Mustang News
An e-newsletter from Mounds View High School
February 7, 2024
Good luck to the Mustangs at home on Thursday (2/8) vs. Owatonna! Come help us celebrate this great group of seniors: Apollo Ashby, Aaron Cerny, Gavin Maxey, Quinlan Morgan, Brady Swenson and James Walker!
If you take a class at Irondale, they are on a PEPFEST schedule on Friday (2/9). Shuttle buses will run at the same time as usual, but be sure to communicate with your Irondale teacher(s) about the timing of their class.
Hours 4 and 5 will be most affected by the change, and the recommendation is for students who go to Irondale during those hours to stay at Mounds View and work in the Forum.
Get ready for the Mounds View NHS Art Fair! We want to give students the opportunity to showcase their artwork and participate in an interactive fair for all ages!
The event will be held at Mounds View High School on Sunday (2/25). The proceeds of the event will be donated to North Suburban Arts. Visit our Instagram: mvnhs_artfair24. Anyone can submit artwork, photography, 3D sculptures, and more! Submissions are accepted February 5-16. If interested, fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdu6rGpIcYRPAw6F1mjWJrX5d4XA41UnZM2Eaj0WoI37fa-Qw/viewform?usp=sf_link. If you have questions, email one of us at 2024zhank93@moundsviewschools.org, 2025hoytk88@moundsviewschools.org, 2024zhaie38@moundsviewschools.org, 2025landl61@moundsviewschools.org, 2025gyalt45@moundsviewschools.org
The 2024-25 course registration guide can be found here. Students will register during their English class on the following dates:
- Thursday (2/8) - current 9th graders
- Friday (2/9) - students who were absent
For students who do not have an English class, connect with your dean to complete your registration. To aid discussions and decision-making, use the one-page document, which lays out course options for students in each grade:
- Current 11th-graders. Register for 10 classes if you’re planning to have a study hour. Otherwise register for 12 classes.
- Current 10th-graders. Register for 12 classes and select 2 alternate courses.
- Current 9th-graders. Register for 12 classes and select 2 alternate courses.
Payment is collected at yearbookforever.com and is $40.00 per student. One (1) ad per student. Ad limit is 450 characters (includes spaces) ***SHOULD BE 300 CHARACTERS***. Upload photo of your senior when you purchase the ad.
- Step 1. Go to yearbookforever.com to purchase a Senior Ad.
- Step 2. Search for our school name and click on Shop the Store.
- Step 3. Select Create a Senior Ad.
- Step 4. Enter your student’s information and your frequently used email address.
- Step 5. Select “Have the School Design My Ad ” and the ad size (⅛ page).
- Step 6. Upload a photo and enter your message to your senior!
- Step 7. Review your ad and checkout.
The due date for senior baby ads is extended to Tuesday (2/20), pending clarification for technology challenges that have recently arisen. We will send out more information as soon as it becomes available.
US Mail or email submissions will NOT be accepted. Direct questions to the yearbook adviser at ingrid.kleinjan@moundsviewschools.org.
REPORT CARDS: Final grade reports are posted in ParentVUE and StudentVUE.
ROBOTICS TEAM: There are seven (7) weeks left to design, test & build our new Robot! Let's get our robot rolling! Meetings this week:
- Thursday (2/8) from 6:30-9:30 PM
- Saturday (2/10) from 9-3 PM
BOYS HOCKEY: Good luck to the Mustangs as they face off against East Ridge on Thursday (2/8) at Cottage Grove Ice Arena. Varsity puck drops at 7:30 PM. Purchase tickets here:
ULTIMATE: The MVHS Ultimate Frisbee Team has open throwing on Friday mornings in the MAC from 7:30-8:15 AM. Bring a friend. Indoor season warm-ups start Tuesday (2/20) https://www.mvultimate.org/
GIRLS BASKETBALL: The Mustangs Girls Basketball Team travels to White Bear Lake on Friday (2/9). Tipoff is at 7:00 PM. Go Mustangs! ALL-1N!
BOYS BASKETBALL: The Mustangs next game is Friday (2/9) when White Bear visits Kauls Court. JV tips off at 5:30 PM and varsity at 7:00 PM. #TeamFirst
LOST & FOUND: Check the lost & found for your missing water bottle, hoodie or winter coat! Items will be picked up on Friday (2/9). Once sorted and cleaned they will be donated.
