Here's the Scoop
Hamilton Ridge News and Events - February 2023
A Note from Mr. Fredrickson
Happy February! Welcome to the second semester of the school year and the second month of the calendar year. Spring is only 48 days away!
Our community continues to grow closer as families are visiting school to support the amazing learning here at Hamilton Ridge. Thank you to the PTC and the DOGS for creating events like Movie Night on January 26 and Donuts with Grown Ups the first Friday of each month. This Friday, 3rd graders will come together for donuts and Grades K-2 will gather in the upcoming months. We are also seeing families volunteering in the classroom and cafeteria or coming in to have lunch with their child(ren).
In February, we will come together as a community by focusing on kindness throughout the month. Kindness Week is February 13-17; all-school dress-up days are featured below.
As alway, thank you for sharing your children with us. It is a privilege to work with them.
Mr. Fredrickson
Please note: Coffee with the Principal was moved to February 10 at 9:30 a.m. this month. Parents/guardians who participate are invited to observe the All School Meeting at 10:15 a.m.
Kindness Week - February 13-17
Kindness Week is, February 13-17! We devote a week to celebrate friendship and kindness. This year, students at Hamilton Ridge will be participating in a Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Challenge to see how many acts of kindness we can complete as a school! We will have fun dress up days and opportunities to demonstrate friendship skills throughout the week. Please refer to your child’s teacher’s newsletter for more information to come.
KARE 11 News at HRE; "Try-it-Tuesday"
Semester 1 Report Cards
Along with report cards, students in grades 1-5 will bring home their FastBridge Learning Assessment Family Report. FastBridge reading and math assessments are one tool used to help teachers improve instruction. The reports shows what skills a student has mastered and which ones still need to be learned. A guide to understanding the report will also be included for students in grades 1-5.
2023 Winter Conferences
This year, conferences will be held in February rather than March. This change allows teachers to update goals and methodology at the beginning of the 2nd semester which will benefit students with more time before the school year ends. We look forward to seeing you in February. You are your child’s greatest support and advocate. If you haven't already signed up for a conference with your child's teacher, please follow this link to the PTCFast conference scheduler.
Below are the Winter Parent/Teacher Conference dates:
Tuesday, February 7, 4:15-6:15 p.m.
Thursday, February 9, 4:15-8:15 p.m.
Thursday, February 16, 4:15-8:15 p.m.
What to Know About Attendance
Policy Highlights
Students are allowed up to 10 total absences a year, or 5 days in a row, due to illness. A doctor’s note must be provided if there are more than 10 illness days.
5 Days vacation are allowed
Five unexcused tardies are equal to 1 day unexcused absence.
Students under 18 years of age who have any combination of 7 unexcused absences will result in a referral to Scott County Human Services for educational neglect.
Classroom teachers will be letting you know if there is a concern via a phone call home. The reason teachers call you about attendance is to inform you of your child's attendance status, and to see if there is anything we can do to support you in getting your child to school. We very much want to partner with you in this and know that making the decision to keep your child home is not an easy one.
If your child has missed 10% or more days in a given time period you will receive a letter in December, February, and April. This letter is informational and meant to keep you up to date as to the status of your child's attendance.
Call the Dean of Students, Kristin Stier, at 952-461-7809, if you have any questions or concerns about your child's attendance.
Attention 5th Grade Parents - Middle School Parent Information Night
There will be a Middle School Information Night for parents of current 5th grade students on Wednesday, February 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the Twin Oaks’ Auditorium, 15860 Fish Point Rd. SE, Prior Lake.
All future middle school parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. You will have a chance to learn about middle school structure, student scheduling, ways your child will be supported and given the opportunity to ask questions. If you are not able to attend there will be a link to the recording of the event on the Middle School websites.
In May, when building placement for your child has been determined, the fifth graders will tour their middle school for next year, followed by a parent orientation night at your child’s 6th grade middle school building.
Thank you for Helping Out!
Hamilton Ridge had a wonderful response to our call for help and filled all cafeteria volunteer slots through February 17. There may be future opportunities, so stay tuned.
