The Latest at Lowell
An update from Principal Hessler (5/14/23)
Fun in the Sun!
Boozhoo, buenos días and greetings Lowell families!
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, mothers at heart, and the special caregivers to our Lowell Students!
We have entered the super fun time of year when classes are heading out on field trips, teacher are leading projects that combine all the learning from throughout the year, and classes can spend large amounts of time outside reading, writing and discovering the natural world. It´s a high energy time of year.
We are in full blown planning mode for the next school year as well. We are a big school, and will be even bigger next year. As a staff, we are trying to minimize the feelings of chaos and keep the feelings of a unique learning community centered around the growth of our students. Some changes are easier said than done at our size.
We are also looking at our MCA scores, spring FAST results and our 5th grade STAMP immersion proficiency data to figure out where we need to adjust and improve our instructional methods. Some of these conversations take place at Lowell and others take place district wide. We want to improve and do better every year.
In this newsletter, you will find information on the following:
- Spring FAST testing
- Lowell´s Goldfine Teaching Award Nominee
- Classroom placements for 23/24
- End of the year climate survey
- Lowell Concert
- Cultural Night
- PTA Corner
- Save the Date
- Community Offerings
In educational solidarity,
Eve Hessler
Spring FAST testing
Teachers will also use the data to help determine end of the year report card grades. If you have questions about your students progress, don´t hesitate to reach out to your student´s teacher.
Students in Misaabekong and Nueva Visión immersion programs will also test in English, a requirement for the Read Well by Three law in the state of Minnesota.
Lowell's Goldfine Teacher Nominee - Mrs. Amy Larson
Mrs. Larson is in her 26th year as a teacher, having spent time in 1st and 3rd grade at different sites across Duluth. She is a strong teacher that advances her students´ academic and social abilities. Within the school, she has been the Reading Corps coach, union steward, and curriculum committee member. She has hosted upwards of 30 student teachers and has been a mentor to many new teachers. Within the Duluth community, she is an active volunteer for Courage Kenny, a member of COGGS that performs trail maintenance, was a youth soccer coach for years, a board member at Hartley and for the Lacrosse Wolfpack organization, a coach for the girls mountain biking development team and a Girls on the Run coach at Lowell during its very first season. There is so much to say about Mrs. Larson, and the list above, only a sampling of what she does, shows just how deserving she is of this award.
Good luck, Mrs. Larson!
Classroom Placements for the 2023-2024 School Year
Some families have already reached out regarding teacher requests. WE DO NOT GUARANTEE TEACHER REQUESTS, only note them. Sometimes students end up with that teacher, sometimes not. We have many, many needs and characteristics to think about and will place our students with a lens toward equity and how to help our most struggling students succeed.
Your family insights are important to us. You can give us some guiding ideas by filling out our Family Input Form for Class Placements 23/24. The form will be open through May 26th.
Physical Education Newsletter
Family Climate Survey - end of the year
You can access the survey here or via the QR code in the poster below.
Lowell Concert - Thursday, May 25 9:00 & 11:00
- KG, 1st, 2nd - 9:00
- 3rd, 4th, 5th - 11:00
Families with students in both levels are invited to stay and hang out in the gym during intermission.
Limited seating will be available. Be prepared to stand.
Parking will be VERY limited. PLEASE USE THE SHUTTLE BUS FROM THE VINEYARD CHURCH starting at 8:15 and 10:30.
Multicultural Night- May 19, 5:00 - 7:00
This is a great chance to appreciate, learn from and celebrate in the diversity of the families in our community. Lowell is excited to host this unique event.
Volunteers needed!! Sign up here if you are able to work as a volunteer for set up or take down.
PTA Corner
And the daily events for Teacher Appreciation Week was enough to make every staff member at Lowell feel loved and grateful to work in such a great community.
Please join us on Thursday, May 18 at 6:00 via Zoom for our last PTA meeting of the year.
Save the Date:
May 17 Fit & Fun Run, 9:15 - 11:15 (3rd - 5th Grade)
May 19 Mutlicultural Night at Lowell, 5:00 - 7:00
May 25 Lowell Spring Concert, 9:00 KG-2, 11:00 3-5
May 26 All School Bingo! 1:15 - 2:00
June 2 Lowell Alumni Graduating Seniors run the halls, 10:10
June 6 5th Grade Graduation, 11:50 - 12:20 - Lowell Main Entry
June 8 Field Day and LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!
Lowell Elementary
Nathan Anderson, Assistant Principal
Rachel Beilke, Lead Clerical
Brooke Gauthier, Attendance Clerical
Attendance Line 218-336-8895, option 2
Email: lowell@isd709.org
Website: https://lowell.isd709.org/
Location: 2000 Rice Lake Road, Duluth, MN, USA
Phone: 218-336-8895
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lowelllions