Columbia Crest Academy
August 2023
Dear Rainier Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health and high spirits as we gear up for another fantastic academic year at Columbia Crest! As the summer days slowly fade, we're eagerly preparing to welcome back our incredible students and dedicated staff for what promises to be a year filled with growth, learning, and cherished memories.
My name is Allison Burslem and I am the proud Principal of Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy. The legacy of academic excellence at Columbia Crest is rich and continues to be a cornerstone of the Nisqually Valley Communities. As an addition to the rich legacy of Columbia Crest, we are opening the very first Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program in the district at our school. We are excited to have the opportunity to go deeper into all aspects of learning with our 4 year old TK students while still offering preschool to students who are 3 and 4 years old.
To ensure a seamless return to school and to keep you well-informed about upcoming events and important information, I have compiled a list of Back-to-School dates and essential details. I encourage you to mark your calendars and read through the following important points included within this newsletter.
I understand the importance of keeping you informed, and our school newsletter will be a valuable resource to stay updated on school events, accomplishments, and other relevant news. Please be on the lookout at the start of every month for a monthly newsletter.
My goal as your child’s Principal is to help each child have the best school experience possible. Columbia Crest will focus on student achievement, creating a safe and supportive learning environment and lighting up the love of learning with an emphasis on kindness. Our new theme this year is "Kindness Lights the Way".
Please follow Columbia Crest on Facebook and Instagram.Our Student Council also made an Instagram Account for our ASB Activities.
Wishing you a wonderful remainder of the summer and a successful back-to-school season!
Principal Burslem
Back-to-School Checklist
Leadership Camp
Kinder Camp 8/14 & 8/15
Free Lunch and Breakfast for CCA Students!
Great news! Once again, Columbia Crest students in Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten - 8th Grade, (all students) will receive free breakfast and lunches regardless of family income for the 23-24 school year thanks to a special program.
The program is referred to as the Community Eligibility Provision, or CEP. To qualify for the CEP, schools must meet certain federal criteria. In Eatonville School District, one school qualifies, Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy. You will not have to complete the Free and Reduced lunch form. Instead there is a form called, "Family Income Survey". This will be available at Open House or you may complete it below and email it to our office at e.davis@eatonvilleschools.org.
This means that all students at this school will receive one free breakfast and one free lunch. Students who bring their own lunch and wish to purchase milk will still need to pay for their milk (75 cents).
Absences, Tardies, Transportation Changes and Early Pick Ups
Please fill out the form linked above for the following situations:
TRANSPORTATION CHANGE: Transportation Changes must be completed no later than 1pm on the day the transportation change is needed.
PICK UP EARLY: Please submit the time and reason for picking up your child early from school.
🎷 Band Students 🎶
- DATE: SEPT. 5 (Tuesday)
- TIME: 2:30-4:30 p.m.
- LOCATION: Columbia Crest Academy Gym
Attention all CCA beginning and returning band students! We are planning an all-band get together and orientation on Tuesday, Sept. 5, from 2:30 - 4:30 on the stage just before the CCA open house. The purpose is to...
- Connect with each other
- Learn about this year's band program
- Talk about the drop-in rental and instrument testing meeting on Sept. 11 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the EHS Commons
- Learn about opportunities we will have to perform corporately and individually
- Meet together in instrument groups to learn and review instrument techniques and skills
- Work together on a couple of fun rhythm skills (how fast will YOU be able to go? =).
If you have an instrument, please bring it. If you do not have an instrument, no worries. Please come anyway to get a jump-start on the school year. Not sure that you want to join band? That's OK, come anyway to find out what band is all about to help you make an informed decision. I'm looking forward to working with all of you this year! - Mr. Hunter
- DATE: SEPT. 11 (Monday)
- TIME: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. (please arrive no later than 7:00)
- LOCATION: Eatonville High School Commons
- PURPOSE: This is a drop-in meeting for students and guardians who need to rent an instrument and/or purchase a band book and supplies to participate in band. If they have not already done so, students will also have the opportunity to try out various instruments to see which one they would prefer to play. More specific information will be sent at a later date.
