The Eagle Express
Antrim Elementary School April 8, 2022
Happy Friday!
Prior to this event, I am inviting all interested parents to join me in the library from 4-4:30 to review our school goals and programming for next year in our Schoolwide Plan (attached to this newsletter). Your input is so important to us, and we want you to be more involved. This is a perfect way to learn about all that we do here at AES, and we welcome your ideas to making it even better!
Please RSVP by sending an email to
Would you like to take a leadership role at AES? I am looking for a parent and community member to be on our AES Leadership Team. This team will meet 3 times a year, and the primary function would be to collaborate with the school's leadership team about school improvement efforts in all areas and how to spend our Title 1 funding. If you are interested, please contact me at Again, we value your partnership and we welcome your involvement with important decisions for the school.
I wish you a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
SAVE THE DATE - April 20th
First Friends Preschool Students are Studying Owls Too!
lunch change for next week
a note from Mr. Stultz
Greetings from Ms. Gregg, School Counselor
It's Raining in Mrs. Difolco's class
Looking up at the clouds will never be the same again with all the information learned!
Stephanie Syre-Hager, Principal
Location: 10 School Street, Antrim, NH, USA
Phone: 603-588-6371
Twitter: @aes_ssh