at Sylvan Park Paideia Design Center
Celebration of Hispanic Culture on Thursday, March 26: 5:30-7:00pm
Throughout the 3rd nine weeks, Sylvan Park students have explored the culture of the ancient Aztec and Maya people of Mexico and Central America in Spanish class. In March, students also have learned more about Latin American culture through Art, Music, and Physical Education classes. With the support of Vanderbilt’s Center for Latin American Studies, students are participating in activities that highlight culture in Latin America. This month these supported and featured events include:
- Music education events
- Nashville Public Library’s The Amazing Twins puppet show on March 10 for grades 2-4
- Letter exchange for 4th graders
- Culture box
To culminate these activities, we invite you to attend a school-wide performance on March 26, including:
- display of Aztec and Mayan Projects featuring student work from K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades
- a Latin American dance performed by students from the 2nd grade
-a musical performance of the Mexican folk song, "Don Gato," sung by students from the 3rd and 4th grade
- raffle for students during dinner
Program Details
Performance: 5:30pm in the Sylvan Park Elementary School Auditorium. No cost!
Dinner: 6:00pm in the cafeteria. Tickets are $7 per person (children 3 and under are free).
Student Project Display: All night in the Art, Music, and Cafeteria Hallway
Thursday, Mar 26, 2020, 05:30 PM
Sylvan Park
Central American Dinner in the Sylvan Park Café
Following the performance, we will host a dinner with Central American food. The dinner is a fundraiser for a non-profit pediatric clinic in Guatemala, Primeros Pasos. Located in the Palajunoj Valley in Quetzaltenango, this organization works to improve the quality of life in rural Maya communities through health education programs and by providing access to quality medical, dental, and nutritional services. Visit their website here: http://www.primerospasos.org/
Ticket Information
Ways to purchase tickets (cash, check or PayPal) –
-Purchase tickets online via Paypal. Click on this link, https://paypal.me/LatinAmericaNight
to pay online.
- Fill out and turn in the form below by March 25 to the front office with cash or check.
- Tickets will be on sale March 24 and March 25 in front of the school from 7:30-8:15am.
- Make checks out to Sylvan Park PTO.
The morning of March 25 is the deadline to purchase tickets prior to the dinner. Advance ticket purchases are strongly encouraged! Ticket sales will open AFTER the performances on March 26. For questions, contact averydegiron@gmail.com.
Latin American Night Dinner: $7 per person (no cost for children 3 and under).
Cash, check or PayPal accepted; make checks out to Sylvan Park PTO.
Family Name: ___________________________________
Total number of tickets: __________ Total $: ___________