If you are looking for just the right job that will fit well with your child's school schedule, this may be the job for you. Hamilton Ridge has an immediate opening for a Noon Supervisor, which is 2.25 hours per day. There is also a 6 hour Kids' Company Assistant & Noon Supervisor position available. Follow the links to learn more, or contact the Hamilton Ridge Principal, Sam Fredrickson at
Calling All Dancers! Girls and Boys!
Welcome to the Class of 2036!
The countdown to Kindergarten 2023-24 has begun! Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools is pleased to offer tuition free, full-day kindergarten and full-day kindergarten Spanish immersion at La ola del lago at Grainwood.
Please follow the link below and mark your calendar for more important dates.
How do you know if your child is ready for Kindergarten? Click here for the Kindergarten Readiness Flyer to learn what skills to look for and what to practice at home.
staffing needs at each building.
Hamilton Ridge Music Performances
2nd Grade Music Concert
Thursday, April 27th at 10:00 a.m. in the Hamilton Ridge Gym
3rd Grade Music Concert
Thursday, April 27th at 2:00 the Hamilton Ridge Gym
Information on 1st Grade and Kindergarten performances to come soon!
Hamilton Ridge PTC Update
The next PTC Meeting will be Monday, February 6 at 6:30 p.m. in Hamilton Ridge Media Center - please join us. All parents are welcome and encouraged to get involved!
- Once again, the PTC is helping with dinners for HRE staff working on conference nights. The PTC is picking up most of the cost, but we would love your help. Visit this website to sign up to bring a side, plates or other items:
- Mark your calendars for Feb. 13: Jersey Mike's is giving 30% of sales ALL DAY LONG to Hamilton Ridge! Get a yummy sandwich and give back to our school!
- Hamilton Ridge DOGS (Dads and Dudes of Great Students) began hosting Donuts with Grownups this year! Families will be invited by grade level throughout the rest of the year. This is a free event where families can join their students for donuts and juice before school in the cafeteria. 3rd grade families have already been invited and will enjoy their donuts on Friday, February 3.
Here are the remaining dates for grades K-2:
March 3, 2023 – 2nd grade
April 14, 2023 – 1st grade
May 12, 2023 – Kindergarten
- The 2022-23 Yearbook is now available to order (online only).
Go to, choose Order Pictures and Yearbooks and use online ordering code YB26238. Click on the picture to the left or watch your child's backpack for a flyer with details. Deadline to order is April 14.
Be sure to follow our Facebook page for the most up-to-date information on fundraisers and upcoming events.
Legacy Book Club
Dear Hamilton Ridge Families,
Hamilton Ridge is offering an option for families to purchase books in honor of students and help our library grow! It is called Legacy Book Club. This is a positive way for your child to give a unique gift to all students at Hamilton Ridge.
If your family chooses to purchase a book to donate to the Hamilton Ridge Media Center, we will place a book plate in the book with your child's name, and he or she will be the first student to check out the new book. Click the button below for more details.
Thank you,
Amy Schwingler
Important Dates
- February 7, 9 & 16 Parent/Teacher Conferences
- February 8 2-Hour Early Release at 1:50 p.m.
- February 20 No School; President's Day
- March 16 2-Hour Early Release at 1:50 p.m.
- March 31 No School; Grading Day
- April 3-7 No School; Spring Break
- May 29 No School; Memorial Day
- June 7 Last Day of School; 3-Hour Early Release at 12:50 p.m.
Contact Us
Student School Hours 9:20 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.
Main Office Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Attendance Line 952-461-7801
Main Office 952-461-7800
Fax Number 952-461-7849
Health Office 952-461-7806, Tiffany St. Michaels, LPN
Sam Fredrickson, Principal
Kristin Stier, Dean of Students
Kirsten Schoeller, Administrative Assistant
Beverley Null, Administrative Assistant (attendance)
Andrea Carin, Social Worker
IT Help Desk 952-226-0048 or
District Transportation 952-226-0050 or
Prior Lake Bus Company (after hours) 952-440-1166