Byron Area Schools
High School and Middle School News
Hello. My name is Don McLennan and I am the new Principal for Byron High School and Middle School. This will be my 23rd year in Byron. I have previously been a Teacher, Coach and Assistant Principal. I am honored and excited for this opportunity. I look forward to working with all our students and parents throughout this upcoming school year.
We have tentatively filled the Dean of Students position with Mr. Jay Schmitt, pending board approval. This is a great addition to our administration team. Mr. Schmitt has been a very successful teacher in Byron and will continue to have a positive impact on our students in this new role.
This time of the year always brings a lot of questions on back to school information. Lucky for all of us there is a new feature on the school web page that has put all of this information in one place. Please use the link to find the information that you need. https://www.byron.k12.mi.us/backtoschool
Enjoy the last bit of summer vacation, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the open house on August 22nd and first day of school on August 24th.
Mr. McLennan
Schedule Information
Week of August 7-Fall sports practices have started.
August 15-Schedules may be picked up for High School Students(Middle School will be passed out at the open house night)
August 15,16,17,21, and 23 Schedule consultations for High School students only. (see schedule below from Mrs. Smith). These are appointment only. NO WALK INS!! Click on the links at the bottom to schedule an appointment. Only if needed.
Tues, Aug 15
- 8 - 11 am ... 12th grade/ 11:30 am - 2 pm ... 11th grade
Wed, Aug 16
- 8 - 11 am ... 10th grade/11:30 - 2 pm ... 9th grade
Thurs, Aug 17
- 8 - 11 am ... new/any students
Mon, Aug 21
- 8 - 11 am ... new/any students
Wed, Aug 23
- 8 - 11 am, 11:30 am - 2 pm ... new/any students
Returning students, sign up based on the above schedule https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805044faaae2ba5fe3-2324#/
New students/any others sign up here. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805044faaae2ba5fe3-23241#/
The mission of Byron Area Schools is to educate all students
to become productive members of society.
- Contact-Don McLennan mclennan@byron.k12.mi.us
- 810-266-4620