Bulldog Blast
Conn-West Elementary Newsletter - May 26th
Dear Conn-West Community,
As the school year officially comes to a close, I wanted to write a brief farewell. As you all know, I will not be returning to Conn-West for the next school year, as I am retiring. I have spent the past 27 years working for the Grandview School District in various roles and have found that being the Principal of Conn-West has been the most rewarding. I have had the wonderful opportunity of seeing hundreds of children develop and flourish as confident, successful young people. I am so proud to have been your Principal.
During my time here, I have worked with the most amazing staff and students. The families I have known over the past eight years have become a big part of my life and I appreciate all of the kindness I have been shown. I have been truly fortunate to get to know your children and your family. I have had the unbelievable experience of watching my former students grow up, become productive adults and then return to Conn-West as wonderful parents. As a matter of fact, some of the students that attend Conn-West currently are the children of students I had in my classroom when I taught at Conn-West over 25 years ago. It seems that I have come full circle.
Your children have been a gift to me, and I will hold their smiles close to my heart as I move through the next chapter of my life.
It has been my honor to serve all of you.
All my best,
Ms. Simon
Last Day of School
Uniform Information for Next Year
Upcoming Dates and Events
Friday, May 26th - Field Day
Friday, May 26th - Free Dress Down Day
Monday, May 29th - No School - Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 31st - Last Day of School - Students Dismissed @ 12:05 pm
Wednesday, May 31st - Free Dress Down Day
Please Return Library Books
The end of another school year is quickly upon us. With that being said, it is time for the annual CWLibrary Inventory. Over the next few weeks, I will be scanning over 15,000 books. Before overdue notices are sent home, I have scanned the shelves to see if the book is there. I will be sending home overdue notices for those students whose books have not been turned in. If your child receives a notice, please take a moment to look for the book. All missing books need to be returned or paid for by Wednesday, May 24th. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at 816-316-5228. ~Ms. Eisenhour
Online Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year
First Day of School
August 21st is the first day of school for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Conn-West Elementary
Email: marcy.simon@grandviewc4.net
Website: https://connwest.grandviewc4.net/
Location: 1100 High Grove road, Grandview, MO 64030
Phone: 816-316-5225
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConnWestElementary
Twitter: @CWES_Bulldogs