Ardmore School Newsletter
Week 5 Term 4 13 November 2021 #16
* Hello * Kia ora * Namaste * Malo e lelei * Talofa lava * Kia orana * Guten Tag* Nǐ hǎo * Sat sree akaal * Hola * Chào bạn * Bula * Hallo *As-salamu ‘Alakum
On Wednesday school reopens for those children who are already at school in our current bubbles, and those whose parents completed the 'Returning to School' form before the 5pm Thursday deadline. Based on the numbers in the form who identified their children would be returning to school, we will be opening the school 9 - 3pm five days a week. If numbers returning had been higher, we may have needed to consider part-time school options.
For those families that missed the deadline and have since indicated they wish their children to attend school, we will put your children on a waiting list and if numbers in your child's class drop off, or we find that after a week or two, we believe we can safely accommodate your child within our current organisation, we will contact you.
If there are further families who missed the deadline and would like their children to attend school, please email Mrs Shirley Stananought, sstananought@ardmore.school.nz or phone the school office and they will be added to the waiting list. In the meantime online learning, reflecting what is being taught at school, will be available as usual.
Ngā mihi
Brigid Peterson
Principal / Tumuaki Ardmore School
Guidelines For Those Families Returning to School on Wednesday
- School uniform is to be worn
- Sunhats are required
- Refillable non-glass drink bottles are required as water fountains cannot be used.
- Contactless Delivery and Collection of Tamariki: - Tamariki must be dropped off at school between 8.30am and 8.55am at their designated entry and collection . Kaiako / Teachers will meet them at the entrances. If your tamariki uses a carseat, masked parents / caregivers may exit their vehicles to assit their child. Please note if you have children in different whānau groups / teams each child needs to be delivered to, and collected from, their entrance to ensure there is no mixing of whānau groups. We ask that those of you with tamariki in different whānau groups be patient with our organisation as we try to maintain our bubble separation. Tamariki will be at their collection point from 2.45pm.
- Entry and Collection Points:
Tui Whānau - The door to the left of the administration entrance beside Mrs Stananought's Office
Piwakawaka Whānau - The junior gate entrance
Ruru Whānau - The swimming pool carpark entrance
Masks: - As mandated by the Ministry of Education all Year 4 - 8 tamariki and teachers MUST wear a mask when they are indoors. As Tui Whānau has a mix of Year 4 and other year level tamariki, the school is requiring ALL Tui Whānau tamariki to wear masks.
Tamariki must wear their masks to enter school. - Piwakawaka Whānau, tamariki may wear masks, but it is not a requirement.
Teachers / kaiako and support staff will wear masks.
There will be no school bus, as this would involve mixing our school bubbles
There will be no before and after school care, as this would also involve mixing our school bubbles
Mitigating Risk: - Inside, tamariki will only be with their classmates and classroom teacher. There will be physical distancing, designated seating and lots of hand sanitising.
Outside, tamariki will be mixing / playing with tamariki in their whānau group only. Sanitising before and after play and social distancing will be in place. Each whānau group will have separate morning tea and lunchtimes, separate routes to their classrooms from the playgrounds and their entry and exit points, and separate toilets.
Eating will be in their class groups outside, socially distanced
Kaiako / teachers and support staff have been allocated to a bubble and each bubble has separate facilities or designated times to use kitchen spaces to ensure the maintenance of the bubble framework.
Volunteers Working in School and Parent Helpers on Trips
Organisation for 2022
If your child has particular needs that should be taken into consideration in their classroom placement please email me: bpeterson@ardmore.school.nz or Mrs Debbie Spick, the school's Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO).
Even with Covid lockdowns it has been a busy year. The yearbook contains classroom pictures, images and articles of events during the year PLUS photos of students with their Ag Day animals and gardens. Also highlights of lockdown work, space for autographs and much more.
Cybersafety Corner - What you need to know about Fortnite
The 'free' to play video game that took the world by storm. With a staggering 350 million estimated registered users, and players spending more than 3.3 billion hours in-game during the month of April 2020 (thanks, COVID), we’ve created an overview of what parents need to know about this phenomenon. Click on the photo to read the overview.
Contact Us
Email: office@ardmore.school.nz
Website: https://www.ardmore.school.nz/
Location: 599 Papakura-Clevedon Road, Ardmore, New Zealand
Phone: 09 299 6228