Magyar's Message Jan. 2, 2024
-From The Desk of the Superintendent-

Dear ALCS families,
Happy New Year!
I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends. The New Year provides each of us the opportunity to reflect on our lives and recommit to making changes to continue to become better versions of ourselves.
It’s hard to believe I have officially been superintendent of our elite Avon Lake City Schools for five months. I am honored and proud to be your superintendent and I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together to make 2024 another amazing year for our students, staff, families, and Avon Lake community.
Our staff came back to work today, hopefully feeling rested and recharged as we look forward to welcoming our students back tomorrow (Jan. 3). Our keynote speaker during our In-Service Day was clinical psychologist Dr. Meghan Barlow who provided our staff with new thoughts for the New Year. While it is sometimes easier to have ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts), Dr. Barlow encouraged staff members to allow themselves to think of more helpful thoughts that are believable, realistic, engaging, and guiding as they face adversity or challenging situations.
January is School Board Recognition Month. It’s a time to celebrate our hard-working school board members who contribute their time and talents toward the advancement of public education with the common goal of helping students grow. Please join me in thanking President Jim Stobe, Vice President Mike Sherban, Kendra Gardiner, Jenefer Machovina and newly elected member Gail Soinski Opaskar, who will be officially sworn in on January 9. We appreciate your service to the Avon Lake City Schools.
Thank you for your continued support of our schools. I can’t wait to get 2024 started!
Joelle Magyar
Upcoming Important Dates
Jan. 3: Classes resume
Jan. 9: BOE meetings at L.A.K.E. Center at ALHS
6 p.m. Tax Budget Hearing
6:15 p.m. Organizational meeting
6:30 p.m. Regular meeting
Jan. 15: No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
Jan. 19: District Early Release Day (end of 2nd quarter)
Feb. 16: No School (Staff In-Service Day)
Feb. 19: No School (Presidents' Day)
To view the complete district calendar, click here.