Wrightsboro e-News
November 22, 2020
Updates and Reminders
- All Zoom times will begin at 8:00. K-2 will Zoom until 9:00 and 3-5 will zoom until 9:20. Students are expected to log into Zoom each day as well as completing the asynchronous lessons on remote days. This is important towards each child's success and mastery of grade level expectations.
- Please continue to contact your teacher or the school nurse if your child has been sick, exposed to COVID, or tested positive for COVID. Students who are exhibiting symptoms or have been exposed to COVID are not permitted to attend school.
Please try to schedule your child’s appointments (doctor, dentist, etc.) on one of their remote days so that they do not miss in person instruction.
Tree Donations Needed
If anyone has a 6 foot artificial tree that you are willing to donate to the school, please contact your child’s teacher or call the school at 910-815-6909. We look forward to decorating and spreading some cheer at school!
Thanksgiving Break
Winter Break
Remote Learning Days on January 4th-8th
Spotlight On - Kindergarten!
What's Happening in the Media Center
The Wrightsboro Media Center has been very busy during the past weeks! Every AA and BB reader has checked out 2 library books, one fiction and one nonfiction. All students are welcome to put books on hold in Destiny Discover to be checked out. Parents/4-5 students may email stephanie.tew@nhcs to let her know that they are ready for the books to be checked out. Books should be returned in 7 days.
We have been enjoying Read Alouds via Zoom each day (M, T, Th, F at 3:15 and W at 11:00). You can find the Zoom information to join in Seesaw Inbox and Google Classroom Classwork Material.
During our media lessons, 2-5 students have learned to use Destiny Discover to shop for books. K students have learned more about poetry and rhyming words and the difference between fiction and nonfiction. 1st - 3rd students have learned more about traditional fiction - folktales. 4th grade has consumed and created media to learn and share more about erosion and weathering of our earth. 5th grade has consumed and created media to learn and share more about the effects that humans have on our earth. We have also traveled the world via Google Earth, been challenged to Breakout, created our own stories, and have begun to learn how to create and share Google Slides and Drawings to share knowledge.
During the next rotation in media class, students will continue to learn more about who they are as readers as they select their own fiction and nonfiction library books for checkout. They will also learn about how to access more online books to read. K-3 students will learn how to use the app Doodle Buddy to create and share what they know. 4-5 students will learn more about the features of Google Slides so that they can effectively communicate knowledge with others. Speaking and Listening skills will be developed as students present their slides to an audience.
Please connect with us on social media to get school news and updates delivered right to your social media accounts. All you need to do is scan the QR code to have direct access to each of our social media outlets!
Website: wrightsboro.nhcs.net
Twitter: @WrightsboroE
Instagram: @wrightsboroelem
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wrightsboro-Elementary-School-113708603779720Wrightsboro Elementary School
Email: delores.overby@nhcs.net
Website: https://wrightsboro.nhcs.net/
Location: 2716 Castle Hayne Road, Castle Hayne, NC, USA
Phone: (910) 815-6909
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wrightsboro-Elementary-443163149099593/
Twitter: @WrightsboroE
Our School's Why
School Mission:
The mission of Wrightsboro School is to establish and promote a caring, engaging, and supportive environment that enhances learning and leadership for all.
School Vision:
Today we learn. Tomorrow we lead.
School Beliefs:
We believe children want to learn and lead and will take responsibility to actively meet goals that will help them succeed in the future. We believe teachers inspire success, and encourage a love of learning by providing a supportive environment that fosters leadership through instruction to meet the unique needs of each child. We believe families that work together with our school contribute to successful learning for every child.