Team 3637 Newsletter Fall 2019
The Daleks - Hunterdon Central Regional High School
Team Social Media
Email: Team3637RSA@gmail.com
Website: http://www.team3637.com/
Location: 84 Route 31, Flemington, NJ, United States
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Team3637/
Twitter: @frc3637
What Have We Been Up to Since Season Nine Ended?
- Held two informational sessions to recruit adults as coaches for both FIRST® LEGO® League and FIRST® LEGO® League Jr..
- We now have three teams for Grades 5-8 (30 kids) and three teams for Grades 1-4 (18 kids)! The overwhelming majority of our kids come from the Flemington Raritan School District schools.
- We also helped a teacher from Delaware Township School organize an FLL Jr. after school program to begin in October, providing on-site, weekly mentor support to 18 kids in grades 3-5.
- Hosted 16 girls from local girl scout troop and introduced them to robotics and helped them with the robotics badge.
- Co-hosted Family Science Night with National Science Honor Society showcasing robotics and offering hands-on robot builds.
- Hosted week-long FLL Jr./STEM summer camp for 12 area students in grades 1-4. Each day students built LEGO robotics and a take home activity including a soda can robot, and a tooth brush BOT.
- Showcased our robot and team at the Hunterdon County 4H Fair
- Prepared new meeting space at Flemington Presbyterian Church to hold expanding FLL and FLL Jr. teams by cleaning out youth room, and organizing storage space and materials
- Held three day Bootcamp for new FLL kids teaching programming, coding and key building skills
- Hosted an information table at Hunterdon Central's Freshman Social to recruit new students
FLL Jr./STEM Summer Camp
Soda Can BOT
Demonstration of High School BOT
Raritan Township Community Day
Hunterdon County 4H Fair
Hunterdon County 4H Fair
- Coaching/mentoring third season of FIRST® LEGO® League Jr. with support from our partner Harvest Family Success Center--Three teams/18 kids!
- Coaching/mentoring our fifth year of FIRST® LEGO® League--Three teams/30 kids!
- Mentoring Barley Sheaf School Lego Club
- Coaching/mentoring FIRST® LEGO® League Jr. Club at Delaware Township School
Programmed the Crane to Reach the Top!
Constructing a Sturdy Building
Our Crane before it is Mechanized
Pre Season Competition November 2 & 3--Ramp Riot XX
Saturday, Nov 2, 2019, 12:00 PM
Wissahickon High School, Houston Road, Ambler, PA, USA
Hunterdon Central BOT Bonanza FLL Qualifying Event--November 23, 2019
The event will take place at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in the 9-10 Building. It is anticipated that the event will draw 500-600 people from the area.
Sponsors and volunteers are needed to make this competition a success. We have volunteer opportunities for judges (educators, business professionals or anyone who thinks STEM is cool would be great), photographers, emcees, and logistical support.
Sponsors are needed to stock our concession stands--pizza, subs, bagels, muffins, snacks, water and soda. Sponsors are also needed for trophies, awards, signage, t shirts, and supplies. Please use the RSVP below if you would like to volunteer or sponsor our team. Someone will contact you by email. Alternatively you could contact our Robotics Support Association at: team3637rsa@gmail.com
Team 3637 is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Volunteer/Sponsor Support Hunterdon Central BOT Bonanza
Saturday, Nov 23, 2019, 08:00 AM
Hunterdon Central Regional High School, New Jersey 31, Flemington, NJ, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Learn more about FIRST® Robotics 2019-20 Season
FIRST® LEGO® League Jr.
FIRST® Robotics Competition
Recap Season Nine 2018/2019
- Advanced to the quarter finals
- District Engineering Inspiration Award
First Mid Atlantic District Montgomery Event--March 29-31, 2019
- Advanced to quarter finals; semi finals and finals.
- District Event Finalist Silver Medal
- Safety Award sponsored by Underwriter Laboratories
- District Chairman's Award Gold Medal
First Mid Atlantic District Championship--Lehigh University--April 3-6 2019
- Completed event with record of 7-5-0
- Ranked 35 out of 60
Our 2019 Pit
Mission Impact
Mission Impact! We are proud of the impact we make in our community promoting FIRST, robotics and STEM!