Tioga Family Bulletin
September 1, 2023
Translating: Did you know?
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Beginning of the Year Photo Gallery
K-5 Picture Day
Save the Date!
Tioga's Picture Day for Grades K-5 will be held on Monday, September 25. More information can be found by clicking on the picture to the left.
Safe2Help Illinois is a 24/7 program where students can use a free app, text/phone, and website (Safe2HelpIllinois.com) to share information on school safety issues in a confidential environment.
Click on the images below to get more information.
Welcome to Tioga, Ms. Stalzer!
Fall MAP Testing
Please click HERE for the Fall MAP Parent Letter for additional information.
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders
Thank you to all of the families that have helped to maintain a safe and orderly student arrival and pick-up.
As reminders, families can further assist in creating a safe arrival by ensuring that:
- Students exit their vehicle through the curbside door
- Parents and students respect the directions of Tioga Crossing Guards
- Families respect Village of Bensenville parking signs when parking on nearby streets and the property of Tioga's neighbors
- Dropping students off on Memorial Road is not permitted due to student safety issues
Please contact the Tioga office with any questions about student arrival or dismissal.
Erin's Law - CAPP Presentations for Grades 1, 3 and 5
K-5 Curriculum Night
Please join us Tuesday, September 19, 2023 for K-5 Curriculum Night. During curriculum night, parents will have the opportunity to learn more about their child's curriculum and other grade level events.
This year we will also be hosting an information/resource fair in the gym. Please stop by to visit your child's Specials teachers, learn more about math and reading resources for home, ask questions about the PowerSchool Parent Portal, and meet Tioga's Social Workers and Counselors.
Please click on the flyer to the right for more information about Curriculum Night.
September Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Reminders About Visitor Protocol and Student Sign-Out
As a beginning of the year reminder, when a parent or visitor comes to any of the schools, they will need to press the intercom button. A member of the staff will come on the intercom system and request the visitor/parent to identify themself and the reason for the visit.
Regardless of our familiarity with you or the frequency of your visits to our schools, you will still be asked to identify yourself and the purpose of your visit every time. We ask that you adhere to this process and state your name and the reason for your visit (i.e. picking up your child, dropping off an item, etc.) so that we can continue to enhance the safety of our schools. If signing your child out of school, the office staff will ask to see your ID to ensure that the person that is picking up the child is a guardian or an approved adult.
SEL Newsletter
Important Upcoming Dates
- 9/4: No School - Labor Day
- 9/7: NWEA MAP Testing begins
- 9/11: Child Assault Prevention Project presentations begin
- 9/13: Pre-K Screenings - No School for Pre-K
- 9/14: Pre-K Screenings - No School for Pre-K
- 9/15: No School - Teacher Institute Day
- 9/19: Curriculum Night (K-5) from 5:30-6:45 PM
- 9/21: Curriculum Night (Pre-K) from 4:15-5:15 PM
- 9/21: Curriculum Night (BMS) from 6:30-8:00 PM
- 9/25: Picture Day (K-5)
- 9/27: 1st Trimester Midterms
Check out our upcoming Spirit Day themes:
- 9/8: Sports Day - Wear a uniform, jersey, or something sports-related
- 9/22: Crazy Sock Day - Wear crazy, silly, or mismatched socks
- 9/29: Tioga Spirit Day - Wear Tioga clothes or school colors (red, blue, or yellow)
- 10/6: College Day - Wear a shirt for your favorite college, university, or school
Tioga Elementary School
Ms. Soike - Assistant Principal
Email: ckramer@bsd2.org
Website: https://www.bsd2.org/Tioga
Phone: (630) 766-2602