Northern Southland College
Newsletter - 11 February , Term 1 Week 2
11 February 2022
Kia ora koutou
A special welcome to our new NSC students. This year we have 38 new students attending our College made up of 32 Year 7s, one Year 9, three Year 10s, one Year 12 and one Year 13 student. This brings our school roll to 211, a fabulous number that represents the continued growth of our College.
As well as new students attending NSC, I am delighted to introduce our new teachers, Mr John and Mr Webb. We are fortunate to have them join Northern Southland College.
On our first day with all students and staff I shared this whakatauki, “He waka eke noa”. The translation – we are all in this together. In 2022 we must look after ourselves and each other. We know that the whole Covid situation isn’t ideal but if we show care and respect to each other then we will get through this.
A few reminders for 2022:
1. It is a legal requirement for all students and staff to wear a mask indoors (except those with exemptions). We have been taking mask breaks in our classes when required. We know that wearing a mask is not enjoyable, but we will get used to this. If doctors and retail workers can wear a mask for hours on end, then we will be ok. It is also a legal requirement to wear a mask when travelling on school transport. Please support us in encouraging our students to wear a mask when required.
2. Please do not send your child to school if they are the slightest bit unwell (sore throat, runny nose, cough, headache). Contact your medical practitioner or Healthline (0800 611 116) for further advice if required.
3. When Covid ‘arrives’ in Southland we are expected to identify close and casual contacts as soon as possible. Staff and students may be directed to self-isolate with very little warning. We are preparing for various scenarios so that we can continue to provide education for our students. Be prepared for teaching and learning to happen remotely as we may not have the ability to teach students at school.
4. The Ministry of Education continues to help families that have little or no internet connectivity at home. Please contact the school office so that we can help before any distance teaching and learning occurs. In this situation we will make our school chrome books available to families that require them.
5. The Covid virus is transmitted when a person is asymptomatic (do not know they have it). The Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education recommendations to keep ourselves, our family and community as safe as possible is to follow good hygiene practices (hand wash, sanitise, cough etiquette), social distance where possible, wear a mask and get vaccinated.
6. We will send out information on our school app. If you have not already done so please sign up for our school app. Go to your Apple or Android app store and search 'SchoolAppsNZ'. Then please take the time to sign up to Northern Southland College and then for specific alerts relating to your family (student year level, sports teams, bus, etc).
Ngā mihi
Pete Wilkinson
Upcoming Events
- Year 7 Camp - Tuesday 15 Feb - Friday 18 Feb
- Athletics Day - Wednesday 23 Feb
- PPTA union meeting - Thursday 24 Feb
- Athletics Postponement day - Friday 25 Feb
- Year 9 Camp - Monday 28 Feb - Friday 4 Mar
PPTA Paid Union Meeting
Sarah Mee Memorial - Unveiling
On Wednesday we acknowledged Ms Mee's one year anniversary with an official opening of her commemorative seat, plaque and garden area. We hope that at some point we will all have the opportunity to use the seat to read, reflect and remember our dear Ms Mee - an integral part of our school.
Te Anau Compact-Sporting, 30 January 2022
Cade McLachlan awarded the Mark Harris Memorial Trophy (High Overall) for shooting the most targets for the day against some very experienced Compact shooters.
Southland Districts Championships Gorge Road, 6 February 2022
Cade McLachlan – Winner C Grade – Mini’s, Double Rise, Single Rise, Single Barrell, HOA C Grade and awarded the Brun Trophy (High Overall) C Grade DTL
Duncan Durling – Winner B Grade – Mini’s and Double Rise
Grace Naylor – Winner B Grade – Single Rise
We are looking for any keen Cricketers (Yr 7-9) to play for an NSC team this term. Please let Michelle Elder know if your child is wanting to play, or alternatively, follow this link to register your child
The first practice is Thursday 17 February 3.30pm on NSC Grounds. Anyone is most welcome, even just to come along and see what it’s about.
Valentines Day - February 14
The Year 13s will be playing cupid, bring one dollar to be able to write a letter and send someone a rose. Remember!! a valentine doesn't have to be your crush! It can be a friend or a sibling! all types of love are welcome!!
HPV Vaccine - Year 8 Students
The HPV vaccine is funded for girls and boys aged 9-26 years (inclusive) with all students in Year 8 able to have the HPV immunisation at school. The HPV vaccine protects against future infection from nine types of human papillomavirus that lead to cervical, anal, genital, mouth and throat cancers, as well as genital warts. The HPV vaccine is the final immunisation given as part of New Zealand’s free childhood immunisation programme.
All Year 8 students have been given a form to take home which includes detailed information about the immunisation. Please complete the form, either consenting or declining the school-based immunisation programme and return the form to school before Monday 14 February.
The first HPV vaccine will be administered at school between late February and mid-May 2022. The second and final HPV vaccine will be administered at school a minimum of 6 months after the first. If a student is absent on the vaccination day, the HPV Immunisation Team will revisit school on a later date to vaccinate.
The HPV vaccine can be given on the same day or week as the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. There is no need for any spacing between the two.
We will be abiding by any health measures that are required at the time of visiting schools.
Further information about HPV and the vaccine can be found at: or or you are welcome to contact the local HPV Immunisation Team by emailing or phoning (03) 214 6436 or 0800 800 249.
Orientation Day - The Year 7s were welcomed to NSC with a tour of the school, activities with the Year 13s, and finishing off with a BBQ.
St John First Aid Course
Applications for BLAKE Inspire have been extended and now close 20 February!
BLAKE Inspire is our annual environmental leadership programme and together with the Ministry for the Environment, we are looking for up to 100 young leaders from across the country to participate in one of our three programmes in either April, August or October.
If you are a current Year 11-13 student who is interested in the environment and spending a week with like-minded peers, then make sure you apply for our fully-funded programme today.
BLAKE Inspire delegates will work with scientists and environmental leaders to develop leadership skills and learn about environmental issues and how to take action to tackle them. Fully-funded by the Ministry for the Environment and zero cost to the students, delegates just need to bring their passion for the environment, commitment, and energy!
Applications are in two parts and now close at midnight on Sunday 20 February
Don't miss out on this epic opportunity, and please reach out if any questions!
The following link takes you to the Blake Inspire page
Year 12 Camp
Year 12 Camp - 11-13 December
Peer Support Training
Peer Support Training
Peer Support Training
Contacting the College
Ring 03 248 7121 and follow the prompts, text 027 248 7121, or use the absence feature on the school app.
Parents/Caregivers are also required to give the College notice if students are leaving early. Please do this by either phoning, using the app or texting the above number.
Contact Us
Location: 51 Maria Street, Lumsden 9730, New Zealand
Phone: 03 248 7121