PTS Rising Report
News and happenings from across Phoenix-Talent SD
A message from Superintendent Brent Barry
Dear PTS families,
The last several weeks have been absolutely jam-packed with events and activities around the Phoenix-Talent School District, but I’d like to share with you a few highlights as we head into the holiday break.
Based on the number of people in the stands, chances are you probably already know that our winter concerts are in the books and, as always, they served as both a beautiful example of what our students have been learning and a great opportunity for each of our school families to gather, catch up, and celebrate their students together. If you run into music teachers Wendy Savage and Andreya Nicholson-Walcott or Talent Middle School band teacher Bret Eason, please tell them how much you appreciate their hard work and skill. It takes a lot of know-how and patience to assemble all the pieces necessary to put on a well-run concert and PTS is truly blessed to have music teachers who can do all that and connect with their students, too.
Phoenix High School didn’t have a winter music concert – one is coming after the break – but the Pirates did have an exciting gathering inside the Rose Street Theater this week and some tremendous progress reports from the first quarter. The Pirates’ DECA team, led by advisor Celine Farrimond, hosted six other local DECA teams Wednesday for an event that featured speeches by three business leaders, including Dutch Bros. CEO Joth Ricci (you may have seen this report on the event by the Rogue Valley Times). What a tremendous opportunity for our students! Thank you, Ms. Farrimond, for pulling the strings to make that happen.
In other PHS news, principal Kalin Cross reported to the school board last week that 226 students scored a 3.5 grade point average or higher during the first quarter, including an astounding 90 students with a 4.0 GPA! Great job, Pirates!
Lastly, I wanted to let you know about a presentation by Javier del Rio, our Director of Instructional Improvement and Strategic Planning Coordinator, that may help shed some light on what we are doing to help our students continue to rebound from the Covid/Almeda fire double whammy. Mr. del Rio’s presentation to the school board during its December 7 meeting (it begins at about the 36-minute mark) breaks down the challenge we have before us and the very intentional, evidence-based work being done to turn the tide in our classrooms. It’s a lot to process, but Mr. del Rio did a wonderful job explaining what he and the rest of our instructional team focus on every day and why it matters. We have a long, uphill climb ahead, but I have no doubt that PTS is up to the challenge.
Please check out today’s PTS Rising Report for more information about what else is happening around the district, and on behalf of the entire PTS family, have a happy holiday and a happy new year!
Brent Barry, Superintendent
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Important Dates
December 16-January 1: Winter break.
- January 4: PTS School Board meeting (6 p.m.).
January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school).
January 26: Teacher in-service (no school).
Phoenix-Talent School District
Email: brent.barry@phoenix.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.phoenix.k12.or.us/Page/1
Location: 401 West 4th Street, Phoenix, OR, USA
Phone: 541-535-1517
Facebook: facebook.com/PTSRising
Twitter: @Phoenix_Talent