Stonybrook School Weekly Update #14
December 14th, 2023
A December to Remember at Stonybrook
December has been a busy month at Stonybrook. From our Holiday Winter Concerts to our 3rd-Grade Traditions Around the World Presentations to learning how to make Latkes, our students have been engaged in several different activities. The last week of December will bring a few more 3rd-Grade classroom presentations, class parties, and special events each day for our staff and students.
Stonybrook Student Council Toy Drive
Our Stonybrook Student Council members have been collecting donations for their St. Joseph's Hospital Toy Drive and Hugs from Hayden over the past few weeks.
Student Council members also collected toys and items for Hugs From Hayden. These items included holiday gifts/toiletries such as dish detergent, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand soap, toothpaste, kids toothpaste, kids Band-Aids, art sets, board games, and Barbie's.
Thank you to all of our families for your generosity and for making this Toy Drive a huge success!
Stonybrook School Choir and Band Holiday Winter Concerts
This week we held our Holiday Winter Concerts for our 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade choir as well as for our 5th Grade Band students. Their performances were amazing! Thank you to Mrs. Sulling and Mr. Tedesco for putting together two wonderful concerts. Thank you to our students who did an amazing job and Thank you to all of our families that attended!
Holiday Gift Shoppe
This week our students had the opportunity to shop at the Holiday Gift Shoppe! Thank you to KEHSA and to all of our parent volunteers for making the Holiday Shoppe so enjoyable for our students.
December Fun at Stonybrook School
Please see the attached flyer for special events that will be held at Stonybrook each day next week. Thank you.
KEHSA Pizza Fundraiser
December 22nd is a Minimum Day for our students. KEHSA will again be holding a pizza fundraiser. The form was sent home with your child on Friday afternoon and it is also attached below. We ask that the form be returned with the money if you are ordering. Thank you for your support.
PEEC Parent Information Meeting
Our first PEEC Parent Information Meeting will be held on January 11, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the Stonybrook Band Room.
Save The Date
We are happy to annouce that on February 2, 2024, we will be holding a 5th Grade Dance. More information will be sent home as the date approaches.
Important Upcoming Dates
December 22nd: Minimum Day for staff and students
December 22nd: KEHSA Pizza Fundraiser (Information will be sent out this week)
December 22nd: Report Cards will be available to families
December 25th to January 1st: Winter Break - School is closed
January 2nd: School Reopens
January 11th: PEEC Parent Information Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
January 25th Strategic Planning Meeting #3
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is located in the cafeteria. If your child has lost a coat or sweatshirt, please have them check the coat rack in the cafeteria. Pictures will be sent home at the end of this week as a reference in case your child has lost a clothing item.
Important Reminders
As the weather becomes colder, please label your child's coat or sweatshirt with their name/grade.
As long as the temperature outdoors remains at 32 degrees and above, students will have outdoor recess.
Please make sure that they have a coat/sweatshirt to wear while outside at recess.
Please label your child's water bottle with their name/grade.
Please make sure that your child has their Chromebook with them when they come to school each day.
Thank you.