The Buzz
Spring Term 12th January 2023

A Message from The Executive Head Teacher
Communicating with our school community has always been central to the HPP ethos as it has ensured we have a strong school community with trust and understanding. Over the years the newsletters have changed as technology has allowed and the format has moved on. The readership of the school communication always goes far beyond the current school community. However, the time has come to retire the news notes (HJS) and school news (HISN). We are very excited to launch "The Buzz" for both schools (green in colour at HISN and red at HJS). We hope you enjoy the new style as it retains the favourite elements as well as now being better presented on a smartphone. The Buzz is also able to be translated by a single click into many languages which is a great feature.
Welcome to your first edition of The Buzz! This was named following a competition amongst families with the closest suggestion being Ada (HJS) in 5B - well done Ada. We very much hope you continue to enjoy and find 'The Buzz' useful.
Helen Lockey
Executive Head Teacher
A Message From The Head of School
Welcome back and a happy new year! I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas break spending quality time with their families. We have had a wonderful week and a half here at HISN welcoming children back into school and routine. We are very proud of each and every one of them, they have settled in instantly and fully engaged with their learning. We had our final open morning last week for prospective Reception parents and so many commented on the excellent behaviour and calm and purposeful learning environment.
On Wednesday we had our first ‘Showcase’ for 2D and 2J where parents and carers enjoyed coming in and seeing all of the work their children have completed so far this year. Children were extremely proud of all of their efforts and were delighted to share this with their parents and carers. We look forward to welcoming parents from 2A and 2T next Wednesday.
Claire Cook
Head of School
HISN Reception Admissions / HJS Year 3 Admissions
The deadline for applications for Reception and HJS is Sunday 15th January 2023.
Please see the HJS website/admissions for further information on applying for your child's Year 3 place https://www.hpp.school/junior-school/about-us/admissions
Message from the Governors
Happy New Year.
We are delighted to be leading the HPP Governing Body as co-chairs and look forward to working with Ms Lockey and the team to support the partnership to continue to thrive.
As governors we always welcome constructive feedback and enjoy discussing how we can make the schools even better. If you have any additional comments or questions that are not answered here, or by the linked online resources, you can contact the Governors of Hampton Primary Partnership via email to the co-Chairs of Governors marybuxton@hpp.school and janefallon@hpp.school
Dates for your Diary
Spring Term 2023
Monday 13th February to Friday 17th February - Half Term
Friday 31st March @ 1.20pm (1.30pm HJS) - End of Spring Term
Summer Term 2023
Tuesday 18th April - Children Return to school
Monday 1st May - May Day Bank Holiday
Friday 26th May Inset Day
Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June - Half Term
Friday 21st July - End of Summer Term
The class with the best attendance last week is 1C & 1H (100%)
The class with the least numbers of lates last week is RF
w/c 02/01/2023
RC James
RDC Aaron H
RF Nysa
RK Austin
1B Sebi
1C Sofia
1H Flossie
1K Jude
2A Oscar
2D Daisy
2J Khaila
2T Younus
Happy New Year to all at Hampton Infants and Nursery. It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school and see them settling back into the Nursery routine. The children have been excited to see their friends and share their holiday news with us.
We have begun our new topic ‘The World Around Us’ and introduced this through our story of the week ‘Martha Maps It Out’ by Leigh Hodgkinson. We discussed what a map is and why they are useful. The children said “you can read it” and that “it helps to know where to go when you want to go somewhere.” We have been busy making our own maps whilst developing our mark making skills, talking about the types of home we live in and developing our vocabulary using words such as map, street and city.
In phonics we are working on our listening skills and tuning in to sounds. This week we had lots of fun on a listening walk and thought about what sounds we could hear around our school. In maths we are beginning to explore and understand numbers in a variety of ways using a 5 frame, dice and numicon to name a few and going on number hunts. We are very excited to continue learning new things and challenging ourselves to be the best we can be this term.
Story of the Week: 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Mike Rosen. We are continuing to think about going on a journey and discussing the action words that are in the story. The children will also be sequencing the story to help them retell it and map out stories of their own.
Phonics: We will continue to recap the sounds we have learnt so far, including our new sounds: j,w,z. We will also introduce children to 'Sounds Swap', where the children use their listening ears to manipulate sounds to create new words.
Maths: This week, the children will be exploring our numbers 6,7,8 and playing 'eyespy' to spot different representations of these numbers, as well as using a tens frame to create them too.
Year 1
Throughout this term, Year 1 are continuing their study of seasonal changes and how these affect our weather, as well as exploring the world; places, continents, oceans, landmarks and people who have made a significant impact on our lives.
We are also looking at changes within living memory in History, discussing how travel and transport was different in the past, and finding out the different ways in which it has changed from past to present.
In Science, we are studying a variety of everyday materials and their properties, describing, comparing and grouping these materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.
We are exploring colour and painting in Art, focusing at warm and cold colours. We have been using a colour wheel and exploring these colours through the use of pictures, water colours, and powder paint.
Year 2
Year 2 have begun their new topic 'Sky Riders' where we have been exploring the outdoors, looking up into the sky. In history we are learning about the Wright brothers who invented the first propelled aircraft to successfully fly. Alongside English, we are looking at the historical fiction text 'Taking Flight' by Adam Hanchen and have learnt about contracted words and how to use an apostrophe for omissions. Whereas in science we have started on the ground through observing plants in our playground and understanding what the different parts of a plant do.
Setting up Apps, Games and Software
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815