Columbia Crest ASTEM Academy
May 2019 e-Newsletter
Happy May, Rainiers!
Dear Columbia Crest Families,
The end of the school year is fast approaching. I would like to take this opportunity to genuinely thank the parents, staff, students and community members who helped make this a very successful school year.
This time of year is an opportunity to re-commit to making our fourth quarter just as engaging, productive and inspiring as the first three. We believe in sprinting across the finish line of the school year.
There is some very important information related to upcoming spring events and activities within this edition of our school newsletter. These include:
May 6-10 7:00a.m. - 2:45p.m. BOGO Book Fair Open in our Gym
May 6, 10:00a.m. - Award Assembly
May 7, 6:30p.m. - Incoming Band Students Parent Night at EHS Theater
May 8, 8:00 a.m. - Muffins with Mom and BOGO Book Fair
May 8, 6:00p.m. - 19-20 Kindergarten Parent Night
May 8, 7:00p.m. - School Board Presentation
May 16th, 7:00 p.m. - Band Concert
May 30th, 6:00 p.m. - District Battle of the Books
In addition, May 6th -10 is Teacher Appreciation Week. The tireless work our teachers do day in and out is commendable. Please show your gratitude by sending your child’s teacher a positive email or card.
Principal Shew
Preschool? Fill out the Form Below
Do you have a 3, 4, or 5 year old who you'd like to enroll in our Preschool Program? Don't delay enroll today!
Click this link to begin the registration process: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSdGgNKUynazMbYWvx…/viewform
Making Sauerkraut
Basketball Game
3rd & 4th Grade Snowshoeing
May Food Menus
Character Trait of the Month ~ Perseverance
Perseverance - To work towards a goal, even when it’s hard.
Basketball Tournament
Birdhouse Project
3rd-8th Grade State Testing
Snack Donations Needed
Volunteers Needed
CC PTO needs volunteers to help at our upcoming BOGO Scholastic Book Fair
May 3rd - May 10th. We would like to invite you to take a moment to view our Scholastic sign up link. https://volunteer.scholastic.com/#/signup/bDIRK2peG
All volunteers need current volunteer paperwork on file with our office. Thank you and hope to see you there!
New Preschool Playground Installed
District Calendar
1. Friday, May 24 is once again a day off.
2. The last day of school is once again Tuesday, June 18th.
Please review the attachment below for the full calendar.
Yard Sale
Our 4th grade class is having a “Send Our Kids To Camp” fundraiser on Saturday, June 1st from 9am-4pm at Columbia Crest. It’s a vendor/rummage sale!
If you’ve been spring cleaning, this is your opportunity to make some money. You can rent a table for $10 and sell those few items you’ve boxed up, or rent a table with extra space for $25 if you have several boxes. There’s also an option to bring your own pop up tent/table and set up outside for $10. You’d be helping to support a cause while making your own money. Perhaps you’re a handcrafter or vendor rep and are looking for a venue to sell your product. Reserve your table today for $10.
Please feel free to tell family and friends, they might want to reserve a table too!
Secure your spot today by contacting Kyndra Wright at 253-227-3395 or via email: wright.kyndra@gmail.com.
Counselor's Corner
Hi! I hope that you are enjoying the fact that spring seems to have arrived! My name is Deb Noble-Perry. I retired from the Bethel School District in 2015. I have worked in a variety of roles during my 34 years as a teacher and counselor in Bethel. I am at CC 2 days per week, on Mondays and Wednesdays. I work with students, parents and teachers in a variety of areas/needs. If you have a question, or if you feel you could use my services, please feel free to contact me through the school. I return emails and phone calls as promptly as I am able. Looking forward to being at your service!
As always you are welcome to stop by our office or give us a call if you wish to discuss your child's needs.
You may reach Ms. Noble-Perry at D.nobleperry@eatonvilleschools.org
Counselor's Office Hours
· Mondays 7:45- 2:45
· Wednesdays 7:45-2:45
Office Reminders
- Remember to dress your child appropriately for our weather. Indoor recess will only be when extreme conditions happen. Please have an extra set of clothes in your child’s backpack. We are in desperate need of donations of sweatpants and gym shoes.
- Students need to be on campus no later than 7:40 a.m. as class begins by 7:45 a.m.
- Students learn most when they are IN class. Do your best to eliminate vacations and time away from school to enhance your child’s learning this school year.
- Be sure to sign your child in if they are tardy and sign them out if you need to remove your child from school.
Garden Committee Meeting
Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy's Garden Committee is looking for new members! If you are interested in assisting with any garden activities including after-school activities, this is the committee for you!
We will meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the Maker Space (old bus barn), from 2:15- 2:45. We would love your help and expertise in planning the future of our beautiful garden space! Thank you for considering, and we will see you at our next meeting, Tuesday, May 14th, 2019.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019, 02:15 PM
Columbia Crest A-S.T.E.M. Academy, Washington 706, Ashford, WA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Contact Information
Principal: Mrs. Allison Shew
Secretary: Ms. Lindsay Fitzer
CCA Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Student Hours: 7:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Attendance Message Line: 360-569-2567
Transportation: 360-879-1900
Stay Connected
Email: a.shew@eatonville.wednet.edu
Website: www.eatonville.wednet.edu/CCA
Location: 24503 SR 706 E Ashford, WA 98304
Phone: (360)569-2567
Facebook: facebook.com/ColumbiaCrestASTEM
Twitter: @CC_STEM_School