Media Center Minute
Minuteman HS Library Media Center
March 2023
Read on to learn about what's happening in the Minuteman Library Media Center:
- Welcome Ms. Andrews
- A Visit with the Bakineers
- Library TAG
- Heart Health Month: Eating for Heart Health Integration Project
- Seedy Readers: Horticulture & The Plant Hunter
- Portfolio Progress
- We're Genrifying
Kara Gleason & Emily Andrews
Library Media Specialist & Library / Reading Assistant
Welcome Ms. Andrews!
Ms. Emily Andrews is our new library and reading assistant who recently moved to Massachusetts from Alabama. Ms. Andrews has a degree in mathematics and previously worked as a middle school math teacher. She is passionate about reading, spending time with her two dogs, and hiking. Please swing by the library media center or Ms. Schonour's Reading classes to say hello. We are thrilled to have Ms. Andrews as part of the Minuteman team!
A Visit with the Bakineers
On Wednesday February 1, the Minuteman High School Library Media Center was honored to host Sara Schonour and Rodolfo Goncalves - the winners of the Netflix reality series, “Baking Impossible” which aired in 2021. The show was premised on the idea of pairing up teams consisting of a baker and an engineer who then competed against the other teams in baking/engineering challenges, or as the series coined it, “bakineering."
Ms. Schonour, an engineer, was able to join us in person while her partner for the competition, Mr. Goncalves, a bakery owner and entrepreneur, joined us via Teams. Both took the opportunity to meet with our Engineering, Robotics & Automation, and Culinary Junior classes to speak about their professions and their experiences during and after the filming of the series, “Baking Impossible." The session also included a demonstration of a Makyu machine for custom molds and a lively discussion and Q & A.
Library TAG (Teen Advisory Group)
Who should consider being a part of the Library TAG (Teen Advisory Group)?
- Students who want to get more involved with the library media center.
- Students who want to have fun and enjoy creative library activities.
- Students who will help lead, develop, and participate in library programs and outreach.
Thursday March 9, Interest Meeting during Advisory: Interested students should check in with your Advisory Teacher at 7:40 then come to the library.
Eating for Heart Health: Analyzing Selected Diets and Recipes
To kick off heart-health month, 10th grade students from Culinary Arts & Hospitality, Early Education and Teaching, and Health Assisting conducted collaborative reading and research about a heart-healthy diet. Their findings were shared on a group padlet. Then, they used knowledge of a heart-healthy diet to analyze whether a diet or recipe is heart-healthy or not. Their presentations were shared on an Adobe Creative Cloud Express webpage. Learn more about this collaborative lesson at the library media center website.
Seedy Readers: Horticulture and The Plant Hunter
Tenth-grade horticulture students, along with Mrs. Ard and Ms. Gleason have been doing a group read of The Plant Hunter: A Scientists Quest for Nature's Next Medicines by Cassandra Quave. Each CTE week the group gathers to read together and discuss the text.
The Plant Hunter is an "uplifting, adventure-filled memoir of one groundbreaking scientist’s quest to develop new ways to fight illness and disease through the healing powers of plants." Check it out for yourself on Sora, our e-book and audiobook platform.
Portfolios in Progress
Resources for the Minuteman Portfolio including a sample site, the Portfolio Manual, instructions, and more, can be found at the library website.
We're Genrifying
Ms. Kara Gleason, Library Media Specialist & Ms. Emily Andrews, Library & Reading Assistant
Location: 758 Marrett Road Lexington, MA 02421
Phone: 781-372-2879