The Wolf Weekly
NRHS Principal's Newsletter
Newsletter Week of April 4 2022
Happy Monday and Happy April everyone! I hope you had a good weekend - it finally felt a bit like spring. Just a few reminders for this week:
- We have an early release day on Friday 4/8 for students for staff professional development.
- We will be hosting several events on Friday - the Reality Fair for our 10th graders as well as the regional GSA meeting. Outside participants will need parking spots, so we will not be issuing one day spots for students on that day. Please plan accordingly.
- Weekly COVID safety checks continue on Thursdays during long block.
- Consider signing up to volunteer for Challenge Day - details below.
- The last day of Quarter 3 is Friday 4/15
- April Vacation is the week of April 18th
Have a great week!
Dr. Kathleen Boynton, principal
Challenge Day Volunteer Opportunity
Dear NRHS parents/guardians,
Nashoba Regional High School is excited to partner this year with Challenge Day to support social emotional learning and community building for our students. This past fall, our 10th graders engaged in the experience and this April, we will be hosting Challenge Day for our 9th graders.
Challenge Day is a research based program that has been in existence for over 30 years, has served over 2,700 schools and over 1.7 million students and educators. It is a powerful experience that helps build empathy and connections, and has been demonstrated to improve school culture and climate.
Part of the effectiveness and powerful impact of Challenge Day is the adult to student ratio. We are looking to expand our adult participation beyond school staff members to parents and guardians as a way to increase community connections at NRHS. If you are interested in learning more about Challenge Day, click HERE. Below are the dates scheduled for NRHS. If you are interested in volunteering your time, please fill out the quick google survey. We are looking for 10-15 participants for each day and people should only sign up for one day. You do not need to be the parent/guardian of a 9th grader to volunteer.
Thursday April 28th 7:40am-2:20pm
Friday April 29th 7:40am-2:20pm
9th graders will be divided evenly between each day
Lunch is provided for all participants
Adult volunteers will lead small “familly groups”
Challenge Day provides all training and facilitation
Parents/guardians should not sign up on a day their own child will be participating
Thank You!
Dr. Kate Boynton, principal
Nashoba News Broadcast 4/1
NRHS Concerts
Upcoming Musical Events at Nashoba Regional High School
Nashoba Regional High School will be hosting two fantastic musical events this spring!
- The Senior Showcase Concert will take place on Wednesday, April 27 at 7pm. This is an evening of entertainment featuring our senior musicians. They will be presenting solo and small group performances of their choice. The Concert Choir and Concert Band will offer a combined performance at the end of the concert to present a piece dedicated to our seniors. This concert has free admission.
- The Nashoba Symphonic Band, under the direction of David Wayne Bailey, will present its Spring concert, Moments to Remember, on Sunday, May 1st at 3 p.m. The program features the area premiere of the “Afro-American Symphony” by William Grant Still, in a transcription written for the band at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Also being performed will be “Hymn for the Innocent” by Julie Giroux, Vincent Persichetti's “Divertimento for Band,” and a unique mini-tone poem for band, “City Rain'” by Judith Land Zaimont. Admission is free to one and all (donations are appreciated).
These concerts are family friendly...younger musicians are especially encouraged to attend. Come and enjoy music in the auditorium at Nashoba Regional High School!
NRHS Drama Club Raffle - Looking for Donations
The Class of 2024 is collecting donations for a "Staycation" raffle basket. This basket will be raffled off at Class Plays on April 8th. There is a drop off bin in the main office.
Nashoba SEPAC Events
NRHS Principal
Location: 12 Green Rd, Bolton, MA 01740
Phone: (978) 779-2257