Beginning Band FAQ
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Morning Routine/Drop-offs
If you're driving your child to school in the morning , please kindly drive up and drop off your child at 7:25am. Students will be greeted at the main door by a staff member and may walk to class. Parents do not have to get out of their car.
Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten families may escort their child to their classrooms.
Car Rider Dismissal Procedures
In an effort to improve the efficiency and safety of the daily dismissal of students’ who are car riders, please carefully review our dismissal procedures.
- Please make sure to use the form in this link to let us know who will be picking up your student. For safety reasons and per our policy, we no longer accept phone calls or written notes for changes.
- Adults picking up students at the end of the day will park in our main lot.
- Please step out of your vehicle so we can see you. A staff member will greet you outside to inquire which student you are here for (if we do not know you).
- Students who are car riders will wait inside the building for their ride to pull up to the loading zone
- As soon as we see you have arrived, we submit the alert to the teacher. We begin releasing students at 2:05pm every day.
First Day of School
Supply Lists
Our Preschool-8th grade school supply list is on our website and linked below. Please let our office know if you need support purchasing school supplies, we are happy to assist.
✏️: https://bit.ly/CCAsupplies
23-24 Calendar
September Event Calendar
The first day of school, Wednesday, September 6th is a NON-Late Start.
Open House, September 5
Our Parent Teacher Organization will have school spirit shirts for sale and ways that you can be involved in upcoming activities.
Bus Route Information
Wondering how to view your child's pick up and drop off bus times?
- On September 1, the 23-24 route information will be available on Ride360.
- Register for Ride360 today on the website.
- When you register you will need your student’s 7 digit Student ID number that typically begins with 2 zeros. Please access Skyward Family Access for your child’s ID number.
- Once you've registered on the site you may download the app. Traversa Ride 360™ is a mobile app for Apple® and Android® devices.
- You can expect to receive direct messages regarding changes, delays and notifications specific to your child's route and stop. You may also directly message the Eatonville School District Transportation Office.
23-24 School Hours
Please note the first Wednesday Late Start will begin on Wednesday, September 13th. Schools will operate on a one hour delayed start time to allow staff to engage in Professional Learning.
Student & Parent Handbook 23-24
Individual Picture Day
- We hope every student can be pictured on Tuesday, September 12 to ensure everyone is in the yearbook.
- Picture Retake Day is scheduled for Monday, November 6.
- To preorder pictures, please stay tuned for more information.
After School Clubs Starting in October
1. Dance Club
Our PTO President, Krista Sarver is hosting an after school dance club for boys and girls. The club will be fun and full of energy. Techniques will be taught with several full dance routines. Students will have the chance to perform at assemblies.
No special outfits needed.
Parents will need to pick up their child at 3:30pm
- K-2nd grade will meet in the gym on Tuesdays from 2:05-3:30pm starting Tuesday, October 3
- 3-5th grade will meet in the gym on Wednesdays from 2:05-3:30pm starting Wednesday, October 4
- 6-8th grade will meet in the gym on Thursdays from 2:05-3:30pm starting Thursday, October 5
2. 6th-8th Grade Sewing Club on Tuesdays
The club will meet once a week on Tuesdays for 2 hours starting Tuesday, October 3.
Projects take time and may require time outside of club hours to complete.
Parents will need to pick up their child at the school at 4:00pm.
Club Contact: Lisa Hoversten l.hoversten@eatonville.wednet.edu
Things we will learn:
- How to use a sewing machine
- Basic sewing skills
- Hand stitching skills
- How to embellish using embroidery, crochet and knitting
- How to read a pattern, cut a pattern and use a pattern to make clothing
- How to upcycle or refashion used clothing and much more
3. 6th-8th Grade Art Club on Wednesdays
Middle School Art Club will meet once a week on Wednesday from 2:05 - 4:00pm.
