on the Saber Paw prints outside until the doors open
- Breakfast for all students will be in their classroom. This will allow students to be in class and be a part of the morning activities without having them rush through breakfast.
- Drop off/pick up will continue to be in the upper lot. We ask that parents/guardians remain in the car for a more safe and efficient process. There are adults to help get students out of cars in the morning and into cars in the afternoon. Please pull forward to help keep the line moving. Please do not park and get down to drop off your children. This is for their safety.
- Our drop off/pick up line is secondary to getting the busses in and out of the lower lot. Please be mindful of where you line up to allow for large and small busses to maneuver through.
- Families arriving after 9:05 MUST walk their child(ren) into the building and sign them in.
- School ends at 3:45, which means students will not be called for the car line until 3:48. Again, please remain in your car in the line and we will help get your child in the car.
Thank you for your attention to detail on these for the safety of our children.
Front Office Information
Health Services Resources
Health services resources for the 2022/23 school year can be found online here: Optional COVID-19 self reporting details and a form are available here.
Parents/guardians should call the attendance line when a student will be late or absent 952-496-5953.
Students arriving after 9:05 will need to be walked in by their parent/guardian and will be marked tardy.
Visitor Reminders
All visitors are required to check-in at the front office and must be screened through the Raptor system during normal school hours.
If you would like to volunteer in the classroom or attend a field trip or volunteer with students, you must have a completed, cleared background check. Click here to fill out the form.
Change in PM transportation
If your child has a change in how they are getting home, please call the office no later than 3pm so we can get the correct information to the classroom teacher.
Communication Reminder
We encourage families to download the Seesaw app on your smartphone or bookmark on a computer to gain access to important school communications and teacher messages.
Meal Reminders and Updates
Free meals are no longer provided by COVID federal funds.
Breakfast is no longer free for students in grades 1-5. Kindergarten students are the only grade that has free breakfast.
Student meal accounts will need to be funded in Infinite Campus. Free or reduced meals can be offered to families that qualify. Applications also impact school funding. Digital applications can be completed in Infinite Campus. Printed applications are also available in our main office and at the district office. For tips on how to fund meal accounts in Infinite Campus, click here.
For additional details on free and reduced meals, click here.Need Support? We've Got Resources!
Family Resource Centers of Scott County: When times are tough, it's hard to know where to go to get the help you need. The Family Resource Center (FRC) are here to help families get connected to support and resources. If you're feeling stuck, visit a FRC. Click here for more information (in multiple languages)
Do you need food on the weekends?
If you need help with meals on the weekend, please sign up here for free meals. There are 5 different types of meals to sign up for. Students who sign up for these meals will take them home on the last day of the school week.
For more information, please email our Social Worker, Liz Ammermann:
Red Oak Needs You!
If you're interested (or know someone who might be interested or would be a good fit) in working at Red Oak (or in Shakopee Public Schools), feel free to call me, Principal Ellis at 952-496-5952 so we can talk about options for various jobs. We would love to have you join our team and support our students. Training provided, job share responsibilities and weekend/summer/school breaks off.
Do you love working with kids? Do you need a job that will work around your schedule? Click here for a list of positions and to apply.