Wolverine Weekly
GHMS Updates and Notes (02/14/24)
Principal's Corner
Early Release & Count Day TODAY 2/14
Count Day is critical, as it directly impacts our school's funding and resources. When students are present from 1st to 7th hour, it secures the necessary funding for our students. Kindly ensure your child arrives on time and stays the full day. Thank you for contributing to our school's success!
School is dismissed at 1:10. Tutoring will be held from 1:15-3:15 in room 111. Athletic practices are modified - contact coaches for details.
Literacy Night Highlights
Thank you to all who joined our recent 6-12 Literacy Night! With 117 participants, your enthusiasm made the event a success. Special thanks to our Secondary English, Social Studies, EL, and Special Education teachers for their leadership. Your support fosters a love for learning and strengthens our school community. We appreciate your participation and look forward to more events together!
(Click pictures to enlarge)
Staff Shout-Out Opportunity
The middle school team works hard to ensure your child is safe, learning, and a valued member of our building. If you'd like to commend a staff member for their exceptional work, please click here to complete this form. We look forward to sharing your positive messages with staff and our families alike.
After-School Tutoring: Available Every Day!
Our regular school day concludes at 2:35 pm. Students MUST exit the building at this time, unless they are part of the Team 21 program, attending after-school tutoring, participating in a school club, or engaged in athletic practices for a current team.
📚 Tutoring Opportunities:
For students seeking extra support, tutoring services are offered right after school until 3:15 pm. Students interested in tutoring should head directly to the media center. Once a student leaves the building, reentry will not be permitted. We kindly ask parents to ensure prompt pickup after tutoring at 3:15, as the main office closes at 3:30 pm daily.
MS Dance 2/16
Get ready to dance the night away at the Godwin Middle School Valentine's Dance! The theme is "Sweet As Candy". We believe everyone should feel comfortable and confident, so wear whatever makes you feel your best.
Date: February 16, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: Godwin Middle School Gym
Tickets are for sale in the PRIDE store during lunch and at the door day-of.
Ticket Prices:
General Admission: $2
VIP: $7 (includes includes a pop, chip and cookie, plus 1 photo at the photo booth).
Health & Wellness Committee Meeting 3/26
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Click here to place your order or scan the QR code below. Don't miss out on the memories!
Weekend Food Assistance Available
Exciting news! Hand2Hand signup is back for the 2nd semester at Godwin Heights Middle School. If your family could benefit from weekend food assistance, CLICK HERE to sign up.
How it works:
- Free and confidential participation.
- At the end of the week students who are signed up for the program will receive a minimum of 10 food items from the Hand2Hand pantry located on the school campus. These food items will be a combination of breakfast, snacks, lunch and/or dinner items. While the food items are meant for the student, they can be shared among the family as well. (Please note: if your student or another family member has food allergies it will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to check the food your student brings home each week to ensure the food doesn’t contain ingredients which could cause an allergic reaction).
To learn more about Hand2Hand, please visit their website: http://h2hkids.org.
FREE COVID Tests in Office
If students have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, they are asked to go home.
If students or staff are COVID positive and asymptomatic or well enough to return to school (No fever for 24 hours), a well-fitting mask is encouraged. Nothing is required.
If your child tests positive, please notify the building office. We are still required by health code to report positive cases as a communicable disease.
We have free COVID tests in the office, available for all interested staff and parents.
Parents Right to Know
As a Title One school, our building receives funding from the federal government to support instruction. In order to receive that funding, we must communicate specific information with our families. Linked below is a letter letting you know that, at any time, you may request information about the qualifications of the staff working in our building. If you have any questions regarding this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our State and Federal Programs Director, Mary Lang. She can be reached via email at lang@godwinschools.org or by phone at 616-252-2030.
District Newsletter - Winter 2023 Edition
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Contact Us
Email: susie.yoder@godwinschools.org
Website: https://ms.godwinschools.org/
Location: 100 Wexford St SE, Wyoming, MI, USA
Phone: 616-252-2070
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GodwinMiddle