Parents must pick up child at 4pm every Wednesday.
The Art Club will begin on Wednesday, October 4.
Club Contact: Lisa Hoversten l.hoversten@eatonville.wednet.edu
Projects to look forward to creating are:
- Constructing a house, building, cottage, spaceship, etc.. construction with clay, various building materials, and lighting.
- 3D collage using your favorite Fairy tale as inspiration
- Learning sewing skills to create a stuffed animal, monster, toy, etc.. from your drawing to realization using recycled fabric materials.
- Various watercolor techniques
- Printmaking
Meet our Teachers
School Theme for 23-24
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The first meeting is September 18th at 2:30 in Room 106 or you may attend virtually by clicking this Google Meet link.
You may follow the PTO on Facebook.
Attendance Requirements
Middle School Athletics
It is time to get ready for Middle School Fall Sports. Baseball and Boys Soccer have both arrived at Eatonville Middle School and Columbia Crest!!! The link to FinalForms website for registration is https://eatonville-wa.finalforms.com/. We will no longer be utilizing Skyward for athletic registration.
Please create your login and sport identifications in FinalForms now. Register at: https://eatonville-wa.finalforms.com/ and follow the prompts to create your account, create your students and sign your forms. Registrations are required for parent/guardians first! Attached is a How-To .pdf to help with registration in FinalForms. You can find more information on the school’s website: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu/ems/athletics
We will have a Pre-Season Meeting on 29 August at 3:30 for anyone needing more information on this year’s athletics programs.
Remember that there are four (4) registration requirements. Three (3) are required before the first day of practice and one (1) is required before the first game/match:
The 4 requirements for participation are:
1. Sports Physical (within two years of last date of season and with Athletic Director before the first day of practice).
2. Parent Registration (Must be completed in FinalForms before the first day of practice)
3. Student Registration (Must be completed in FinalForms before the first day of practice)
4. ASB Fee paid or applied ($40 Paid in the school main office or through in-touch before the first competition. Free & Reduced Lunch program participants should talk with the office staff on how to have this fee waived)
(In-Touch: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu/departments/food-services/student-accounts)
Don’t forget that with our recent league change we have been forced to shift some sport seasons from Fall to Spring and vice-versa (see list below). We will now play the sports in the following seasons. You can go ahead and create your profiles now identify/register for your student’s desired sport(s) to participate.
Security System
Safety of students and staff is our top priority. Last spring, our building had a brand new set of exterior cameras installed along with a keyless entry system, remote entry and an intercom system at the main entrance.
We are protected with a full exterior view of the entire campus (including the parking lot) through the new camera system. There will be continuous surveillance that is constantly recording and will be archived for an extended period of time.
All exterior doors will remain locked at all times. There is an alarm and monitoring system for after hours.
How do visitors enter the building?
When arriving at the front entrance to the school, there will be a button to push.
The secretary will be alerted that we have a visitor.
That visitor will be seen on the camera system.
The visitor will, at that time, communicate their needs using the speaker located near the button.
Please be prepared that the secretary may potentially ask you for identification and for your name.
The secretary will answer the visitor’s questions or remotely unlock the door for entry.
The visitor will hear a tone that will indicate the door is unlocked. Visitors should look for signage that specifies which door to pull open.
Intercom & Camera Outside Front Door
Push the Button for Assistance from Mrs. Davis (our secretary)
Office Contacts
Principal: Ms. Allison Burslem
Secretary: Mrs. Kim Davis
Counselor: Ms. Deb Noble-Perry
Main Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Principal Burslem
Email: communications@eatonvilleschools.org
Website: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu
Location: 24503 Washington 706, Ashford, WA, USA
Phone: 360-641-1700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbiaCrestASTEM
Twitter: @CC_STEM_School
Non-Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.
The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonvilleschools.org