The Pirate Treasure
MAY 5, 2023
Speed Stacks came to the Primary gym.The students learned how to stack 3-3-3, how to play Stack Tag, and Triple Up and Triple Down Tower Relay using the big cups. The kids really enjoyed learning how to Speed Stacks.
We learned about movements making paper airplanes in Science lab. The kids enjoyed flying them all across the room.
Upcoming Events
ABC Countdown Continues 5/5-5/18
Friday, May 5
Letter M: Cinco de Mayo day
Monday, May 8
Letter N-Number Day- Play Number Games
Tuesday, May 9
Letter O- Organizing Day- Get organized for the rest of the year!
Wednesday, May 10
Letter P-Pet Day- bring a stuffed pet to school
Thursday, May 11
Letter Q-Queen Day- Treat girls like Queens! Girls line up first
Friday, May 12
Letter R:Rainbow Day- Wear your favorite color of the rainbow
Monday, May 15
Letter S- School Spirt Day- Wear! Wear your school colors
Tuesday, May 16
Letter T-Teacher Day- Dress up like a teacher
Wednesday, May 17
Letter U- Under Day- Read and Work under tables/desks
Thursday, May 18
Letter V-Victory Day- EOY Testing is over- Share a goal you achieved
May 5
GT - Create Field Trip @ Region Vll
8:30 am-2:00 pm
May 10
School Nurse Day-We appreciate Nurse Mallori!
Kinder Visits Birch & Parking
1:30 pm
May 12
Big Kahuna Field Trip-All who sold 2 or more kits will go to G-force
8:30 am-10:30 pm
May 18
Pirate of the Month Announced @ 2:15 pm
V for Vehicle! Career Parade @ 1:30 pm
The students of Birch Elementary School celebrated a Hat Day/Pajama Day for great attendance and hard work on STAAR. We are extremely proud of the tenacious spirit of our little Pirates!
Our students love building relationships with friends as they exercise in P.E. Coach Daniels and Coach Strawbridge do an awesome job of encouraging our students to reach their full potential!
The 3rd grade CEER class spends time daily growing their literacy skills through book clubs.
Our Birch First family celebrated Administrative Assistant’s Day because our office staff is the BEST in the world!
PARKWAY ELEMENTARY - Field Day 2023 & Dia del Niño
Our Parkway Pack enjoyed the end of last week with our annual Field Day. Last Thursday the rain held off for our 1st and 2nd graders to enjoy their field day. We finished the week on Friday with our 3rd and 4th graders. Our 1st and 2nd graders showed off their athleticism with the 4-by-100 meter relay, the 75 meter run, 100 meter run, softball throw, long jump, and the famous obstacle course.
On Friday, it was our 3rd and 4th graders turn. They participated in the relay, 100 meter run, 200 meter run, softball throw, long jump, and the obstacle course. It was a great time!
Coach Haught and Stafford would like to thank our high school PALS students, the Interact Club at the high school, the Jr High Student Council, and our Parkway Pack peeps for helping us run a smooth and enjoyable field day for everyone.
Here are our Fastest Class Relay WINNERS for each grade level.
1st grade - Mrs. Copeland’s class
2nd grade - Mrs. Jame's class
3rd grade - Mrs. Morrow’s class
4th grade - Mrs. Sikes’ class
Dia del Niño
Some of our Packway Pack members celebrated Dia del Niño day or Children's Day. They had special guests read to them, received candy, made sombreros, and played games. They had such a fun time with each other.
Big things are happening at Pine Tree Middle School. As we complete our STAAR testing this week, we are happy to show off what we have learned. Students are planning several field trips and, of course, a fun field day.
Fifth Grade CEER students presented a play for our school last week. Under the direction of Mrs. Mulford and Mrs. Parker, students became great detectives across our stage and entertained us all with a little bit of a twist while performing “Law & Order - A Fairy Tale Unit.”
The story of crime and mystery blended into a fairy tale of characters searching for evidence was entertaining for our students.
The fifth grade Art classes have transformed our sidewalks into a gallery of chalk art this week, while enjoying the warm weather and sunny days.
Mrs. Brandina Ednie is our Newcomer of the Year. Mrs. Ednie is always working hard to help her students. She teaches 6th grade ELAR and loves finding new ways to help her pirates learn in her classroom.
Employee of the Year is Mrs. Donna Kistner. She goes above and beyond on the middle school campus to support teachers with curriculum, pull small groups and keep students engaged with books. We are lucky to have both of these ladies on campus.