ACT PREP SESSIONS FOR JUNIORS: MVHS is offering Free Strategy Sessions after school on Mondays from 3:25-4:25 pm to help you prepare for the ACT test. You can register online. Schedules are available here. Monday's session is for reading with Ms. Beardsley.
Friday (2/9) is Open Mic Night! Our beloved "Paul the hall supervisor" will be performing, as well as many students!! Come join us for a night of fun and music at Peace United Methodist Church in North Oaks. Event begins at 7:00 PM. Tickets are only $7.00 and concessions are available! Let Sonali Bhaskar, Ruby Heilman or Ms. Waller know if you have any questions!
Calling all burrito lovers! Invite your friends and family to support your Mounds View Orchestras while enjoying a delicious meal at the Shoreview Chipotle (1021 Red Fox Rd.) on Saturday (2/10) from 5-9 PM. Show the Chipotle Flyer (see below) on your smartphone or use code HY4LB26 when placing an online order to ensure proceeds reach the correct group. Thank you for supporting Mounds View Orchestras!!
Do you have a musical talent you would like to share for a good cause? Auditions are now open for Music 4 Mounds View, NHS's annual benefit concert. Auditions will take place right after school in the orchestra room on February 13, 15 and 16. Acts can include, but are not limited to, voice, string, wind, and piano performances. Sign up for a time slot, using the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Aop1ShiTJLDTaAkYSLHpkIOuOsVxYltjLwrkTdRys5E/edit#gid=0
Email Yewon (2024parky51) or Sonali (2024bhass80) with any questions or requests.
Mounds View Irondale Hockey Foundation (www.mvihf.org) is offering $1000 scholarships for graduating seniors for past and current participants of the Mounds View Irondale Youth Hockey Association (MVIYHA) program attending Irondale, Mounds View, or St. Anthony High Schools. This scholarship will support a student’s post-secondary education in the form of tuition payment. For consideration, submit an essay explaining how you were impacted by playing youth hockey with the MVIYHA. Scholarship recipient(s) will be selected by board members of the foundation based on their submitted essay. Applications are due Monday (3/18) by 8:00 AM to p.kianian@gmail.com.
The registration portal opens Monday (2/26). Spring sports first day of tryouts/practice are as follows:
- March 11: softball, boys track & field, girls track & field
- March 18: boys golf, girls golf, baseball
- March 25: boys tennis
- April 1: boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse
Your child must have a valid sports physical on file prior to registering for a Spring sport. Physicals are valid for three (3) years from the date of the exam. Parents can check the current status of their child’s physical through their ParentVUE account by selecting the Student Info tab. The physical date is located at the bottom of the page. If your child's physical expires anytime during the season, you will not be able to register until a new physical is completed and turned in. Physicals may be sent to the Activities Office through any of the following options:
E-mail: cindy.mccallum@moundsviewschools.org
Activities Office Fax: 651-621-7105
US Mail to:
Mounds View Activities Office – Sports Physicals
1900 Lake Valentine Rd.
Arden Hills, MN 55112
Students who are not participating in a spring sport can sign up for our Spring Weight Training program led by coach, Conor Mitchell. There are two sessions that run from March 18-May 31 on Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays:
- Morning: 6:45-8:15 AM
- Afternoon: 3:30-5:30 PM
The cost is $75.00 per session. A sports physical is not required. If you have questions, email Conor at conor.mitchell@moundsviewschools.org or conormitchellstrengthtraining@gmail.com.
Throughout the month of February, Genesys Works will be hosting free, online informational sessions for parents and guardians regarding the Genesys Works Internship Program. As part of the program, high school seniors gain valuable professional experience through paid internships at companies throughout the metro area like 3M, US Banks, Medtronic, Best Buy, and many more.
Yog xa tau kev pab thiab hais ua lus Hmoob thov hu rau Bao Thao: 651-272-0972. Haddi aad ubaahantahay faahfaahin dheerad-ah ama turjamaad, fadlan kala soo xidid Zeynah Abdulrazak lambaraka 651-262-4577. Para asistencia o preguntas en Español por favor contacte a Angel Toro: 651-724-2854 o Carmen Bender: 612-494-3895