SVDP Newsletter
March 2020
Distance Learning at SVDP
Dear SVDP Community,
It is hard to believe that we have been closed for just over a week; with news moving so quickly the information can sometimes feel overwhelming. With the latest mandate from the City of San Francisco, our closure has been extended to April 7th.
Last Thursday, when we closed our schools, we prepared to roll out a modified distance learning schedule and associated curriculum. We are continuing, each day, to grow in our skills. I know that most of our students have already had virtual meetings and classes. Additionally, our teachers are posting robustly on Beehively while integrating either Microsoft TEAMS (grades 5-8) or Seesaw (grades K-4).
And how many us had heard of Zoom two weeks ago! This week we created virtual classroom buttons directly on each Beehively classroom page. This gives students direct access to the virtual classroom without teachers having to recreate a new meeting ID number every day. One stop entry!
Please understand our teachers and instructional staff are continually researching and implementing tools to enhance your child's distance learning experience. I am thankful to many of you who have offered very useful and actionable feedback via the Distance Learning Feedback Survey. As a parent balancing work and homeschooling, I completely understand this urgency! I want to 1) ask for your continued patience as we respond as quickly as possible to our changing environment, and 2) assure you that our focus is to provide your children with meaningful educational content.
Please remain healthy and safe. All of you are in our prayers.
Marguerite Pini