Digital Maker Playground
Focused on Reader Response
It's Coming
What: The Digital Maker Playground (Reader Response Focused)
Five Makes & A Collaborative Response
Who: Anyone, Anywhere interested in thinking more about digital reader response
K-12 Educators, Literacy Leaders, Digital Gurus, Media Specialists, Etc.
When: January 19 - April 19
Reader Response: What is Next in the Digital Maker Playground?
Digital tools now allow readers to create, connect, and extend their thinking in innovative ways. This class will give teachers the time and support to explore new possibilities for reader response in traditional workshop spaces or connected spaces of their choice. Participants will be provided with hands on opportunities to experience the power of creation and authentic problem solving in a blended learning environment. Teachers will apply new learning in their classrooms as they support students in digital reader response. Our learning community will reflect on its practice, and collaboratively produce a professional digital iBook to support other educators.
The Digital Maker Playground
Digital Maker Playground is a unique opportunity open to everyone near and far. All educators are invited to play with us as we explore new tools, create and compose projects around the themes listed, as well as share and collaborate with other educators around the world. This year our work will be focused around reader response. Our work will be housed in our Google+ Community, which will allow us to connect with each other easily. Use #P2Lmooc when sharing your work on Twitter for another way to connect with others.
Email: julia_johnson@hboe.org
Website: https://plus.google.com/u/1/communities/106446188203455357151
Twitter: @cathymere
Event Information
Digital Maker Playground: Open Workshop Days
Each make has an optional "open workshop." Makes will be announced the week of the open workshop and are due by the following workshop date. Participants are not required to attend the open workshop as all makes will be submitted through the Google Community. Support, time to work, and opportunities to collaborate will be available during the open workshop time.
Open Workshop will be from 4:15 - 5:45 on these dates:
January 19: Photo Response
February 2: Screencasting Fiction Response
February 16: Thinking visually Nonfiction
March 1: Video Persuasive Response
March 15: Draft Day
April 5 : iBook Steps
April 19: iBook Images
Tuesday, Jan 19, 2016, 04:15 PM
Get CEUs
Hilliard City School Educators can receive CEUs by signing up on PD Express
(January 19th is the first date)