Pine Tree Junior High Athletes are going strong into the month of May. PTJH Lady Pirate Soccer A & B teams scrimmaged Mt. Pleasant Monday, May 1st at Pirate Stadium. B Team came away with a great win and A Team played hard but came up short. Nice job ladies!
Our PTJH dancers and Color Guard participated in the Precision's annual Spring Show on April 28th. It’s awesome to see them show off their hard work and talent on the same stage as our PTHS dancers! Great job ladies!
As our elementary campuses held their annual Field Day events, our amazing PTJH Student Council, led by 8th Grade Teacher Kimberly Snapp, came to help at each of the events! They had a great time working with our younger pirates!
Our PTJH female athletes reaped the rewards of their annual fundraiser by enjoying some time at G-Force! Coach Karissa Temaat would like to thank everyone who helped make their fundraiser a huge success!
Mrs. Dalston has a trio of 7th grade robotics students who have made school history by qualifying for the VEX Robotics World Championship. Adrienne Davis, Levi Walker, and Logan Blondrage, all 12-year-old 7th graders, competed in the VEX Robotics World Championships in Dallas, April 25th-May 4th!
In the photo below, students are setting up their PTISD booth at the world championships! Coach Amanda Dalston says they enjoyed their experience working with and getting to know students from all over the world!
School is winding down at Pine Tree High School. Classes are only a couple of weeks away from ending, sports and activities are nearing their completion and students are anxiously looking toward summer vacation. Seniors are anxiously looking forward to graduation, which will be Thursday, May 25 at 8 p.m. at Pine Tree Stadium.
While the weather is getting warmer and activities are slowing, there is still a lot to get done before the year ends. Yearbooks will arrive on campus Friday and be available for those who have already purchased to pick up. Also, there are still 40 copies available for sale for students who have not yet bought a book.
Valedictorian Grant Beakley and Salutatorian Asyiah Bray will be delivering speeches at graduation this year, and they are busy working on the words they want to say to the graduating class of 2023. Beakley will be attending Texas A&M while Bray will attend Rice University.
End of the year banquets are planned by several groups, and the Choir will host the Pop Show on Friday, May 12 in the PTHS theatre. The Precision Drill team presented a wonderful show in the theatre this past weekend, and The Pride also has an end of the year concert on May 15 in the PTHS theatre. This will showcase the talents of the young people and end the year on a high note.
Senior awards is set for May 11, with the Senior Breakfast, Senior Walk and Senior Picnic will be held on Friday, May 19. That is also the last day of classes for underclassmen before final exams begin on Monday, May 22nd.
This has been a good school year, according to PTHS administrators. The school has seen great success in a lot of areas, and students have really stepped it up as far as academics and other important areas of education.
So as the year ends and the high school gets ready for a much deserved vacation, we can say Gung Ho, young scholars!
ExCEL would like to recognize our latest graduate, Nyla Williams. Nyla was accepted into the ExCEL program this school year. She had taken a math class in the Edgenuity program her junior year and really liked the program as it helped her with her greatest academic weakness, Math.
Nyla, like most students who come to ExCEL, was able to work at a much quicker pace than in a traditional classroom. Her advice to all students who come to ExCEL is to take advantage of that fact and work on the program after school, on the weekends and even on school breaks. She was able to do this despite having a part-time job in addition to school work.
She describes herself as having a good personality and as being "super goofy." She works hard at being kind to others. Her hobbies include swimming and singing.
After graduation, she plans to attend Kilgore College and complete KC's cosmetology program.
PTHS UIL Academics team placed 6th out of 58 teams at the Region 2 meet hosted by UT Arlington, advancing the 3rd highest number of competitors to the state meet in Austin May 16 - 18. First place teams and 1st - 3rd place individuals advance to the state meet.
The following teams advanced to the state meet:
Literary Criticism – Region 2 Champions
Travis Johnson
Natalie Hunt
Noah Sims
Asyiah Bray
Spelling and Vocabulary – Region 2 Champions
Stefany Paz
Katherine Castillo
Damil Arogo
Nick Sanchez
Barbara Jordan Historical Essay Contest
Elena Bazan, State Finalist
The following individuals placed at the region meet:
Travis Johnson – Literary Criticism Champion
Natalie Hunt – Literary Criticism, 2nd place
Aubrey Wickerson – Poetry Interpretation, 2nd place
Aiden McQueary – Persuasive Speaking, 3rd place
Andrew Meek – Copy Editing, 5th place